monagypsy 翻訳実績

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monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 28-2
'We set the standard', was an unofficial Microsoft slogan even before it signed the deal with IBM. It underlines the clarity of Gates' thinking from the very beginning. It explains his obsession with bringing new products to market first. Where someone got the jump on Gates, it also explains the ferocity with which Microsoft marketed its own version when it came out. In some cases, too, Gates simply bought a software company lock, stock and barrel if he believed it had established a significant technological lead on his own company with an important application. In doing so, he ensured that Microsoft dominated that market from the outset.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

While Google TV has been widely dubbed a flop, the company is planning on a full-fledged reboot in 2012 and is optimistic to say the least. Google-owned YouTube will undoubtedly be a default “channel” on all of those devices. At the same time, YouTube is investing heavily in premium programming, as well as designing user experiences for the big screen. When you combine these two forces — not to mention the prospect of an Apple TV and other emerging players in the connected TV space — YouTube is poised to disrupt the television landscape. We’ll likely get a glimpse at what lies ahead for YouTube in the living room next week at CES, where the company is set to host a press conference.


Google TVが失敗作だと称されているとはいえ、2012年において会社は本格的な物を再起動するつもりであり、何と言っても楽天的である。Googleの所有するYouTubeは、間違いなくそれらのデバイス全てでデフォルトの「チャンネル」となるであろう。同時に、YouTubeはプレミアムプログラミングや大画面でのユーザーエクスペリエンスのデザインに多大な投資を行っている。これら2つの力を合わせるとー接続型テレビスペースにおいてのApple TVや他のプレイヤーの将来性はもちろんーYouTubeはテレビの展望の崩壊する覚悟ができている。私達は、来週の会社が記者会見を行うCESで、YouTubeに何が待ち受けているのかを、リビングルームにて見ることにする。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

eBay has strict policies related to members' contact information. More information on these policies and reporting violations can be found at the following address:
If you feel your telephone number is being used for harassment, contact your phone company to report the situation. If you receive calls that threaten your property or personal safety, you may also report the incident to your local law enforcement agency.

Marketplace Safety Tip
eBay takes its members' privacy seriously. Your contact details are only ever shared in accordance with eBay's Privacy Policy. For example, to help facilitate transactions or to allow other members to contact you.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Jonathan Gardner is director of communications at ad company Vibrant Media. He has spent nearly two decades as an innovator at the nexus of media and technology, having worked in communications leadership roles and as a journalist around the world.

The egg nog’s been drunk, the bells are done jingling, and the mistletoe has been taken down. It’s time to ring in the new year with resolutions that’ll make 2012 one to remember — online and off. All signs point to an exciting year, with the arrival of new (and inevitably covetable) Apple devices. The expanding digital industry is destined to affect what we discuss, buy and watch, who we friend, what we Like, and how we share — all year long.


Jonathan Gardnerは広告会社Vibrant Mediaでコミュニケーションの取締役である。彼はメディアとテクノロジー関連でのイノベーターとして20年近く携わっており、コミュニケーションのリーダ的役割、世界を股にかけるジャーナリストとして従事している。

エッグノッグは飲み干され、ベルは鳴りやみ、ヤドリギは切り倒された。新年において2012年の決意を覚えておくための時であるーオンラインとオフ。新しい(そして必ず切望される)Appleのデバイスの到来と共に、全てのサインは刺激的な年を示唆している。拡大するデジタル産業は、私達が何を討議し、買い、見るか、誰と友達か、何が好きか、どのようにシェアーするかに影響を及ぼすであろう —一年中。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Interestingly, Changyou actually started out as a gaming business unit within The Sohu Group in 2003. It eventually became very successful, with several hits including Knight Online and Blade Online.

In December 2007, Changyou spun-off from Sohu. And in the same year, it also launched Novel of Eight Demigods, its biggest MMORPG hit and a game that remains popular to this day. That game also put Changyou on the global map as it was ranked as one of the “World’s Most Profitable Online Game Franchises” in 2009 by Forbes magazine. In April 2009, Changyou was publicly listed on NASDAQ. And today, it has acquired for $162.5 million from the company from which it was spun-off.

Boy, what a story!


興味深い事には、Changyouは実際2003年にSohu Group内でゲームビジネスユニットとしてスタートした。Knight OnlineやBlade Onlineを含むいくつかのヒットと共に、それは最終的にとても成功した。

