Takashi Mochizuki (isaiah324) 翻訳実績

Fujinomiya, Shizuoka
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

The Paypal charges us fees at 4.9% now not 3.9%, and when the payment is arrived, it automatically exchanged in HKD which is not we need(there is no USD option there),
The worse case is that this HKD exchange rate is much lower than the market rate so we lose other 3% when we withdraw it.The Paypal payment option also get your cost way up, this invoice amount would be 214USD extra to the pure cost of order, this is too much for doing business like this.
Thus, we are not going to use our Paypal for mass order optional payment anymore, it is not benefit to both of us. please wire the fund from your bank account to our bank account from now on.


Paypal は3.9%ではなく、4.9%の手数料を請求し、支払いが届くと、自動的に我々には必要のない香港ドルに変換されてしまいます。(米国ドルのオプションはありません)
したがって、私たちは大量注文へオプション支払いに対しては、以降Paypal を使うことはしませんし、私たち双方にとって利益になりません。これからは、あなたの銀行口座から私たちの銀行口座まで電信為替で送金するようにして下さい。

isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

Using Visuals

“Photos can be worth 1,000 words (or posts): Our community comes to Jetsetter for our vacation recommendations and reviews, but it’s the photos that people are most passionate about. Our photo-driven content gets the most user engagement in Facebook and Pinterest. We have stunning photography and engaged fans who love to share the pictures we provide and talk about their own experiences with that destination. Also, our Jetsetter team is constantly traveling the globe and when they do, they share their own photo albums, which are popular among our members.”
– Jonathan Goldmann, social media manager at Jetsetter




isaiah324 英語 → 日本語

Making Connections

“If you’re looking to increase engagement, the question you should answer is: How can we continue to strive for meaning? At its core, social media is about making a real connection with something you care about. And it’s about building communities — which really means building relationships. You don’t have to be an “expert” to build a relationship, you just have to be invested and fully present. Your audience will immediately recognize the value you create if every decision you make is centered around bringing meaning to your community. It may sound simple, and that’s because it is.



「参加者を増やすために答えるべき質問はこれだ。『どうやって意味あるものにするために努力し続けられるのか。』 その中核にあるのは、ソーシャルメディアが向かうのは、あなたが関心を持つことに真剣に関わることにあるのだ。コミュニティを作り上げること、つまり関係を作り上げることに本当の真意があるのだ。関係を作るための『専門家』になる必要はなく、自分を全部投資し差し出すことだけが必要なのだ。あなたが下す決断の中心がコミュニティに意味をもたらすことにあるならば、あなたが作り出す価値を周りの人たちはすぐに分かってくれるのだ。シンプルに聞こえるが、それが理だからだ。」