aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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The funding will be used to broaden the management team, conduct marketing activities in the region, and grow its e-commerce site.

Besides sending customers boxes filled with cosmetic samples, Bellabox also operates an online store where users can purchase full-sized products. Cosmetic brands like it because the store allows them to directly measure the ROI of seeding samples in beauty boxes.

Bellabox is facing strong competition from VanityTrove in Singapore and LushHaveIt! from Australia. VanityTrove recently made a move into Taiwan and is in the midst of raising a round of funding.





kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Note: The funding round is USD 1.4M, not USD 2.2M as stated earlier. The article has been corrected.

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・challenges they’re facing and how they can be mitigated.





kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Crowdonomic, the latest crowdfunding site from Singapore, wants to help startups raise money

There’s a new crowdfunding site in town, and it wants to help fellow startups succeed. Singapore-based Crowdonomic, which officially launched today, is kicking off with six projects raising SGD 30k each (USD 24k).

The six startups involved are no strangers to the Singapore ecosystem. There’s FlagAHero, a peer-to-peer task marketplace, iCarsClub, a car lending platform, and QualityTime Lab, a company that develops software to foster family interaction. Crowdonomic aims to eventually expand across Asia.




プロジェクトに関係する6つのスタートアップは、シンガポールのスタートアップ業界において馴染みの企業だ。その中には、ピアツーピアのタスク・マーケットプレイスFlagAHero、自動車レンタルのプラットフォームiCarsClub、家族の対話を促進するソフトウェア開発を手がけるQualityTime Labが含まれる。最終的には、アジア全体への拡張をCrowdonomicは目指している。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

While funding targets have been fixed, campaigners can still collect the money even if the goals are not met. Like other crowdfunding sites, campaigns must offer incentives if individuals donate above certain thresholds. It charges a 9.5% admin fee based on the final contribution amount. If the funding goal is reached, campaigners will pay only 6.5%.

Crowdonomic is one of many similar platforms that have tried to fill the crowdfunding vacuum in Asia. But while there has been a number of successful campaigns in Indonesia, Japan, and to a lesser extent other countries, these fundraisers are typically in five-figure sums in USD.




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1. Market grab

WeChat dominates China. KakaoTalk dominates Korea. Line dominates Japan and is looking to snag a slice of China. It’s like a war out there now.

The rest of Asia is pretty much up for grabs. We are seeing a concentration of fighting going on in Indonesia where chat apps are working with local mobile carriers and partners and setting up bases across Southeast Asia. Tencent has been quiet about its movements but we know it is moving full steam ahead in Indonesia and Thailand. The market grab is for real but it isn’t quite in the media limelight just yet.





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2. Mobile gaming platform

KakaoTalk and Line have proven that games make money on mobile messaging apps. So suddenly, everyone else wants to jump in. I have people asking me why Tencent hasn’t made a move into games for WeChat. Well, we asked the folks from Tencent but they declined to comment. My take is that Tencent is more focused on grabbing users than monetizing WeChat. Seriously, they don’t have to do anything else just yet. Tencent is rich. And if they decide to go into games, they certainly can. Tencent is strong in games anyway.


