I have to apologize but we are going to cancel the order you made on Amazon. The reason is that we showed the wrong price for the items.If you are not satisfied with our procedure, please let us know. We are willing to help you as much as we can.We could not deliver the items to Korea.We are going to cancel the order. Sorry for the inconvenience.As a compensation, we will refund $5 more than the original price.
このベースの重さは約*lbです。現在、我々のショップで在庫しております、実物の写真を添付しますのでご確認ください。誰も試し弾きなどしていない新品です。ナットの幅はPBと同じ42mmとし、通常の4弦ベースからでも違和感無く対応することができるネックグリップです。さらに5弦の音もはっきりとした輪郭を出力するようにアレンジされたピックアップを搭載しています。Fender Japanでは既に生産終了しており、ブラックはこれが最後の1本で、他に在庫はございません。
The weight of this base guitar is about *lb. It is in store now. Please go over the attached photo for your reference.This is a brand new product and no one has even touched it yet.The width of its nut is 42mm just the same size as PB, which makes it possible for players to switch from the usual four string base guitar quite naturally. The pickup loaded is arranged so as to make the sharp sound of the five strings.This is the last black type because Fender Japan has already finished its production. No other items are available.
We are contacting you because we have detected potential pricing errors in your Amazon.com product listings. To avoid a potentially negative customer experience caused by mispriced items, we have deactivated these listings.These deactivated listings are marked in Manage Inventory with a Status of "Inactive (Pricing Error)". To reactivate your listings, click on “Fix Price Alerts” and then on “Potential Pricing Error” on the left menu to:
アマゾン・コムにおいてあなたが販売している製品リストに、誤った価格が掲示されている可能性が見受けられましたのでご案内いたします。この誤りによりお客様に不利益が生じる可能性を避けるため、上記のリストのの掲示を中断しております。掲示を中断しているリストは管理画面上「中断中(価格ミス)」状態としてマークしてあります。この中断を解除するためには、「価格ミスの修正(Fix Price alerts)」をクリックしてから、メニュー左側の「価格ミスの可能性(Potential PricingError)をクリックしてください。
通電OK動作確認として直線縫いOKジグザグ縫いOK全てのパターンは多すぎて専門店ではないので全部は確認出来ておりません付属品は写真を参照して下さい。写真に写っているものが全てです。説明書は日本語になります。電圧・コンセントのプラグ形状が違う場合、あなたの国に対応した変圧器・変換プラグが必要です。日本のコンセント形状は一覧表(写真4枚目)のAです。ボディの底部分に補修跡があります。(一番下から2番目の写真をご参考ください。)国際入札者はabout taxの項を必ずお読み下さい
Power- On OKStraight stitch OK Zigzag stitch OK The above operation have been confirmed. As we are not the specialist, we have not confirmed others yet. Please refer to the attached photo for the accessaries. They are all the accessaries needed. Written manual is available only in Japanese.You might need a transformer and conversion plugs in case the voltage and the shape of the outlets your country use are different from those of Japan. Please see the attached list A ( the forth photo) to check the outlet shapes used in Japan.The one repair mark will be found on the bottom of the body.(Please refer to the second photo from the bottom.)If you are an International bidder, please be sure to read the section about tax
Let me know if you know the following. Where do you import ○○? From someone around Lufthansa or China?
Appli for snapping photos or images. Easy for everyone.1)Start up the appli.2)Press the "gallery" button3)Select the area 4)Press "Ok"button5)Share with your friends or rotate itUseful to upload the photos to a share appli for you can crop your photos into rectangle or square shape of our preference.If youcreenshot an image, the appli will be autmatically loaded and you can share or crop it as you like quite easily.The snapshot will be saved into the [CROP] folder.
Before 1900's, the energy consumption of the urban area was about 40% of that of the county area. The poor transportation system limited the wood and coal supply from the surrounded rural areas. In the cities, the houses were so small that be the main heating devices there were the small kamado and sichirin, or the compact stoves using wood and coals. In the late 1900's, after Japan- Russia War, the transportation system developed along with the increase of the use of electricity and the raising income , which pushed he energy consumption in the urban areas. However, it dropped slightly because of the recession in the late 1920's and decline of the electricity network.
【お知らせ】「見本市展示会通信」デジタル版販売をスタート~『デジタル新聞ダイレクトby honto』から「見本市展示会通信」(発行:(株)ピーオーピー、毎月1日・15日/月2回)は、紙面と同じレイアウトのデジタル版を閲覧できるサービスでの販売を、5月8日から開始しました。販売は、大日本印刷(株)(DNP)が『デジタル新聞ダイレクトby honto』としてスタートした、パソコンや携帯端末で専門紙・業界紙の新聞が閲覧できる有料の会員制デジタル新聞販売サービスを通じて行ないます。
【News】 "The Trade Fair Exhibition News Letter" digital version on sale now quote from "Digital paper direct by honto""The Trade Fair Exhibition News Letter"(published biweekly every 1st and 15th of each month by P.O.B Co,.Ltd. ) has started a new service on May 8th. With this, you can read the digital version on the same layout as the printed one. Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.(DNP)is responsible for the service through its "The Digital Newsletter Direct by honto, " the members-only digital newspaper sales, which let you read the professional or special field business papers on the mobile, tablet or PC.
セラーから商品を発送したとの連絡はありましたが、まだ荷物が届いていないので、私は、このCase # 5058417827をクローズしたくないです。セラーをが送った荷物が偽物の可能性もあるからです。引き続き、Caseをオープンしていても良いですか?Koryはいつも私に分かりやすい英語で答えてくれますネ。ありがとう。なのに、私は、いつも分かりにくい日本語と英語でお願いしてごめんね。まつ毛をもう少し短くカットしてください。そうすれば完成です!皮膚のペイントも植毛も上手ですね。
The seller said that they had shipped the merchandise but I have not received it yet. So I would like to close this case #505841782 because there is a possibility of the face shipment. Do you mind if keep the case open for a while? Thank you for replying me in Easy English, Kory. I really appreciate it. I feel bad for my Japanese and English is always so messy. Forgive me. Could you please make the eye lash a little shorter? Then it will be perfect and completed! You are so good at painting the skin and transplanting hair.