Thanks for your payment! The unpaid item case for 100.000 Twitter followers marketing social Tweeter Followers Garantie Pro France has been closed, and an unpaid item won't be recorded on your account.
お支払いありがとうございます。お支払い頂いていない100.000 Twitter followers marketing social Tweeter Followers Garantie Pro Franceは停止、解除されましたので、アカウントには反映されません。
yes we are allowed to ship within the US but here is the other problem from 「A」. 「A」 does not allow any dealer to sell in what they call “stocking quantities” to anyone that is not a 「A」 dealer. 「A」 is trying to force buyers to only buy from authorized dealers. I wish it was not that way but we can get into a lot of trouble with 「A」 if we violate that policy. So yes, I could sell to you and ship to an address within the US, but only in item amounts that are considered “non stocking” or “not for resale”. Basically, the only way you and I can still do this would be to have different buyers buy the items and I can only ship to a US address. As an example,
I can’t have one buyer buying 4 Light Kits in one month….that is what will get us into trouble. The orders have to be as though all the items ordered are for that one buyer like a normal buyer would actually do. If you have a list of different names (preferably English/American type names as that looks “normal” to 「A」) and a US address then I can sell different items to each buyer. I have other accounts that are doing this above idea. I don’t care what the names are, the most important thing is that they are normal names with US addresses. Here’s how 「A」knows what is going on; 「A」 installed a Dealer Management System in all it’s dealers so they SEE WHAT is being sold and WHERE
1人の購入者に4つのLight Kitsを同じ月に売る事はできません。これが問題を引き起こします。ご注文は一般のお客様が買われるであろう物と同様でなければなりません。もしあなたが違う名前のリスト(英語のアメリカ人の名前が好ましい。Aにあやしまれないように)をもっていて、アメリカの住所があれば、別の商品をそれぞれの購入者に販売出来ます。私は他にもこのアイデアを行っている相手がいます。名前は私は何でもいいですし、一番重要なのはアメリカの住所と、あやしまれない普通の名前です。Aがどうやって見つけるかですが、Aはディーラー管理システムを導入したので、どこの誰に何を売ったかを簡単に見つけられます。
it is going to as they can track every single invoice !!. Now you know how they know one buyer is buying10-20 of one item or we are shipping items outside the US. Let me know if this helps or works for you (using different names and ordering in smaller quantities). If this works for you (different names and a couple addresses) I may not be able to sell you as much as before, but I can still sell to you. Perhaps you can find another dealer that can sell you a few to make up the difference. Your postage will be a bit more since I can’t send 3-4 at a time but it may still be worth it.Respectfully,
Please take some time to read the attached letter from Sega Toys in Japan.As they state, you are not supposed to sell Sega Toys Homestar (Planetarium) items in Europe. Therefore, please take your time now to remove all of those items from,,, and immediately.Thank you very much for your cooperation.
添付の日本のSegaからのメールをご確認下さい。書面にもある通り、あなたはセガのプラネタリウムのおもちゃをヨーロッパで販売してはいけません。よって、即刻,,, and に掲載している全ての商品を削除して下さい。ご協力ありがとうございます。
Line reaches 10 million users in India, aims at 20 million by end of yearLine first launched officially in India some three months ago, armed with a TV ad campaign targeted at high-school aged users. According to Line Corp today, the messaging app has reached 10 million registered users in India and expects to cross 20 million by year’s end.Line has over 230 million registered users in total, with 18 million in Thailand, which is the app’s top nation outside of Japan. Eyeing the rapid growth in the smartphone market, Line wants to be the top smartphone chat app in India and is employing some aggressive marketing initiatives in order to reach its goal.
Line インドにて1千万ユーザーを突破。年内に2千万ユーザーを目指す。Lineは約3ヶ月前にテレビのコマーシャルキャンペーンを利用し、高校生ぐらいの年齢層をターゲットに公式にサービスをローンチした。Line Corpによると、今、メッセージングアプリはインドにて1億人のユーザーが登録しており、年末までにユーザー登録2億人を超えると予測されている。Lineは合計2億3千万人以上のユーザーが登録しており、日本以外では1800万人が登録しているタイがトップ。スマートフォンマーケットの急成長に注目し、Lineはインドにおいてのトップチャットアプリとなることを目指し、この目標を達成する為にいくつかの独創的マーケティングを積極的に行っている。
Akira Morkawa, Line Corporation’s CEO, said this morning:India has overtaken Japan to become the country with the third largest number of smartphone users. It is only natural to anticipate further growth of the smartphone market in India and we believe that it will become a vital territory as Line expands into the global marketplace.The 10 million user-base milestone in India is a big surprise for the Japanese company itself. According to Morkawa, ever since Line’s marketing blitz in India in July, the growing number of users has far exceeded the firm’s own expectations. It’s even surpassed growth rates in Line’s other key markets like Thailand and Taiwan.
Line CorporationのCEO、Akira Morikawa氏は今朝次の様に述べた。インドは日本を超え世界で3番目にスマートフォンユーザーの多い国となった。インドのスマートフォン市場がより発展するのを期待するのは自然なことであり、私たちはLineが世界のマーケットに拡大していく上でも極めて重要な市場だと考えている。インドでの1千万人ユーザー突破という数字は日本の会社にも大きな驚きだった。Morikawa氏によると、7月にLineがインド市場に電撃進出をして意向、ユーザー数の増加は期待していた数字を大幅に上回るものであった。他の重要マーケットである台湾やタイでの成長率を超えてしまったとのこと。
If you received a special promotion from Amercian Express then they should have sent you an email or brochure listing any benefits or discounts you can receive as a member of In the promotional details there are instructions on how to receive any discounts or benefits with our company. I do apologize but I do not have any details on the promotion and you will need to contact Amercian Express for the details. If you have received this information – please provide it to me so that I can have my management review it and verify that you are eligible for the discount to apply to your account. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Best Regards,
American Expressからスペシャルプロモーションが届いていましたら、MyUS.comでメンバーとしてお使い頂ける特典又は割引について記されているはずです。プロモーションの詳細の欄に割引や特典サービスの受け方に関する説明が書いてあります。申し訳ありませんが、私はこのプロモーションに関しての詳細を知らないので、American Expressにお問い合わせ下さい。もしこの情報を受け取りましたら、私にもお知らせ下さい。弊社マネージメントに確認を取らせ、お客様が割引を受けられるかどうか確認致します。他にも何かご質問等ありましたらお気軽にお知らせ下さい。
Greetings from Motocrossgiant, thank you for your order. We apologize the inconvenience but we only have 3 of the GoPro HERO3: Black Edition 1080p HD Video Camera. We have the new option if you'd like there is a price difference but this is the newest one. Please advise if you would like 3 of the old model and 3 of the new model. Or if you just want the 3, we can process a refund for the difference. Please advise. Any other questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your business, have a great day.
Motocrossgiantです。こんにちは。ご注文有り難うございます。申し訳ございませんが、GoPro HERO3: Black Edition 1080p HD ビデオカメラは3点しか在庫がございません。変わりにもし宜しければ以下のオプションがございます。価格は違いますが、新しいモデルの物がございますので、もし3つを旧モデル、残りの3つを新モデルでも承ります。又は旧モデル3つのみのご注文で3点分の返金でも構いませんので、お知らせ下さい。他にもご質問等ございましたらお気軽にお問い合わせ下さいませ。ご利用誠に有り難うございます。
Hi there, Thank you for contacting us! In response to your inquiry, we can only sell and ship products in the United States-- I apologize for this. We hope you guys have a great day and weekend ahead :) Sincerely, David Stebbins,
こんにちは。ごれんらくありがとうございます。お問い合わせにお答えいたしますと、弊社は米国内でのみ販売、発送しております。申し訳ございません。よい一日、良い週末をお過ごし下さい。David Stebbins
Rising temperatures are expected to have a significant impact on Australian species, with the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report warning that a 2C-4C rise in average temperatures will wipe out 21%-36% of Australia's butterflies, while the loss of nearly half of appropriate habitat in Queensland will spell doom for 7%-14% of reptiles, 8%-18% of frogs, one in 10 birds and 10%-15% of mammals.Tracy Rout, of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Queensland and co-author of the relocation study, told Guardian Australia that moving species was a contentious one among scientists.
気温の上昇はオーストラリアの生物に著しい影響を及ぼすと考えられています。IPCCの発表によると、平均気温が2C-4C上がると、21%-36%のオーストラリアの蝶々を死滅させ、クイーンズランドの半分近くの本来の生息地がなくなると7%-14%の爬虫類動物、8%-18%の蛙、10匹のうち1匹の鳥、10%-15%のほ乳類動物が死滅するであろうとのこと。クイーンズランド大学生物化学学科及び移転学の共同著者のTracy Rout氏はガーディアン・オーストラリアに、科学者の間で、生物を他の違う生息地に移す事は議論されていると語った。
Sam is a New Zealander who runs Niseko Xtreme Tours, a local company specialising in back-country tours. We liaised with him over 10 days while waiting for the perfect conditions – there was much monitoring of weather patterns, avalanche reports and careful map-reading.Finally, we hit the road at 8am one morning and, after an hour's drive, arrived at the base of the mountain. After putting on snowshoes, testing our avalanche transceivers (you would be surprised at how many people omit this vital bit of kit) and packing our shovels, probes, food, boots and skis, we set off for the day.
SamはNiseko Xtreme Toursを主催するニュージーランド人で、バックカントリーツアーを専門に主催する地元企業です。私たちは彼と10日以上連絡を取り合いながら天候変動、雪崩の予報、そして注意深く地図を読み、最高のコンディションを待ちました。遂にある朝8時に出発し、1時間半のドライブを経て山の麓に辿り着きました。スノーシューズに履き替え、ビーコンのテストをし(こんな重要な機器を忘れる人が多いのには驚く)、シャベル、コンパス、食料、ブーツ、スキーを持って出発しました。
#The Golf HabitSorry but I don’t have any of these available at this timeI will let you know when more stuff comes inJust a follow up. I just spoke again with my TM tour rep and he advised that they only produced approximately 350 of these tour issue shallow face heads and 70 went to tour players. The balance is what we have and there will no more after that. These are rare. Let me know.FYI…I believe these are the white headsI have a wholesale opportunity for you that you may be interested in regarding TaylorMade tour issue Driver headsI have rare shallow face R1 drivers in right handed and left handed. Your pricing including shipping via priority is as follows:
#ゴルフの習慣申し訳ありません。今はどれも品切れをしております。入荷され次第ご連絡差し上げます。ご報告しますと、Taylor Madeのツアーマネジャーと先程話したところ、このツアーイッシュー・シャローファイスヘッドは約350本しか作られず、そのうち70本はツアープレイヤーに渡ったそうです。残りが私たちの分で、それ以上はもうないそうです。これらは貴重です。如何でしょうか?ちなみに、これらは白のヘッドだと思います。私たちはあなたが興味のありそうなTaylorMade ツアーイッシュー・ドライバーを卸売りする事ができます。私たちはレアなシャローフェイスR1ドライバーを右利き用、左利き用の両方取り揃えてございます。急行便での送料込みのお値段は以下になります。
#The Golf HabitI just spoke with my Taylor Made Tour representative and wanted to pass along some information on these shallow face R1’s since not much is known about them. According to him, Taylor Made only offered one type to their players. Only a original version….no version 1’s or 2’s. He says that the cc of the head is 440 and the serial numbers start with TD5. This is the head that Justin Rose was hitting for a few tournaments last year. Let me know how many pieces you would like and I will send paypal invoice. More tour issue product to be coming in the next couple of weeks (driver, fairway woods, rescues, etc)Thank you as always for your business
#ゴルフの習慣Taylor Made Tourの担当者と今話しましたところ、シャローフェースR1についてはあまり知られていないので情報をお知らせします。彼の話だと、Taylor Madeはプレイヤー達には1つのタイプしかオファーしていないそうです。つまり、オリジナルのモデルで、バージョン1、バージョン2等はないそうです。ヘッドのccは440で、シリアル番号はTD5から始まるそうです。Justing Roseが昨年いくつかのトーナメントで使っていたヘッドがこれです。何本ご希望されているかをお知らせ頂ければPaypalで請求させて頂きます。他のツアーイッシューの製品は次の2週間の間に発表されます(ドライバー、フェアウェイ、ウッド、レスキュー等)。いつもご利用頂き有り難うございます。
DEI havn't got my order in the estimated delivery time.My question is: Can you tell me, where my order is in the moment (Do you have tracking information?). And when will be the real deliverxy time.DEThe rice cooker you offer is for 230v or for 110v? I'm looking for a 230v version, 3cup.Thanks in advance for your reply.FRI received the package yesterday, Thank you for your efficacity. The figure is awesome thanks a lot! =)
D E予想配達期間に私の荷物は到着していません。今どこにあるか教えて頂けますか?トラッキング番号はありますか?いつ届くか正確な配送日を教えて下さい。D Eあなたが出品している炊飯器は230Vのものですか?それとも110Vの物ですか?私は3カップ炊ける230V版を探しています。宜しくお願いします。お返事お待ちしております。F R昨日荷物が届きました。どうもありがとうございました。フィギュアは最高です!
We removed these items from our site because we were notified by the rights owner that the items infringed their rights. Please contact the rights owner directly for more information: ******If you resolve this matter with the rights owner, the rights owner may contact us at to withdraw their complaint. We ask that you refrain from posting items manufactured by this rights owner until you have resolved this matter.
I can get the A stuff. And possibly the B I will check on the other stuff
A は入手できますよ。Bも入手出来るかもしれません。他の物もチェックしてみます。
Out of the items you requested we have the below in stock:
I regret to inform you that while processing your shipment we were unable to locate this package in our warehouse. We are currently conducting a warehouse search to locate your package. While we are conducting this search, please email us with a copy of your order invoice showing the price you paid for these items. In the event that we are unable to locate this package we will promptly reimburse you.Thank you and I look forward to your reply.
The funding amount will depend on the stage and industry of the startup. It could invest in seed stage startups who may not have a company established, as long as the founding team is experienced.It would pump more money into biotech and cleantech companies, which require more funding than mobile and IT startups.The first KUVF fund was set up in 2007 with $45 million in its kitty. As of August this year, it has a portfolio of 18 companies. One of these companies is Aucfan, a Tokyo-based price comparison site which IPO-ed this year.