I would like to confirm below please.I mistakenly made successful bid on this auction.I explained about this situation to the seller and asked the him/her to cancel this bid but he/she would not accept it.What should I do with this case?
Hello. I would like to purchase this product. I would like deliver it to the address in Tokyo, Japan. Could you advise me the delivery cost and delivery time please.
Hello.Thanks always.Is this the products that arrived to MYUS?
Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete or inaccurate address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and also results in a $5 address correction charge. Please notify all merchants of your complete address, so you can avoid login delays and address correction charges when your package arrives at our facility.
Focus ringが硬くて、回らない。かなり、力を入れて回さないと、Focus ringが回らないです。
Focus ring is very tight. Without considerable strength, Focus ring won't be turned.
Dear Sir, I have mailed out those 3 replacement hooks now for you to test the clock. If everything is OK with the clock, I will mail you the eagle. I don't want us to mail too many things back and forth.
Thanks. Kindly apply cancellation through ebay. I put the feedback as positive.No feedback needed for me. Thanks.
If your customer do not have basic graphic skills, we can format it for you and we will send you the preview and sent it to your customer for preview and approval before we can manufacture it. If you are interested on any playmat you see in Ebay that we don not have please let us know we can design as similar or better quality - same low price 26.99 USD. All image or designs you have provided will not be sold to others and will be manufactured exclusively just for You. Please let us know how we can further assist you. We appreciate your business and looking forward doing more great business with you in the near future.
御社のお客様が基本的なグラフィックのスキルをお持ちでないなら、こちらでフォーマットをしてプレビュー(試作)を送ります。御社からそのお客様にそのプレビュー(試作)を送って、生産前に確認してもらってください。Ebay でご興味あるプレイマットで、当社が扱っていない物がある場合はお知らせください。当社で近いデザインのより高品質の物を手配出来ます。価格は同じく 26.99 USDと低価格です。提供頂いたイメージ/デザイン全てに関して、他社に販売および生産する事は致しません。御社の独占です。その他フォロー出来る事がありましたらお知らせください。当社と取引頂きありがとうございます。今後、御社との取引が増える事を期待しています。
You can send us the file through email. If possible, just make sure that the mat size is: • 24.25 inches x14.25 inches, equivalent to 1746x1026 Pixels, and isin .jpeg or TIFF format. • If you have an image that you would like us to print or include inthe playmat please make sure the image size is greater than 500x500 pixels.Any smaller will cause pixilation and will lose quality when we create the playmat.
Eメールでファイルを送付が可能です。出来れば、マットのサイズを:• 24.25 インチ x 14.25 インチ、1746 x 1026 ピクセルと同等にして頂き、jpeg または、TIFF フォーマットにしてください。• プレイマットにプリント、または追加して欲しいイメージ(絵柄)がある場合は、そのイメージ(絵柄)サイズが500 x 500 ピクセル以上である事を確認してください。それ以下ですと、プレイマットを生産する際にピクシレーションが起きて、クオリティが下がります。*pixilation ピクシレーション《実写の人物をアニメーションのようにこま撮りする撮影法 (おそらく絵柄がずれたり、ぼやけてしまうのだと推測します。)
Yes, I know its very high, howver I have checked other carriers; many go on the size of the box which would make it even higher; I dont have an account with such companies as I dont trade enough -that might make things cheaper but not possible for me. If there is any difference when I post then I would refund the difference.
(商品名)is not popular. Above of all, the most popular one is (商品名)but buying competition of this item is very keen. Regards the (商品名)stocked recently is selling with almost doubled price of its buying price.To sell vintage saxophones in Japan, as you said you need proper strategy and attitude.My husband is elaborating a scheme. He is saying that the points are how you arrange the regular maintenance and the repair as well as trade-in guarantee.He is now taking care of these schemes and financial issue.
Excuse me for repeating but sorry about the other day. I troubled you but I learned well. I have been thinking to returning a favor with my apology.
私は"CAKEWALK UA 4FX - USB AUDIO "を6個購入して£875.34 支払いました。しかし、本日届いた箱の中には4個しか入っていませんでした。写真も添付しています。確認して下さい。
I purchased 6pcs of "CAKEWALK UA 4FX - USB AUDIO " and I payed £875.34 .But there were only 4pcs inside the box which arrived today.Have attached the picture(s) also.Kindly confirm.
Hello,dear friend,when I prepare to ship the model to you,I found there is some flaws with the model.I am so sorry,I can't ship it to you.Would you please accept another similar one?
The item arrived. I set up and checked it. When played with stereos, no sound comes out from one of the stereos. What is going on?It needs a repair. Could you bear the repair cost?
I don't really understand your English phrasing. I have not offerd nor will I offer a 50% refund. You may return the item for a full refund, or I will offer a partial refund of $50 to satisfy you. If you return it and I can prove by serial number that it is the same fan that I sent, I will refund the full amount, and I am confident that I can resell it for at least $195.00 if not more.I you do file a claim with eBay, you will have to return the fan anyway. So, why don't we work this out with a $50 refund now? I am trying to be reasonable and work with you on this issue
あなたの英語のフレーズがいまいち理解できません。私は50%の返金をするとも言っていません。全額返金でしたら、商品を返送してください。または、ご満足行くよう一部返金として$50を支払います。返品頂き、私の方でシリアルナンバーを確認して、こちらから発送した商品(扇風機/扇子)と一致した場合は全額を返金します。それに、私にはこの商品が少なくとも$195.00 で再度販売できる自信があります。eBay にクレームを報告するのであれば、どちらにしても商品(扇風機/扇子)を返送しなければなりません。ですから、$50の返金で手を打って頂けませんか?この件に関してはこちらとしましても、穏当な対応をしております。
Why you are paying only $676?It was not my fault at all and I could not even obtain the amplifier that I really wanted.Even more, I am now asked to pay for the return shipping.The amount the damage for this issue is $716 (I have already paid $716).And you are now telling me to pay for the return shipping.This issue belongs to you and the shipping agent so please make a full refund.Kindly make the refund of $716 and also settle the return shipping cost.
You are saying this is bran-new, but it this really so?The both inner and outer package are damaged.Its instruction seems to be used.I was going to give it as a gift but it did not look bran-new at all so I tried to charge it and use it myself.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to your reply.
Unfortunately, we are unable to verify the cardholder's billing address with the card issuer. For your security, we must now perform an additional verification procedure to confirm card ownership before we can dispatch your order.We have refunded a small amount in EUR to your MASTERCARD card 5xxxxxxxxxxx3008.To verify card ownership and complete your order, please contact your card issuer and find out the EXACT amount in EUR refunded to your card.Once you have confirmed the amount, please reply to this email and provide us with this value so your order can be dispatched. Please note that it may take a few days for the amount to appear on your account.