lurusarrow 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
lurusarrow 英語 → 日本語

Whether or not there’s a story to be blogged or a business collaboration to be established, every overseas trip keeps my mind sharp and aware of what’s happening outside of Singapore. And for lack of a better word, it ‘globalizes’ my thinking which I hope will serve me well for many years as an entrepreneur or as an employee.

So what did Rick, George, and Bryan think about their time in Fukuoka? It’s the first time they had pitched their start-ups to a large group of foreigners and they remarked that the trip was indeed worthwhile. The feedback about their business ideas, media attention, and new connections they established in Japan are priceless.



Rick、George、Bryanは福岡での滞在についてどう考えているか? 彼らにとってたくさんの外国人と交流することは初めての経験で、今回の訪問は身のあるものであったと自覚している。ビジネスアイデアに対する意見交換、メディアの注目、新しいネットワーク確立という面で、決してお金では買えない経験である。

lurusarrow 英語 → 日本語

Both start-ups have great dreams, but we’re not covering them at length yet since their products aren’t ready. But we will soon if all goes well.

Anyways, both start-ups are from Singapore Management University (SMU), and as some might know that’s where I recently graduated from too. The school actually sent out emails to invite start-ups from SMU — with all expenses paid — to participate in the event. Unfortunately, there were only two slots available.

Some of my friends asked me why would I want to spend a weekend in Fukuoka for work (I haven’t been back in Singapore for three consecutive weekends). Well for me, meeting entrepreneurs and investors across the world is always a worthwhile experience.



ところで、両社ともにSingapore Management University (SMU)の出身で、私が最近卒業した学校でもある。大学側がSMU出身の新興企業主に対してメール招待状を送付し、すべてのイベントに無償で参加するようオファーしたという背景がある。残念ながら定員は2名のみとなっていた。


lurusarrow 英語 → 日本語

The National University of Singapore (NUS) is also doing some great work to help their students gain a more globalized mindset. Some of my NUS friends in Beijing are interning at some amazing Chinese start-ups (Hi Van, Den, Grace, and Jason!).

All of them say that they are learning a great deal, and that the one-year study/internship program has helped them understand a lot about the largest market in the world. If I knew NUS has this program, I would likely have gone to NUS rather than SMU.

It’s a good sign seeing fellow Singaporeans exploring Asia. While we marvel at the greatness of Silicon Valley, such events are always a great reminder of Asia’s promising future and the role Singaporeans might play.


The National University of Singapore (NUS)も学生がグローバル思考を身に付けることが出来るようサポートを提供している。北京の私のNUSの友人たちはいくつかの中国の優良新興企業でインターンを経験している。(Hi Van、Den、GraceとJason!)

