Takashi Mochizuki (isaiah324) 翻訳実績

Fujinomiya, Shizuoka
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

Has you know a bouldering wall and bouldering holds some times are bad and big (slopers)At this time I would like send you around 60 kg of climbing holds , this open the possibility of send you large and XL holds (hollow backed) and I will sell you by weight $750 US dls for 200 holds with a weight around 60 Kgs. The shipping freight to Tokio is around 800 dls for the 60 kgs.If you will get the same sizes of holds like that I send you in the kit packs. 200 holds will be 30 kgs for 375 US dls.
And 430 dls for shipping to Japan. You pay 180 dls for the last box from Saratosa to Japan, and I pay 120 dls from Mex to Saratosa. 300 dls for a pack of 21 kgs.



isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

When Apple released its diminutive sixth generation iPod Nano back in 2010, Steve Jobs quipped that one of the board members at Apple was planning to use it as a watch. And since then a number of different companies have put forth various watch strap solutions that can integrate with the iPod Nano. The latest of these is from right here in Japan, and comes courtesy of Tokyo-based entrepreneur Bonansea and his company emonster.I had a chance to catch up with Bonansea recently, where he showed me his Nanox watchstrap conversion solution for the Nano. He told me that he had looked at existing Nano watch kits out there, but didn't really like any of them.He decided to create his own.


アップル社が2010年に極小の第6世代のiPod Nanoを発売した時、スティーブ・ジョブズは当意即妙にこう返答したのです、「当社の役員のひとりがこれを腕時計として使用するという計画を立てていたのだ。」 その時以来、実に多くの会社がこぞって、iPod Nanoと一体化する様々な種類の腕時計のストラップ製品を開発しているのです。そのうちの最新版は、ここ日本から生まれ、東京発の新興企業者のBonanseaと彼の会社の"emonster"の厚意によるものなのです。最近、私はBonanseaとお会いする機会があり、そこで彼から"Nanox"という名のNano用の腕時計のストラップ製品を見せられました。彼はこう言ってました、「今まで巷でNano用の腕時計キットを見てきたけれど、あまり好きにはなれなかった。だから、自分で作ることにしたよ。」

isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

It was clear that Bonansea respects the original Apple design of the Nano and wanted to build something that approaches that same standard. He says that he doesn't build anything inferior, noting that "If it isn't any good, then why bother making it?"
The kit includes two aluminum parts which join together to encase and protect the iPod Nano. these aren't just any aluminum components either. The pieces are cut from solid aluminum blocks at factories that he selected in China, and they use the same aircraft grade, 606 aluminum alloy that Apple uses for its Nano. And taking it a step further, he told the manufacturers to match the Nano colors as close as possible. The Nanox comes in seven colors.


彼のキットは、iPod Nanoを包み込み保護するために一緒につながる2枚のアルミニウムを使っています。これは単なるアルミの部品ではありません。各素材は彼が直接中国で選んだ硬いアルミの塊を工場でカットしたもので、アップル社がNanoのために使っている606というアルミ合金は、航空機でも用いられている程良質なのです。さらに一歩踏み込んで、彼は製造会社にできる限りNano本来の色合いに近づけるように伝えたのです。 Nanox には7色あります。

isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

The objective of the group will be to ensure we rapidly reapply learnings from across the business. A resource will be identified to act as coordinator for this community, ensuring it stays connected and quickly share and learns from it’s experiences.
Women in Sales Leadership
The recently created Women in Sales Leadership program was reviewed, and the plans for 2012 shared and discussed. The program provides a combination of peer coaching, training and networking opportunities to those taking part. There has been an excellent response from associates, meaning that the program is now fully subscribed for 2012.
Category Expertise
Following a presentation from Kantar Retail


Kantar Retailからのプレゼンテーションに続きます。