Basic Survival Guide for Programmers living in the Era of Social CodingOur company boasts a diverse range of employees from edgy Ruby mohawks to gamers. Since last year, our company has implemented GitHub, which makes code sharing easier, allowing a variety of feedback from people outside the project group. In the future, I believe that a Social Coding environment like GitHub will be wide spread and helpful for work as well.
I have contacted the Paypal customer support service today to check if the payment was received on May 9th. However, it seems like there were problems with the payment as it was not registered in system ($18 + $5 shipping fee). If you have any proof that shows the payment transactions (i.e. receipt, etc.), would you please forward it to my e-mail? Also, was the transaction sent to the correct address? Listing below my Paypal address for your reference:I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your help. Thank you.
Is it possible to purchase all 3 watches for USD 120 in total? Please let me know if it is possible.http://www.xxx01http://www.xxx02http://www.xxx03
In the case of domestic media companies, when there is a significant loss in assumed imp value, then they must provide 3 times the amount of loss to the advertiser for free. For example, if the assumped imp value was 20,000,000 but in fact imp only resulted in 15,000,000, then the media company must provide 15,000,000 imp (3 x loss of 5,000,000).
The clock is capable to display 2 versions for time. One display shows digital while the other shows analog. Both supports landscape mode (horizontal screen view).Under settings, display mode of digital or analog, showing the seconds, time & date and alarm settings can be set.
I would like to request a programming software that extracts specific product information from an online store (i.e. product number, product name, price, photo) into an Excel data sheet. I would like to be able to automatically create the same data that you created last time by using this programming software. Since the products range in size and color, it would be helpful to be able to extract data in one file simultaneously. Ideally, I would like to request a programming software that is applicable to all types of online stores.
"Tour Issue TP MB iron set"が届きました。"Txxxx serial"について質問があります。3-9番アイアンまでは、"Txxx"となっていますがPWのみ、"STxxx"となっています。なぜPWのみ"S"から始まっているのですか?PWは"Tour Issue"ですか?回答をお待ちしています。
I have received "Tour Issue TP MB iron set." I have a question regarding "Txxxx serial"For No. 3 - 9 iron, it shows as "Txxx" but PW only, it shows as "STxxx." Please explain why PW is shown with an "S" prefix. Is PW a "Tour Issue"?Looking forward to your response.
■個人情報保護方針 株式会社アキュム(以下、当社)は、スマートフォンやWEBサービスと連携したアプリケーションの開発等の事業を通じて、当社の個人情報、お客様からお預かりする個人情報をはじめ様々な情報を取扱ってきました。 このことから、当社ではこれらの情報価値を尊重し、適切に管理することが企業活動の重要な責務であるとの認識のもと、情報管理体制の確立とその徹底に努めてきました。
-Personal Information Confidentiality ActAccum has been handling with our customers' personal information through the development of applications for smart phone and internet users. As our company deeply value the confidentiality of our customers' personal information, and recognize it as a great responsibility, our company works hard to ensure and maintain a strict information security.
このような経緯を踏まえ、当社はお客様及び従業員の個人情報保護について規則の制定及び管理体制の確立を図ると共に個人情報保護に関する方針を以下の通り定め、全役員、全従業員に周知し「個人情報」の適切な保護に努めます。1. 当社は、お客様及び従業員から取得した個人情報について、同意を得た目的の範囲内で使用し、それ以外の目的では使用致しません。また、そのために必要かつ適切な社内措置を講じます。
Based on these circumstances, our company has established and issued the following policy on the protection of personal information applicable to all employees.1. For any personal information collected from our customers, our company will clearly specify the purpose of use and will only be used within scope of purpose. In addition, appropriate measures within the company will be taken in place.
■個人情報の取扱いについてⅠ.個人情報保護に関する管理者当社は、次の者を個人情報の保護管理者として任命し、お客様の個人情報を適切かつ安全に管理し、個人情報の漏えい、滅失又はき損を防止する保護策を講じています。株式会社アキュム 個人情報保護管理責任者 前田 太作TEL番号:03-3221-9777 e-mail:pms@accum.jp〒102-0072 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-3-1
- Handling of Personal InformationI. Administrator for Personal Information securityI.Our company has appointed the following person to be responsible for managing and reporting of personal information. The person will implement appropriate management to prevent unwanted disclosure of personal information. accum Co., Ltd. Personal Information Security Administrator Daisaku MaedaTelephone: 03-3221-9777 e-mail: pms@accum.jpAddress: 3-3-1 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072Accum
2.「お問い合わせ」の際にいただく情報(利用目的):(1) 当社サービのお問い合わせに対応するため(2) 当社サービスの情報提供、および提案のためなお、一部の個人情報について、個人を特定・識別できる個人データの項目を削除し、個人を特定しない統計資料作成のために利用する場合があります。Ⅲ.個人情報の第三者提供当社は、業務委託先への提供の場合または以下のいずれかに該当する場合を除き、お客様の個人情報を第三者へ開示又は提供いたしません。
2. Information collected when contacting customers(Purpose):(1) Inquiry about our company services(2) Providing information about our company servicesIn addition, data will be collected to run statistical study; however, any personal information that identifies the individual will not be used and deleted in advance.III. Providing Personal Information to a Third PartyPersonal information will not be provided to a third party organization for any purpose other than handling information to an external subcontractor or as described below.
In cases of rheumatoid arthritis and SLE, in spite of the risk of progressive arteriosclerosis from the disease's inflammatory reaction and long-term usage of steroids, if the patient is under control, there is no report of aneurysm. Simply patients with imflammatory disease or long term usage of steroids does not seem to be only factor for aneurysm formation.
川崎病によって動脈瘤を認めた症例の約半数で回復期以降に動脈瘤の自然退縮が認められている。同病に起因すると考えられる例で9mm以上の瘤径のものは、ほぼ全例に閉塞を来す という報告もある。川崎病動脈瘤残存病変では狭窄病変や血栓閉塞による虚血性心疾患を来たしやすいと言われている。狭窄がない病変であっても瘤内に形成される血栓によって心筋梗塞を発症すると考えられており、すでに梗塞を起こしている例や大きさ、部位によっては手術などを考慮されるべきと考えられる。
Spontaneous regression of aneurysm at convalescent stage has been observed in half of the aneurysm cases caused by Kawasaki disease. It is reported that the same aneurysm over 9mm in diameter can cause blockage in almost all cases. In cases of residual aneurysm from Kawasaki disease, contraction or blockage leading to ischemic heart disease can be commonly seen. Even if there are no contraction, the thrombus in the aneurysm leads to myocardial infarction. Depending on the case of infarction and size of aneurysm, it should be considered for surgical treatment.
The amount in both the eBay screen and invoice shows $154 per item which includes $9 shipping fee. In thus case, how would you advise paying $146 per item?Please let me know if there is a misunderstand on my part.
Cooliris Redesigns LiveShare for Mobile and WebA few days ago Cooliris announced the launch of its redesigned LiveShare service. With the LiveShare app, users can send messages, post photos and photo collages, or share your location. Billed as ‘beautiful messaging for mobile and web’ the service presents photos in a smart-looking layout, and you can add messages or location too if you like. The app is capable of batch photo uploads [1], which is pretty handy as well.
Hope you are doing well. My name is *** and I have purchased a Macintosh Glass panel from you in the past. I have contacted you to request another glass panel from you again.My inquiry is seen as noted below.Also, listing down the shipping address. Much appreciated if you can ship to Japan.Please let me know total estimate including shipping. I would prefer to pay by PayPal similarly to last time. Thank you and looking forward to your contact.
こんにちは。連絡ありがとう。もう少し値引きをお願いします。送料込み価格2300ユーロで売ってもらえませんか?2300ユーロであればすぐに購入したいと思います。ペイパルでインボイスを送って下さい。念の為確認ですが商品名、数量は下記の通りです。発送先は日本です。1. 10個2. 5個3. 5個もし私のお願いを受け入れてくださるのであれば、これからもこの商品をあなたからまとめて購入します。良いご返答を期待しております。
Hello. Thank you for the contact.I would like to request a discounted price. Would it be possible to sell at EURO 2300 including shipping? If you are OK with my offer of EURO 2300, I would like to start the payment immediately. Please send your invoice via PayPal.A gentle reminder of my order:1. 10 pieces2. 5 pieces3. 5 piecesI would like to continue purchasing in bulk from you if you are willing to take my offer. Thank you and looking forward to your response.
Thank you for your support! We have reached 10,000 visitors!I am happy to announce that we have reached 10,000 visitors to our Hand Treatment facebook page. I initially started this page to be able to communicate the importance of relationships to the world. I'm very pleased to be able to get to know so many of you through this facebook page. I am deeply grateful to all the international relationships I was able to cherish!Kanako-san, thank you for your comment. I look forward to keeping a good relationship with you.I am currently looking into ways of introduction. I appreciate your patience on this matter.
It's been half a month since the payment was made. Please respond to this message urgently and let me know the status of my order.
I would like to report product damage during delivery due to seller's insufficient packaging.I was informed from the seller that it is not possible to receive a refund for the damaged product. However, I believe that it is the seller's responsibility to properly pack and negotiate with the courier service to ensure delivery in good condition. However, it was clear that the packaging was insufficient and the goods were found to be scattered inside the box. Furthermore, the letterpressed box was beyond repair (please see photo as reference).