Takashi Mochizuki (isaiah324) 翻訳実績

Fujinomiya, Shizuoka
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
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All it takes is a few conversations with people that really care, and you’re well on your way to an engaged and flourishing community.”
– Sheena Medina, community manager at Fast Company

“At Zaarly, we do everything we can to build a stronger emotional connection with the buyers and sellers on our site. Sellers are especially important to us, because they’re the ones that add value to the marketplace, and who will come back and use Zaarly regularly. There are three forms of engagement that we focus on: Engagement with the product, engagement with the brand and engagement with other users.


Fast Company、コミュニティ・マネージャーのシーナ・メディーナ氏による


isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

Fast Company is fortunate enough to have a very supportive and thriving online community of whip-smart professionals who are independent enough to have these really awesome in-depth conversations about our content on their own. Sometimes they want to know you are listening, which means it’s your responsibility to read and respond. Other times they want to have a spirited debate and as a brand it’s difficult to know when to get out of the way. My advice to you is: step back early! It’s much harder to show restraint, but your community will thank you for allowing them to run.”
– Sheena Medina, community manager at Fast Company


Fast Companyには幸運にも、当社のコンテンツを自分たちで奥深くまで話し合える程成熟した、頭の回転が速いプロたちが集まる、とても協力的で盛況なオンライン・コミュニティがあるのだ。時には、彼らは話を聞いているのか知りたいのだ。つまり、読んだら応答するのがあなたの役割なのだ。またある時には、彼らは心からの話し合いを持ちたいのだが、ブランドの性質上、いつそこから離れたらいいのかが分かりにくいのだ。あなたへのアドバイスとしては、早めに退散することだ。控えめに振る舞うのはもっと大変だが、コミュニティはあなたの配慮に感謝してくれるだろう。」
Fast Company 、コミュニティ・マネージャーのシーナ・メディーナ

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“I work out of our corporate office mostly, but when I am in the restaurants I like to pay close attention to our @-mentions and keyword searches. Once, a guest tweeted that she was served a warm beer to her hundred-something followers. I was able to figure out who she was by her picture and have a manager send over a new, ice-cold beer, even though she never asked her waitress for one. It was definitely a social media surprise-and-delight moment for me, and she left a happy customer.”
– Morgan Brady, social media & events coordinator at Southern Hospitality and Strawberry’s Sports Grill

Responding to Feedback


Southern Hospitality and Strawberry’s Sports Grill、ソーシャル・メディア、イベント・コーディネーターのモーガン・ブラッディ氏による


isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

The next time the switch is pressed and held the reading will begin decreasing until it is released. The new calibration will be saved if no adjustments are made for 10 seconds.
The service mileage is a countdown mile meter. The service mile display can be disabled or can be set to count down from 500 – 7500 miles. If the service mile is enabled and 0 miles remains the gauge will display “SERVIC DUE”. If the right push button switch is pressed and held while “SERVIC DUE” is displayed, the service
miles will be reset to the mileage value selected. To change the service miles, enable, or disable the reading, go to the SPEED setup menu as described above and then select “SERVIC”.


サービス・マイレージは、カウントダウン・マイル・メーターです。サービス・マイル表示は無効にでき、または500から7500マイルまでカウントダウン設定が可能です。サービス・マイルが使用可能で、マイル数が0のままならば、ゲージには「SERVIC DUE」と出て来ます。この表示が出ている間、右の押しボタンスイッチが押されたままであれば、サービスマイルは選択されたマイレージ値にリセットされるでしょう。サービス・マイルを変更するには、測定値を有効または無効にして、上記に書かれているように「SPEED」セットアップ・メニューに行ってから、「SERVIC」を選んで下さい。

isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

The MPH display will show nothing. You should now begin driving the measured mile. The message display will count the number of pulses received from the sensor. The message display cannot be used to determine when a mile has been driven. Once you reach the end of your marked mile, press the switch again. The calibration is now done.
When “ADJUST” is displayed press and release the switch. The system will restart with “ADJUST” on the message display. The speedometer will show the speed reading. Begin driving at a known speed. When the switch is pressed and held the speedometer reading will begin increasing until the switch is released.

