jane (janekitt) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
janekitt 英語 → 日本語

The Wi-Fi Alliance is about to drop a wireless connectivity bombshell called Wi-Fi Direct that will enable device-to-device connections using current Wi-Fi standards. The Wi-Fi Alliance will begin certifying Wi-Fi Direct devices today.

Communication between Wi-Fi devices isn’t specifically new. The Nintendo DS, for instance, has had device-to-device Wi-Fi interaction for some time, but the technology is proprietary.

The Wi-Fi Alliance differentiates Wi-Fi Direct by certifying the standard, ensuring interoperability. Devices stamped with the Wi-Fi Direct certification don’t need wireless networks, as they essentially become micro-hotspots.


The Wi-Fi Alliance(ワイファイアライアンス)はWi-Fi Direct(ワイファイダイレクト)という、現行のWi-Fiを用いて機器から機器の接続を可能にするというワイヤレスの相互通信能力における爆弾を落とそうとしている。The Wi-Fi AllianceはWi-Fi Direct機器の認証を始める。
The Wi-Fi Allianceは基準を認定し、相互の機器間で作動することを保証することによって、Wi-Fi Directを差別化させる。Wi-Fi Direct 認証のスタンプが押された機器は、本質的にワイヤレスネットワークの中心地になるので、他のワイヤレスネットワークは必要がなくなるのだ。

janekitt 英語 → 日本語

①As I said, do NOT pay anything other than SS11 sample. I do not want to confuse the issue even more. I promise you can return ASw10 sample, but I want to do these two issues separately. Please cooperate and handle SS11 sample payment (30days after receipt of orders.)
②supplier informed that as informed during the order minimun order
is for 100 prs , but in this case they are asking to AT shop to increase
almost to 80 prs otherwise they are obliged to increase single
price of 2Euro/each pair.
③Under the time constraints, IF we were to visit Tokyo during the first week of December, I think it would be easiest to make it simply a press trip and not hassle with an in-store event.



janekitt 英語 → 日本語

Philadelphia has $3.5 billion in assets under management. It focuses on ultra-high-net-worth individuals -- typically someone who has between $50 million and $100 million of investable net worth, Hillman said. The company offers those investors private placement of money into insurance products.
The sale of Phoenix and Reassurance was part of the deal to make Philadelphia independent. New York regulators recently finalized the sale.
Phoenix also announced this week a new partnership with The AltiSure , which designs and distributes annuities and life insurance.
The two companies this week announced the launch of a co-developed "secure lifestyle annuity series" for retirees and people planning for retirement.


Philadelphia社は現経営陣のもと、35億ドルの資産を保持している。一般に5000万ドルから1億ドルの純資産が投資可能な超富裕層ををターゲットとしている、とヒルマン氏は語る。Philadelphia社はこういった投資家に私募保険商品を提供している。Phoenix and Reassurance社の売却はPhiladelphia社を独立させるための取引の一環であった。ニューヨークの保険監督当局は近ごろ、売買を最終決定した。
また, Phoenix社は今週、The AltiSure社と新しく提携したことを発表した。The AltiSure社は年金商品と生命保険を開発、販売している。この週、2社はリタイアした人、またリタイアを計画している人向けに共同開発した”安心のライフスタイル年金シリーズ”の販売を発表した。