headbanger 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
headbanger 英語 → 日本語

I can’t have one buyer buying 4 Light Kits in one month….that is what will get us into trouble. The orders have to be as though all the items ordered are for that one buyer like a normal buyer would actually do. If you have a list of different names (preferably English/American type names as that looks “normal” to 「A」) and a US address then I can sell different items to each buyer. I have other accounts that are doing this above idea. I don’t care what the names are, the most important thing is that they are normal names with US addresses.
Here’s how 「A」knows what is going on; 「A」 installed a Dealer Management System in all it’s dealers so they SEE WHAT is being sold and WHERE 


1人の購入者に4つのLight Kitsを同じ月に売る事はできません。これが問題を引き起こします。

headbanger 英語 → 日本語

Line reaches 10 million users in India, aims at 20 million by end of year

Line first launched officially in India some three months ago, armed with a TV ad campaign targeted at high-school aged users. According to Line Corp today, the messaging app has reached 10 million registered users in India and expects to cross 20 million by year’s end.

Line has over 230 million registered users in total, with 18 million in Thailand, which is the app’s top nation outside of Japan. Eyeing the rapid growth in the smartphone market, Line wants to be the top smartphone chat app in India and is employing some aggressive marketing initiatives in order to reach its goal.


Line インドにて1千万ユーザーを突破。年内に2千万ユーザーを目指す。

Lineは約3ヶ月前にテレビのコマーシャルキャンペーンを利用し、高校生ぐらいの年齢層をターゲットに公式にサービスをローンチした。Line Corpによると、今、メッセージングアプリはインドにて1億人のユーザーが登録しており、年末までにユーザー登録2億人を超えると予測されている。


headbanger 英語 → 日本語

Akira Morkawa, Line Corporation’s CEO, said this morning:

India has overtaken Japan to become the country with the third largest number of smartphone users. It is only natural to anticipate further growth of the smartphone market in India and we believe that it will become a vital territory as Line expands into the global marketplace.

The 10 million user-base milestone in India is a big surprise for the Japanese company itself. According to Morkawa, ever since Line’s marketing blitz in India in July, the growing number of users has far exceeded the firm’s own expectations. It’s even surpassed growth rates in Line’s other key markets like Thailand and Taiwan.


Line CorporationのCEO、Akira Morikawa氏は今朝次の様に述べた。



headbanger 英語 → 日本語

If you received a special promotion from Amercian Express then they should have sent you an email or brochure listing any benefits or discounts you can receive as a member of MyUS.com. In the promotional details there are instructions on how to receive any discounts or benefits with our company. I do apologize but I do not have any details on the promotion and you will need to contact Amercian Express for the details.

If you have received this information – please provide it to me so that I can have my management review it and verify that you are eligible for the discount to apply to your account.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,


American Expressからスペシャルプロモーションが届いていましたら、MyUS.comでメンバーとしてお使い頂ける特典又は割引について記されているはずです。プロモーションの詳細の欄に割引や特典サービスの受け方に関する説明が書いてあります。申し訳ありませんが、私はこのプロモーションに関しての詳細を知らないので、American Expressにお問い合わせ下さい。

