monagypsy 翻訳実績

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Anyway, the point I’m trying to get at here is that having just one plan is risky. We need many plans to suit many many different scenarios to achieve our goals. A desperate situation calls for desperate actions. But while in a favorable situation, a bullish plan would be more suitable. You get the drift.

On our team, we’re relentlessly focused on the product and the vision. Our product is content, so we need to maintain a good quality of content, writing, and form. We also have an event coming up, and we’re working hard to keep the content quality high and also ensure a good experience for all who attend, as well as those who don’t. Our vision is to push the Asia community forward, as best we can.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

iOS Download Stats for China Show the Importance of App Localization [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

New statistics showing the popularity of various free and paid iOS apps in China show the great importance of localization. And now that China is the second-biggest downloader of free – or freemium – iPhone and iPad apps, it’s even more critical to a game’s success that it comes with Chinese language translations throughout the app and download page.

These stats from AppAnnie also highlight a strong desire in Asia for apps that have a local language name – particularly so in mainland China, Taiwan, and South Korea.






monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Before we look at the infographics, remember that Apple rolled out easier RMB payments in China this month (these stats are from September, prior to that new development), and so Mandarin-language paid apps should be considered more of a priority from now on.

Global Free iOS Downloads, Revenue

Although China now accounts for 12 percent of all the world’s free iOS app downloads, it accounts for only 2 percent of revenue for developers. But, as I said with the new payments system, this will now slowly change, and freemium might become less of a trend on Apple’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) smartphone platform in China.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Is China’s Dropbox? Cloud Storage is Booming!

Cloud storage is super useful now! Gone are the days where you have to lug around a portable storage device such as USB stick or a larger sized hard drive just to transfer files from one computer to another. A start-up based in Shanghai, called, is looking to be a comprehensive cloud storage service for China, or a Dropbox of China.

Just last night, my girlfriend knew she had to work on some homework so she Dropbox-ed something to her account so she could work on it at my place and exclaimed “I love Dropbox!” Dropbox was a Y-Combinator start-up last valued at US$4 billion! The problem or opportunity for China is that Dropbox is blocked here.


Yun.ioは中国のDropboxか?Cloud Storageは人気上昇!

Cloud Storageは今とても有益である!コンピューターから別のコンピューターへファイルをトランスファーするためだけにUSBスティックや大きなサイズのハードドライブのようなポータブル記憶デバイスを持ち歩かなければならない日々は過ぎ去った。上海を拠点とするスタートアップYun.ioは、中国の統合的なクラウド記憶サービスもしくは中国のDropboxであるようだ。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

The sector is not new in China and there are already a few major players vying for consumer love in this hot space. Just today, we reported Baidu is setting up a mobile cloud computing division. Shanda also has a cloud storage and file transfer service called Shand Note. I’ve also written about another type of quick file transfer start-up called from New York. works much in the same way Dropbox does, whereby you install it onto your computer. It creates folder on your computer, which looks like it’s on your hard drive but actually sits on the magical cloud. When you want to save a file to it, you simply save it to the folder.


その部門は中国においてあたらしくないが、すでにいくつかの主要なプレイヤーがこの熱いスペースにおいて消費者の愛を競い合っている。今日、私達はBaidu がモバイルクラウドコンピューティング部門を設立していると報告した。Shandaも、Shand Noteと呼べレル、クラウド記憶、ファイルトランスファーサービスを持つ。私はmin.usと呼ばれるニューヨークからの迅速なファイルトランスファースタートアップの別のタイプについても書く。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語
原文 is also making file sharing more social by allowing people to give access to others by creating a simple link. For example, when talking on RenRen of QQ, you can post the link and people can download the files straight away, rather than transferring huge files and eating up bandwidth. works with Mac, Windows and Linux clients. They will also release mobile versions for both Android and iOS soon. It is currently in Beta.

However cloud storage comes with certain risks. If you don’t ‘physically’ have it stored on your device but instead, sits in the ‘cloud’, who actually controls it and what is stopping other people from hacking into it?





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

▲ Video of Shakr’s pitching at the TechCrunch Disrupt

・Value creation

In short, Shakr is a service of combining text with images easily. For example, it imports an article from the New York Times or CBS News site, extracts key words from it and combines them with images or video clips exported from else where. The article is read out by TTS (Text-To-Speech), with 3D images implemented by Web GL technology. Price? None! “It’s not Shakr’s way to put a business model first. For now, we just focus on value creation for users,” says Lee, revealing his product philosophy. He believes that a business model comes naturally when he observes users feeling a moment of, to quote his words, “Magical Aha!”.


▲TechCrunch DisruptのShakrのピッチでのビデオ


要するに、Shakrはテキストと画像を簡単に結合するためのサービスである。例えば、New York TimesやCBS Newsサイトから記事をインポートし、それからキーワードを抽出する。そして、それらを別の所からエクスポートした画像や動画クリップと結合する。記事はTTS(Text-To-Speech)によって読みだされ、Web GLテクノロジーによって3D画像と共に実行される。価格?そんなものはない!「ビジネスモデルありきというのはShakrのやり方ではない。今のところ、私達はユーザーへの価値創世にのみ焦点を絞っている」とLeeは述べ、彼の製品哲学を明かしている。彼は、ユーザーが、彼の言葉を引用すると「マジカルだ!」と感じる瞬間を見る時、ビジネスモデルはおのずと訪れると信じている。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

In addition to the service of combining news with images, Shakr is now preparing another service: life video. As the name suggests, this service is about recording important moments in one’s life. Lee expects that the service will be popular especially in Korea. “Many Koreans have a DSLR and they celebrate a lot of events: a first birthday party, wedding ceremony and even pepero day, to name a few. The other day, I wanted to make an album of photos taken at my kid’s first birthday party, but found that it would cost a lot and take quite some time before the album actually comes into my hands because all the work would be done manually at the studio.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Shakr announced the start of a private beta service for at Read Write Web Meetup Seoul and added that the life video service would start in March or April next year. (The beta service is available from its website if you are a facebook friend of any Shakr member.) Though devices like smartphones and tablet PCs are already part of our lives, the needs of lean back users have been looked over by most apps. Obviously, the TTS technology used by Shakr still has a lot to be improved, (it is rather funny to hear the New York Times read out by TTS), but isn’t it an intriguing idea that we can see and hear imaged news articles?


Shakrは、Read Write Web Meetup SeoulでのSha.kr用のプライベートベータサービスの開始を発表し、ライフビデオサービスは来年の3月か4月に始めると付け加えた。(あなたがShakrメンバーのFacebookフレンドなら、そのウェブサイトからベータサービスを利用できる。)スマートフォンやタブレットPCのようなデバイスはすでに私達の生活の一部となっているが、リーンバックユーザーのニーズは、ほとんどのアプリによって観察されている。明らかに、Shakrによって使用されるTTSテクノロジーは、改良されるべ所がたくさんある(New York TimesがTTSによって読みだしていると聞くのはむしろ面白い)が、私達がイメージ化されたニュース記事を見たり聞いたりできるなんて興味をそそるアイデアではないか?

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Dear genryu.mamachida5849,

I respect your opinion, however I do not agree with it at all. I have already analyzed the reasons why u are wrong, so there's no point in repeating the same things.

The fastest and the cheapest way to ship the items back are via a small priority flat rate box that costs $13.95. It usually takes 10-15 working days to get from US to Greece. It may take slightly longer due to the Holidays.

Of course u are free to chose any other way u like.

As soon as I receive them I will refund the purchase value and the original shipping price through your paypal account.

This is my address, in case u have thrown away the cover of the parcel.








monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Singapore’s Swiff Works Like Square, But For B2B

As many already know, Square, the oh-so-convenient mobile payment system, is only available in the U.S. So Asians like me can only read and wait for its availability in Asia. But not anymore, since we have Swiff, a made-in-Singapore, Square-like mobile payment solution. It is a mobile credit card reader and it’s available on iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

Swiff is produced by SCCP, a payment processing and solutions company which has been in the payment business for nine years. Since Square is making the headlines, many would assume that SCCP has copied Square’s idea.



