na (natsukio) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
natsukio 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

How are you? I like the TV very much. I already have the 46 inch and 55 inch versions (Sony doesn't sell the 40 inch version in the U.S). Since the U.S. and Japan have similar power and both use the NTSC color standard, I figured the 40 inch TV would work fine here.

I'm still trying to learn if there is an English menu option (at setup). I've read that Sony and Panasonic disable the languages other than Japanese on their domestic (made for Japan) televisions. If there isn't a way to display English, I'm going to get someone here in the San Diego area to translate the setup screens from Japanese to English for me. I will let you know how the setup process goes. Thank you for the 3D glasses!




natsukio 英語 → 日本語

We received a package from Guice for you today, but it did not have your correct or complete address on the shipping label.

To avoid delays, please update your shipping address with Guice. Your shipping address should look like this:

Disuke Ogawa
4283 Express Lane
Suite W3143
Sarasota, FL 34238

Each package that arrives at our facility with an incorrect or incomplete address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and incurs an address correction charge of US $5.

To avoid delays and charges, please notify merchants of your correct address. If we can be of any assistance, please contact Customer Service via email or live chat.




Disuke Ogawa
4283 Express Lane
Suite W3143
Sarasota, FL 34238



natsukio 英語 → 日本語

Actually ..... no .... My dad is in the hospital so its been abit crazy (time wise) with me the last week or so.

We are going to try something new with Marshall .... since I cant possibly have it all in stock all the time - as much as I try - I am going to have thier public wharehouse ship to you directly in FL.

That way, you can order anything and any amount and we can save time. They are in Virginia. So If I dont have everything (like right now where I only have 6 regular majors)(12 white major & 12 pitch black as well) they can ship directly to you rather then it come up here (2 days transit) then back town to you in FL (3 more days). It will only take 3 instead of 5 days! Better, no ?

So, that being said -




