ご親切な回答および対応に感謝を申し上げます。また、この度、Daniel Kovach様の身元確認を行なわせて頂きました失礼を御詫び致します。貴社の人事部長という確証が持てず(ご本人様には内緒で)身元確認させて頂きました。貴社およびDaniel Kovach様の御厚意に対し、申し訳なく思っています。この度の申し出ですが、ありがたく受け取らせて頂きます。誠実かつ確実かつ堅実な仕事が出来るよう、常に精進させて頂く所存です。では、Daniel Kovach様に連絡させて頂きますね。
I appreciate your kind response and answer.And I apologize for my rudeness that I checked the identification of Mr. Daniel Kovach.Just I couldn't confirm he is your personnel director then tried to identify him ( without notification).I feel sorry for the courtesy of you and also Mr. Daniel.I will gratefully accept the offer in this time and always do my best to work with steadiness, sincerity and absolute accuracy. I will contact with Mr. Daniel Kovach then.
The URL we talked is below. Especially in RPG game, usually in-app purchase called "Gacha" - like slot machine is normal among Japanese app game user to get the much rare character. We think this in-app purchase model is probably acceptable in the area loves Japanese animation character. So we have plan to advance into abroad market for near future. We would appreciated it if we could keep in touch and exchange information each other. Best regards,
Check this!Consider where is the best place to keep tools?How you should handle the regular tools? How make it easy to use and return? Care about your colleague! It's easy placement for him to use?Ingenious location can remove your unnecessary job - looking for tools. "Looking for something" is not your job!"Easy to get", "Easy to put", "Easy to use" - these 3 principles make you to work more effectively in order. Always consider the best location for flash understanding of "What" and "Where" and "How many".Just you can take it once you need.Easy since it's on the given place.No box for the box stock, only partition left.
Mount Moiwa and Okura, Night view and DinnerThe night view from sightseeing tower at Sapporo was fantastic. The light was so brilliant with nice weather. I wish I could have more enough time.In the restaurant located at the side of ski jump, Mutton barbecue is filling. The lamb meas was so delicious!
あなたに分かって頂けて嬉しいですAは日本でもとても入手困難で価格も高騰しています。ですが私が聞いた話では日本では製造中止では無くまた来年頃から出始めると聞いていますよクリスマスにコントローラを使って遊べないのは残念に思いますがどうかあなたがクリスマスを楽しむ事を祈ってます商品は本日再送しました 新しい追跡番号はAですもし前回送った商品(Kenjiより)が届いた場合は受取の際に受取拒否と配達員に伝えて下さいもし誤って受け取った場合はまた返送先住所をお伝えしますのでご連絡下さい
I'm glad to hear that you understand.The price of A is increasing and it's difficult to get. But I heard that it will restart to sell in Japan from next year, not out of production.I feel sorry that you can not play with controller but wish you to enjoy Christmas.I resent the goods again today. The new tracking number is A.If the same goods I sent last time ( from Kenji) is delivered, you can reject to accept it, just tell it to delivery person.If you may accept it mistakenly, just let me know. I will inform you the address for sending back.
According to the manufacturer, the expiration date of this product is about 5 years.Please take note just for your information.Thanks.The product had already shipped by SAL at 21st Nov.The estimated range of arrival is 5th to 19th Dec. But it's international shipping then kindly be acknowledged that the arrival date might be changed in a fer days earlier or later.There is the possibility to be delayed for about 1 month from estimated date in some delivery area.Sorry for your inconvenience.And international shipping seems to be delayed due to the circumstances of holiday season.We are going to keep full attention to complete our deal in any case.Just contact us whenever you need.
Hi.Thank you for your business support always.Let me explain about my thought for the reply from buyer in this time.In the order entry and shipment, I sent within handling time after accepting the order.Considering the timing of buyer reply, I think that the buyer complained because he could not accept the baggage until the data he expected.I think It should be considered now we are under holiday season.I feel sorry as I can not control the condition of air transport.If possible, I hope you to consider the withdrawal of the negative feed back in this time.
Kind of popular charm for relaxing in Japan - the gesture to write Chinese character "人" (means people) on palm 3 times, and then swallow it. She seems to be very nervous.--Please refund for the below script. The reason is.. I can not search the address in Japan even it's registered. Only alphabetical address cab search. I had waited your update but no reaction at all, so need refund please.
質問させてください。paypal登録住所を確認しましたが、東京都江戸川区まではわかりましたが、そのあと6-9-4の前に町名が入るはずです。一度ヤマト運輸に発送依頼しましたが、町名が抜けているようでしたので、いったん発送を保留しております。お手数ですが町名をご連絡ください。また、この住所で、氏名Ruda Alexandra様宛で届きますか?もしこの住所に居住されている方のお名前をいれないと届かない可能性があります。それもあわせてご連絡ください。よろしくお願いします。
Let me ask question.I checked your address registered on Paypal then found Edogawa-ku Tokyo, but it should have the name of town before number 6-9-4. I already tried to order the shipment to Yamato transport though, hold it due to the miss information about the name of town. I'm sorry but let me know the name of town please.And is it possible to send shipment for Ruda Alesandra directly to this address?I'm afraid that you might need specify the name of the resident, otherwise the shipment could not reach to you.Appreciate to let me know it also. Kind regards.
I sent the massage with the picture a few days before. Appreciate to confirm it. You can not attach the product without the part.