Dear Mr. / Ms. Lee,Long time no see. Thanks for your corporation.Anyway, there is a development matter from this summer.We need some PCI cards of HDMI as verification.I am sorry for giving me the board which Iend back once. Could y ou?Hope for your reply. Thanks.
I would like to order many items once to your company.However, the tariff incurs because of tariff customs system if so.Therefore, I can purchase T-shirt once at maximum 3 items and parker once at maximum 2 items.When I got 5 T-shirt before for free, the tariff didn't incur.It is because the items are dealt as gifts.If possible, I want you to send all items as gift.If so, I can order many items once to one delivery address.Hope for your reply. Thanks.
I am sorry for late reply.The company's name is older one. Please prepare as below company's name and address.There is no other change. Please go ahead.Company's name:Address:
I am sorry for late reply, again.If you decided to deal with other company already because I had replied late, I am sorry for that.If you haven't, can I deal with you?I want to expand Makuake in this time before I propose your company's item in Tokyo gift show.Makuake is the biggest cloud funding in Japan.Also, we have a cooperation relationship to official bangerist of Makuake.It is possible to expand to the advantage for exhibition of Makuake.We can possibly achieve the result more than the campfire.However, there is one point which we should take care of.
The release has been done.
I am sorry for reporting late.The mascara reached the cosmetic company. Thanks.The supplier can produce the display boxes at minimum 1,000 boxes in Japan, too.The size of production box will be length 7 * width 9 * height 12 centimeters.Because the box can accommodate 12 units, if we there are 1,000 boxes, we should sell 12,000 units.We should try the best to sell all.It is called A3 size in Japan.They look to produce the pattern paper from the paper (297*420) and then, create the box.I am glad to propose Quotation based on this.
貴社の資料を拝見し考えたのですが icare の購入する日本のユーザーは60才台以上の高齢の方がほとんどだと思いますicareの多くの機能を意味が英語で理解しづらい為に積極的に使わない機能を活用しないといった事が考えられますおそらく購入検討の段階でも英語表記が不利になります。スマートフォンのオペレーション画面を至急 日本語にローカライズすることは不可能でしょうかこれができればキャンプファイヤー以上の達成が可能だと思いますまたギフトショウでのバイヤーの関心もより高まると考えます
I checked your company's documents. Then, I think that almost of all users in Japan who purchase icare are more than 60 years old.Because many function of icare is made in English and it is difficult to understand, I guess they will not use it positively or not use at all.Possibly, writing English has disadvantage at the step of considering purchase.Can't you make the operation screen of smart phone localized in Japanese ASAP?If you can, it is possible to achieve more than camp fire.Also, I think the buyer's interest will be higher in gift show.
I explain the detail, again.I took an order on 20th and received the tracking number from you at the same day (20th).I also took an order on 24th and got the tracking number fro you on 24th.However, I tracked the tracking number which I got on 24th today and I found that the tracking number with I got on 20th and 24th is exactly same.According to my checking the tracking number which I got on 24th, the item was leaving the airport in France on 22nd.It is weird clearly, isn't it?What is the tracking number which I took an order on 24th?
SKU:EX410-BK、ASIN:B076Y11R6S 今、日本Amazonから該当SKU,ASINの出品再開の許可のメールが来ました。あなたとあなたに会社の問題解決に向けてのご尽力に深く感謝いたします。今後とも宜しくお願い致します。
SKU:EX410-BK, ASIN:B076Y11R6SI received the approval email for re-selling the exhibition of SKU, ASIN from Amazon Japan right now.I appreciate to you and your company because you and your company did the best to solve the problem deeply.Please get along with us in the future.
Hi,Because our company is worried about his payment, too, we don't deal with Mr. Oda's company at all currently.Also, we don't know his company's situation.If there is a history of late payment etc. in the past, you should not follow the payment condition which his side requests.It is better for you to go through with your factory's payment condition.I am sorry for not giving you the effective advice.Thanks.
Amazon Japan request us to submit the sales certificate for your item. Therefore, they cannot accept if we submit just invoice.We prepared the documents which include the invoice and sales certificate. We purchased twice on March 26 and April 29, so I attach 2 documents. If they don't have any problem, please sign and seal. If there is any inconvenient sentence in English for you, please revise. (We send you the originals by using Excel.) Please don't forget that you should not make sentence only invoice content.
We appreciate to you and your company's decision deeply.ASIN"B076Y11R6S"However, this ASIN's exhibition continues to be stopped from Amazon Japan because of regulations violation in trademark invasion currently. If I exhibit this ASIN, again, I should submit the sales certificate from the maker to Amazon. Can you issue it which item name and model number mention? I am sorry for bothering you. Hope for your reply.
Don't you have the MAX2 mascara box for sales?I attach the photo.The client asked the box in which about 12 units can be put as the photo. They will display it.If you have, we would like to get it. Hope for your reply. Thanks.
Regarding the item which I am waiting for delivery, can't you deliver with minimum term?I should go to the business trip from the beginning of July. and I want to get it until that date.If there is no problem after it reaches, I will review well with the images at Aliexpress and Twitter. Thanks.
I think it is is right for us to accept the sentences which Mr. / Ms. Sebastian proposed.Can we go ahead with this sentence?
「Please try again in a few days. 」や「Check back soon to open a new account」という文言を書いても、いつかわからないからです。
It is because even if we write "Please try again in a few days." and "Check back soon to open a new account," nobody t understands the time.
Landing Page [DRAFT]を拝見しました。私は、 Proposeed #1 か #3 のどちらかと思いますが、いかがでしょうか?
I checked the Landing Page "DRAFT." I think that we should choose Proposed #1 or #3. What do you think?
Because we post the sentences for only one week, we would like to ask you to use only text sentences.
Shipmentで、受領の差異があった問題で、Case開かせていただき、数量の確認をお願いしておりました。しかしながら、 (MIC) Teamのほうではこれ以上の調査不可ということで、こちらにてお問い合わせをさせていただきます。こちらの出荷はまちがいなくアマゾン倉庫に到着しており、日本から発送したので、中身が0で受領ということはありえません。大型商品なので、倉庫のどこかにあるはずです。お手数ですが、今一度調査をお願いいたします。
Regarding the problem which the number of received items has a difference in the shipment, I listen to the case and checked the quantity. However, (MIC) team cannot survey any more. Therefore, I contact here.This shipment has arrived in Amazon warehouse surely. We delivered from Japan and there is no possibility what the received content is zero. Because this item is huge, I guess it is located in somewhere. I am sorry for bothering you but please check it, again.
お世話になります。新規のサンプルオーダーをお願いいたします。フォルダーにまとめましたので、ご確認をお願いいたします。今回の木材部分は、すべてオーク材でお願いいたします。また、前回お願いした、310001 の Wood chairもオーク材で、サンプル制作お願いたします。 (※前回お願いした、meria材は、狂いが大きく、次回のオーダーはオーク材での発注を検討しております。)
Thanks as always.I would like to order the new sample.I summarize to the folder, so please check it.Please use the oak in the part of the wood.Also, please produce the sample with oak for the wood chair of 310001 which I asked you last time.(* The maria which I asked before had huge difference. Therefore, I consider if I order with oak in next order.)