JUN INABA (jun_inaba) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
jun_inaba 英語 → 日本語

Web integrations come in two flavors: If you're looking for something quick and easy, check out our HTML Widgets. If you want deep integrations and aren't afraid of getting your hands dirty, dive into the Javascript API.

Rather than calling the Ink file picker from javascript, you can simply put in html widgets that will handle all the interaction for you. The widgets are designed to be drop-in replacements for what you already have, making it even easier to get started

Using the Pick widget, you can automagically turn an ordinary input field into the picker. Once the file is chosen, the input field will be filled in with the url of the chosen file, ready to be sent off to your server.
Programming the Widgets


ウェブの統合には2つある。もしあなたがスピードと手軽さを探しているなら我々のHTMLウィジェットをチェックしてみてください。もしあなたが深い統合を欲し、あなたの手が汚れることを恐れていないなら、Javascript APIに飛び込んでみましょう。



jun_inaba 英語 → 日本語

Hi i'm just writing to let you know that the package is on it's way it's just that the post office made an error and marked it as delivered, please DO NOT worry, i went to make sure and they apologized for that mistake and they are still going to deliver it to the address given on the box, it is scheduled for Wednesday morning. I'm sorry for their mistake, i just want to assure that the package is still on it's way to you. Please reply confirming this.

Hi, just checking up on you.

USPS said they'll contact me directly when it's been delivered to you, but before that i want to confirm with you first so that way i'll know everything is fine with you.



