Thank you for your support as always.I decided to make an Internet shopping site specialized in epithesis.We would like to start selling your product officially in Japan.I plan to sell 10 items a month.Therefore, could we sell your product exclusively in Japan?Also, would you give us discount from 10% and up?As well, I would like users who access the site to recognize what kind of person created this product.I would be happy if you could send me your picture and the autograph message(it can be sent as an image) for users in Japan.
I have conducted hearings with Mr. Matsuo about the specific business.The content is as follows.I have Mr. Matsuo signed his name on the referenced document as attached.The original document will be sent to the office in Switzerland.
客「シャワーが壊れているようなんですが・蛇口をひねってもお湯が出なくって」 フロント「申し訳ございません。すぐに修理に伺います。お部屋は何号室ですか?」
Guest “It seems the shower is broken. I turn on a faucet but hot water wouldn’t run.Front Desk “We are sorry. We will be there to repair it right away. What is your room number?”
I will send the item back to you after confirming it.Thank you for your patience.I will keep you posted for further information.
Thank you for your kind advice.I admit that might cause some trouble and the shipping cost will be expensive, but please ship it by DHL. Is it possible to set it as one tenths of its actual amount? Is there any problem?I need neither an instruction nor a box. Also, a printed mark will not be needed.Please make sure to wrap it same as this time in order to prevent any damages.
I am Suzuki who was introduced to you by Mr. Yamada yesterday.Thank you for the explanation in detail. After Mr. /Ms. Ogawa’s explanation, I felt certain that the product is outstanding.Hope to do business with you sometime soon. I am looking forward to working with you.I have one favor ask you, can you please send me some pictures of the construction and the video of the screw that you showed us on your laptop? I just want to explain that the construction will be done simply.Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for the pretty baby doll the other day. The babies sold at eBay are adorable, too. It is great that many pictures of the dolls are displayed on your page. I have something to ask you.Can you possibly send us the pictures of the baby which was taken from the angle as the attached picture?Hope it sounds ok to you.Also, do you know the small doll key ring that can be hung from a purse I will send you the picture. Don’t you think it’s adorable?
「日本オリジナル商品が好きだけど値段が高い!」とお思いですか?ebay,amazon,その他ネットショップで販売中の日本商品の商品ページのアドレスをメールいただければ、お見積もりしますよ。ショッピングモール出品手数料、在庫コストがない分 お安く提供できることが多いです。もし、お急ぎのお買い物でなければ 商品をショッピングカートに入れる前に メール下さいね。※お見積もり時間は約24-48時間( 日・祝祭日はのぞく )いただいています。
Are you the one who like Japanese original products but believe they are expensive?If you send us the URL of the products which are on sale at eBay, Amazon or any other online store.We can sell you cheaper that their actual price because we do not incur the listing fee at online storethe the cost for maintaining stocks.If you are not in hurry shopping what you want, please send us an email before adding it to your shopping cart.It will take about 24 - 48hours excluding Sundays and public holidays to issue you an estimation.
こちらの出品作業のミスで1つの商品に対して2回出品してしまう事があります。現在、全ての修正は完了し1つのみの出品になっていますが、この2回出品する行為は修正しないまま置いておくと規約違反となりますでしょうか。近い内にFBAを使いたいのですが○○とはFBAで売れやすい商品のリストという意味で良いのですか?このリストに入る選考基準はなんですか? たまに商品ページにsell on amazonボタンが無く販売が出来ない商品がありますがこれは何故ですか?
Sometimes we put two items up for one item by mistake.I have fixed all the wrong information and currently the items are shown one by one, but can it be regarded as a rule violation if those mistakes are left without being modified?I would like to use FBA in the near future, but is my understanding correct that ○○ means the list of items which sell well on FBA? What is the criteria for selection to be listed on ○○?Once in a while, “sell on Amazon” button does not display on the page so that I cannot sell an item. Do you know the reason why this happens?
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the failure.We will attempt to supply you more stable service from now on.I’m looking forward to continuing our good relationship.Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us anytime.We highly appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you for always using A.On February 28th, the server which runs for A got down from midnight,and A remained not being able to be browsed or use temporarily.At 10:30 on February 28th, all the necessary solution was done, and now it is fixed to be available as usual.We deeply apologize for the inconvenience that caused to our stake holders by stopping the service temporarily.
I prefer the both of baby dolls to be smiling as the picture. Please get the bold one wear a pretty cap.And I noticed that the doll smelled like a labber last time I purchased it. I hope they do not smell like that this time.If I can pay you tomorrow, when can you finish making those dolls? Is it possible to send them to Japan?If not, you can send them to my address in America.What I suggest is the total sum including postage to Japan is 400$, if you send it to America’s address, it can be 360$ including postage. I hope this sounds ok to you.
If you are tired, I would recommend you to take some rest before getting sick. The job I was going to ask you to do will be assigned to someone else because I need to get it done as soon as possible. I appreciate your understanding.Of course I higly evaluate your ability so please let me know when you come back from the rest.I will make an effort to provide you a job in 4 or 5 days. Please take a good care.There is no problem if you use the tool. I use that, too. What I am interested in most is that the person I contracted find the products which generates profit.I will evaluate you all based on the result after reserching.
Today I have been trying to order one AAA and three BBB, but my credit card seems not to be certified and I can not check out even though I have tried with several available credit cards.Can you please check out the situation?If it does not work out, can you send me the invoice including a bill for one AAA, three BBB and a postage by paypal?The shipping address can be the same as the one which is registered on your website. Hope to hear from you soon.Regards,
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.Can you please send the picture of the damaged part and send it to us?We assume that the good is brand new and unopened, so probably it got damaged during transportation.We would recommend you to claim it to the carrier since the EMS has a warranty. We will also ask Japanese post office to conduct a follow-up check.Thank you so much for your cooperation.
直接配送を希望の方は、こちらにチェックをいれてください。配送先名 配送先氏名 郵便番号 国配送先住所配送先住所2(マンションなど)要望・その他
If you would like to receive directly, please check here.CompanyRecipient NamePostcodeCountry Shipping AddressShipping Address 2Request/Other
My dear friend,I am sorry for tha late reply.I will send it to you today or tomorrow at the latest.I hope you like it.Since it took me a while to ship it to you, I also enclosed something special in the package.Now you have something to look forward to.Thanks a lot!
YamuraihaはOne of the eight generalsです。Sinbadの部下で、Aladdinの魔法の師匠でもあります!彼女は天才的な魔導師であり、水の魔法を得意とします。彼女がAladdinの魔法の師匠になったのと同時期に、SharrkanがAlibabaの剣の師匠になったため、彼とは「魔法が強いのか、剣が強いのか」で意見が対立しています。彼女はとにかく胸が大きく、巨乳好きなAladdinからは度々セクハラを受けます。
Yamuraiha is one of the eight generals.She is subordinate of Sinbad and also a professor of Aladdin teaching magic.She is a gifted magician and good at casting aqueous magic.Around the same time when she became an Aladdin’s teacher,as Sharrkan started teaching sword to Alibaba, Sharrkan and Yamuraiha got opposed to each other arguing which is strong, magic or sword.Since Yamuraiha has big breasts, she is frequently subjected to sexual harassment by Aladdin who is crazy about those who have big breats.
Morgiana is a heroine of this story, at the same time, she was the most manly in character among the trio of her, Alibaba and Aladdin.When she met Aladdin for the first time, she was a slave, but now she is a descendant of Fanalis.However, after she was emancipate from slavery by the assistance of Alibaba, she started on a journey together to help them out.She is good at martial arts and has a fine sense of smell, and also sense danger through instinct. She is the strong and dependable heroin.Since she had been a slave, she showed little expression at first even after she got free.