
Katsuya Sato (ka28310) 翻訳実績

4.9 315 件のレビュー
9年弱前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
ハードウェア ソフトウェア
ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with your Order ID 404-3455122-5573938.
Please note that if the Buyer entered an address in France, you are not requested to ship outside France. I have notified Seller Performance about this issue, they will annotate your account to make sure you are not impacted if you cancel this this order.

Thank you, I do appreciate your patience and your cooperation.

I hope it helps! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time using the link below :

If you are satisfied with the service you received today, I would appreciate that you take a moment to rate my service.


貴方の注文、 ID 404-3455122-5573938 で問題が発生していると知り、まことに申し訳ありません。

ご迷惑とお手数をおかけいたしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 ご協力どうもありがとうございます。

お役に立てると良いのですが! もしご質問があれば、いつでも遠慮なく下記のリンクから私たちに連絡ください:


ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Your package ID 01-042-1703 from Unitrade Group, requires additional export documentation in order to be able to export from the US. The information needed is Unitrade Group's Federal Tax ID number or DUNS.

We have reached out to Unitrade Group for this information. Unfortunately the seller has refused to respond to our requests. Because of this, we are unable to export your items. At this time we have cancelled your ship request and placed the package on hold in your My Suite.

Unfortunately, because we are not able to obtain the necessary information, your items cannot be exported and therefore your only options for this package is to return the items to the seller or to discard them at our facility.


あなた宛てのユニトレード・グループからの小包 ID 01-042-1703 は、米国から輸出されるために、追加の輸出通関用の書類が必要です。 必要な情報はユニトレード・グループの連邦税納税者 ID もしくは DUNS です。

私たちはユニトレード・グループにこの情報を問い合わせました。残念ながら、販売者様は私たちの問い合わせへの回答を拒否しました。そのため、私たちはあなたの商品を輸出することができません。現時点で、あなたの出荷要求をキャンセルし、あなたの My Suite に小包を保管しております。


ka28310 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Im new to straight razor shaving...
I use to shave with a few Wade and Butcher's 6/8 many years ago, but havn't been using them in a long time.
I was looking into getting 2 of the japanese style razors. Can you recommend a few? My budget is $100-$150 for two...
Any chance you can steer me in the right direction as to which one is a great buy? I would much rather get your opinion rather than just blindly picking one.
I would like one in the medium size, for right hand use. Something with low maintenance.
I have a strop also...


Dear Sir, I' m sorry, but I can offer to you just 60 dollars, no more, for me is not in such good condicions...


Do you know the reason why this razors has only one twin?


Wade and Butcher の 6/8 のカミソリで髭剃りをしたことが何年も昔にありますが、その後、ずっとそのカミソリを使っていません。
今、日本のタイプのカミソリを2種類、欲しいと思って着目しています。いくつか貴方からお薦めして頂けませんか? 私の予算は2つ合わせて100ドルから150ドルの範囲です。



ka28310 日本語 → 英語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0



The day before yesterday, A customer who bought "WRAP" sent us a claim. The customer said that the remote controller did not work. We have the products with us, so we tested them. Then we realized that both of the two remote controllers did not work. They are the items whose invoice number is PO#010416. So far, we are receiving claims from customers for consecutive two weeks. The probability of the fault is one twentieth, that is, 5%, If this products were made in China, then it might be allowed. But, this not acceptable because they are made in USA. In Japan, they all hate defective products. Our shop is losing trust dramatically. You guys should make efforts to manage the product quality much more. Please stop supplying defective products any more.