monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 12-2
A relaxed, collegiate style and dislike of status symbols was balanced by a demanding attitude towards performance and meeting deadlines. When people left, Microsoft's research suggested that it was because the challenges ran out. But perhaps the most telling test of the Microsoft culture was that so many of the original early employees remained for so long, and indeed continue to do so. A lot of people have become millionaires through taking advantage of the company's stock options. They could easily have retired, but in many cases, for many years, they chose not to.

As one Microsoft manager put it: 'What else would they do with their lives? Where else could they have so much fun?'




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Page 4-3
Since the early days of Microsoft, Gates pursued his vision of 'a computer on every desk and in every home'. (Interestingly, the original slogan was 'a computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft software', but the last part was often left off, because it seemed too self-serving.)

Looking back now, the spread of personal computers from the office into the home seems almost inevitable. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Foresight, however, is much more lucrative, as Gates has shown. It is important to remember, too, that the ubiquitous screens and keyboards that we all take for granted today were the stuff of science fiction just a couple of decades ago.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

But despite his impact on the business world you won't find many clues to the Gates management technique or leadership style in business schools. In fact, the management professors and gurus are strangely silent on what makes the Microsoft chairman and philanthropist so successful. Perhaps they feel slighted. Gates, after all, dropped out of Harvard where he was majoring in law. The academics prefer more conventional business leaders - the traditional company men.

Where, then, should we turn for an insight into what makes this remarkable man tick? Where better than Microsoft's early foray into the online encyclopedia market with Encarta.


しかし、ビジネス世界での彼のインパクトにもかかわらず、ビジネススクールにおいてあなたはゲイツのマネージメントテクニックやリーダーシップのスタイルへの手掛かりをあまり見つけないだろう。実際、マネージメントの教授と指導者は、何がMicrosoftの社長と慈善者をそれほど成功させているかには奇妙に口をつぐんでいる。おそらく、彼らは侮辱されたと感じているのだろう。ゲイツは、何と言っても、彼が法律を専攻していたハーバードを中退した。学者連は、もっと慣習的なビジネスリーダー - 伝統的な会社人間 - を好む。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

(We have been working on this model for over a year! We started retail market testing (Amazon) only 2 months ago and started Wholesale-sales only 2 weeks ago!) So you are right on time!

Again, with no commitment I would say that I would be inclined to revisit your request for Exclusive rights in the near future. If things pan out well for us and we see you are indeed going through large quantities quickly, we would want to secure the market-prices for you.

At the moment, Japanese customers ordering from pay $100 and have a 2 week wait-time for the package to arrive from the U.S. It leaves you the possibility to match our prices (or even go higher) while offering a much-faster delivery time.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Solbi reveals her where abouts through photos

Singer Sol Bi confidently revealed her how abouts.

On the 11th she posted on her Twitter "Ah! a plane trip after a long time... I was happy because I wanted to stay longer. I'm going to work hard this year".

She also commented "Our country is the best!!^^" along with photos.

In the revealed photo, Sol Bi showed off her innocence with ear phones in her ears.

In another photo, she showed off her sense of style. She looked as if she was in a photoshoot.

Netizens who saw the photo commented "Unnie where are you coming from? you got prettier~", "looks like she's in middle of a fashion show", and etc...



歌手のSol Biは自信を持ってどうしているのかを明かした。



明かされた写真において、Sol Biは、耳にイアフォンをした無邪気な姿を見せている。
