monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Hypothyroidism Obesity, Cushing’s Syndrome Obesity, Gonad Functonal Retardation Obesity etc,
separately caused by the thalamencephalon, pituitary, hypothyroid and gonad diseases. Among them.
Mostly Cushing’s Syndrome Obesity, Hypothyroidism Obesity happen to the adults,
Hypothalamus Obesity always to the children, which is caused by the craniopharyngioma

The equipment takes the strong ultrasonic heads to release 40,000Hz powerful ultrasonic,
speedy vibrates fatiness cells, produces countless vacuum air pocket in and out of cells,
mightily impacts the fatty cells, makes the cell membrane produce the inner cracking,
so as to dissolve the triglyceride to be the glycirin and free fatty acid.



機材は中性脂肪をグリセリンと脂肪酸に分解するため、強い超音波ヘッドで40,000Hz の強力な超音波を放出し、すばやく肥満細胞を振動させ、細胞の内側と外側に無数の真空のエアポケットを作り、それは強力に肥満細胞に衝撃を与え、細胞膜に内部のひび割れを作ります。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.2

The obesity means a certain extent overweight and fatness layer overdepth,
it is fatness in the body, especial is caused by the triglyceride accumulation too much.
The obesity can be devided into two, Single Obesity and Secondary Obesity. Normall we see the former.
Single Obesity occupies 99% in the obesity, we cannot find what causes the single obesity.
In medicine, it is alos named Primary Obesity.
It maybe relevant to Descendiblity, foods, sporting habits. So called S Secondary Obesity,
that is caused by some healthy problems, that is to say, we can source the reasons of Secondary Obesity.
It occupies 1% in the obesity, can be classified into Hypothalamus Obesity, Pituitary Obesity,



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Cellulite is one of medicinal social problems in the developed countries. In china, there exist about 0.5 billion persons potential on body slimming. Who consumed on it 6 to 10 billion RMB yuan. One third people in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou died of the heart and blood vessel diseases, which is much more than natural aged death. Basis on it, all kinds of slimming ways in the market, slimming brands quickly popular. But many unscientific, immature thoughts and technics make most of people’s weight reduction, then turn fat, again and again, as well as unreasonalbe equipments make people’s bodies serious damage.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Thus in short he settled to live-feeding all on the sense that he once had lived, and dependent on it not alone for a support but for an identity.32.
But the realizations increased.
No passion had ever touched him, for this was what passion meant; he had survived and maundered and pined, but where had been his deep ravage? ... He had seen outside of his life, not learned it from within, the way a woman was mourned when she had been loved for herself…. Now that the illumination had begun, however, it blazed to the zenith, and what he presently stood there gazing at was the sounded void of his life.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Nonetheless, when discussing authoritarians in this sample we are, in fact, discussing women high on authoritarianism only in a relative sense, compared to their college peers. Some of the women who scored relatively high on authoritarianism, therefore, may share some of the positive characteristics of women labeled conservers by Helson and Srivastava (2001) or labeled guardians (or identity foreclosed) by Josselson(1996).
Nonetheless, to summarize briefly, and to borrow a phrase from Kotre(1999), the generative way (with links to the nurturant parent) seems to lead to happier life outcomes compared with the authoritarian way (linked to the strict father).



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Despite our finding described above, it seems likely that there are few bivariate correlates between authoritarianism and variables like neuroticism. Future work, though, could examine the life events (e.g., unfulfilled expectations about parenting) by which authoritarianism might lead to neuroticism and forms of more serious pathology.
The lack of a correlation between authoritarianism and openness to experience is harder to understand. Experts know that college education reduces emerging adults’ (aged 18-25) scores on authoritarianism (e.g., Altemeyer, 1988). Presumably college does this by exposing students to a wide range of ideas, both classical and modern.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

It appears that an authoritarian disposition may exact a psychological price later in life as women prepare for entry into old age. This finding regarding neuroticism is particularly interesting because recent evidence has suggested that authoritarianism is primarily uncorrelated with depression, negative affect, unhappiness, or most forms of pathology. However, evidence from Block and Block (2006) and Milburn, Conrad, Sala, and Carberry (1995) has suggested that ideological beliefs may be predicted by complex interactions of demographic and clinical-type variables (e.g., gender, high punishment backgrounds). This research is important to consider because authoritarianism has ideological components.


権威主義的傾向は、女性が老年期へ入る準備として今後の人生への精神的価値を必要とするのかもしれない。神経症に関してのこの結果は、特に興味深い。なぜなら、最近の証拠では、権威主義は鬱、マイナス効果、不幸、もしくは病理学の多くの形態と関連がないと提案されているからである。しかしながら、Block and Block(2006)、Milburn、Conrad Sala、Carberry(1995)からの証拠は、観念的な信念は、人口統計学の複雑な相互作用と治験タイプ変数(例えば…性別、高い処罰の背景)によって予想されるかもしれないと提案している。この調査は、考慮するに重要である。なぜなら、権威主義は観念的な構成要素だからである。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Prior research on authoritarianism has been conducted primarily on student samples, but the correlates of authoritarianism may change as people age. In terms of neuroticism, the narrow social focus of an authoritarian lifestyle may lead authoritarians to feel out of place as a younger generation assumes positions of social, economic, and familial authority. Also, the more authoritarian women in this study did not seem to be as happy in the roles of mothers and wives compared to less authoritarian women. For these reasons it may be not be surprising that the more authoritarian women increased in neuroticism(as shown by the regression data) over time.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Memory is an ego function whose neurophysiological mechanisms remain hypothetical and inconclusively demonstrated. It serves the sense of self and its continuity; it entertains us; it shames us; it pains us. Memory can tell us our origins; it can be explanatory and it can deceive. Presumably it can lend itself toward cure, The recovery of memories, the making the unconscious conscious, is generally regarded as one of the basic ingredients of the curative process. It is a step in the occurrence of change, Psychotherapists tend to associate self-awareness with healsth, and lack of awareness with morbidity.
Probably at no other time in life is there as potent a force toward self-awareness operating as in old age.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Once again, they did not make general statements about happiness. Their comments were more circumscribed and focused on how parenting provided them with opportunities for self-growth. Generative women seemed to link motherhood to a mutuality of experience; their own development was tied to taking care of and raising their own children. Furthermore,
generative women were comfortable as grandmothers and seemed to indulge themselves in this role in that when it came to grandchildren they expressed the generalized, rather vague happiness that did not appear in their comments about marriage and motherhood.
The more authoritarian women, in contrast, did not express positive feelings about motherhood.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

With regard to marriage, the data generally supported the hypotheses. Neither the generative nor authoritarian women were especially interested in making global, somewhat general, statements about marital happiness(r= .12 for both). Rather, generative women’s comments were circumscribed and focused on the support and love that they felt from their husbands. In turn, generative women did not speak negatively about their partners, unlike the less generative women who expressed some marked ambivalence in their written comments. This finding is entirely consistent with Erikson’s(1950) thesis that psychosocial intimacy is a precursor of true generativity.


結婚に関しては、データは概して仮定を裏書きした。生成的でも権威主義的でもない女性は、とりわけグローバルに、いくぶん一般的に、結婚の幸せについて述べることに関心を持った。(r= .12 両方とも)。確かに、生成的な女性のコメントは限局的であり、彼らの夫から感じるサポートや愛情に焦点を当てていた。次に、彼らの記述コメントに著しい両価性を表現したあまり生成的でない女性のようではなく、生成的な女性は彼らのパートナーについて否定的に話さなかった。この結果は、心理社会的親交は、真の次世代育成性の前進であるというErikson(1950)の論文と完全に調和する。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Finally, as expected, there was a positive correlation between generativity at age 52 and life satisfaction 10 years later(r = .22, p <.05). Authoritarianism was not significantly correlated with life satisfaction(r =-.11, ns). The sample used in this study was White and economically and educationally privileged. Thus, personality variables like generativity and authoritarianism can exercise effects on life outcomes in a way relatively unaffected by structural limits imposed by economic privation and racial discrimination. Given this caveat, it appears that personality at midlife plays a role in how well individuals adjust as they make the transition from their 50s to their 60s.


ついに、予想した通り、52歳の次世代育成性と10年後の人生の満足度の間に肯定的な相関性があった(r = .22, p <.05)。
権威主義は人生の満足度とあまり相関性はなかった(r =-.11, ns)。この研究で使用されたサンプルは、白人で、経済的、教育的に恵まれていた。このように、次世代育成性と権威主義のような人格変数は、経済上の欠乏と人種差別によって強いられた構造的制限によって、比較的影響を受けない方法において、人生の結果での効果を行使することができる。この勧告を受け、中年期の人格は50代から60代へ移行する時に、どのように健康に個人を調整するかの役割を演じるようである。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Because we had neuroticism data at ages 52 and 62, it was possible to examine whether the more authoritarian women increased in neuroticism scores over 10 years. We regressed neuroticism at age 62 on neuroticism and authoritarianism at age 52. The correlation between authoritarianism and age 62 neuroticism (with the baseline age 52 neuroticism partialled out) was .25(p <.05). This finding indicated that the more authoritarian women increased on neuroticism between the ages of 52 and 62. Additional analyses showed that none of the other Big5 traits changed over time as a function of generativity or authoritarianism.


私たちには52歳と62歳での神経症的傾向データがあったので、より権威主義的な女性が10年の間でより神経症的傾向のスコアを増加させたかどうか調べることが可能であった。52歳での神経症的傾向と権威主義的傾向において、62歳での神経症的傾向が後退した。権威主義的傾向と62歳での神経症的傾向(ベースラインの52歳での神経症的傾向は部分的除外)の相関関係は、.25(p <.05)であった。この結果は、より権威主義的傾向のある女性は、52歳から62歳の間に神経症的傾向を増加したこを示した。更なる分析は、他のどのBig5の特性も、生成性もしくは権威主義的傾向の作用として時間の経過によって変化することはなかったと示した。