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Data Digest: The Social Networks Young Consumers Use
Young consumers are now almost always connected to media — which would rationally lead you to think that the more times and places they are connected, the more ways there are (and the easier it is) to interact with them. This is where market researchers need to step in and push their companies to dig deeper than just measuring the time spent on a media channel. They need to truly understand these consumers' core motivations for using it.
Earlier this week my colleague Jackie Anderson published a report 'Understanding The Intricate Digital Behaviors Of Young Consumers', that looks into this in detail.



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Some interesting findings from Forrester's North American Technographics Youth Survey Q3, 2010 shows that youngsters are highly active on social networking sites.
More than 90% of 12- to 17-year-olds who are active on social networks have an account on Facebook, which is their go-to social network, no doubt. But they haven't completely abandoned other networks: almost 40% have an account on both Facebook and Myspace.
With 78% of 12- to 17-year-olds having a social networking account, social networking’s power is undeniable. But it's not enough just to look at these channels to see what type of content or information 12- to 17-year-olds are consuming; it's how, why, and when they're consuming it.



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It is also able to leverage its life insurance products and sell to the executives of these small businesses, keeping customers sticky through a large suite of complimentary services. While none of these companies are currently trading at substantial discounts to our fair value estimates, we think that investors should focus on these firms first if considering an investment in the life insurance industry.
Looking ahead, we believe international operations will drive a large portion of future results for domestic life insurance companies. Most already had international operations, but a few have strengthened their positions through acquisitions.



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Notably, MetLife and Prudential, through its acquisition of AIG's Star and Edison Life companies, have enhanced their positions in Asian emerging markets. Compared to mature domestic markets, emerging markets are underpenetrated by insurers. As these emerging countries grow, they increasingly use insurance for risk management purposes, giving life insurance companies new customers. Global expansion has the potential to make life insurers more profitable in the near term as they convert new, previously uninsured, customers as opposed to engaging in costly competition with each other. We expect solid growth and profitability to persist in upcoming quarters, provided the financial markets cooperate.



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IT’S viewed as an insider’s secret for the affluent: a legal way to invest in hedge funds and other potentially lucrative assets, all without paying taxes on the gains.
But private placement life insurance, as it is known, is still unfamiliar to many wealthy people — and trickier to design properly than even some savvy investors realize, tax lawyers and financial advisers say.
“It sounds so good — ‘I can invest tax-free and get the money’ — but it’s actually very complex,” said Jon.
Private placement life insurance is an investment wrapped inside an insurance policy. The Internal Revenue Code treats the taxation of insurance differently from that of investments, like stocks or hedge funds,



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And the Internal Revenue Code does not levy federal income tax or the 15 percent capital gains on a life insurance policy when it pays out upon the death of the holder.
So by stuffing an otherwise taxable investment inside a tax-free life insurance policy, investors can reap the compounded gains of that investment and the death benefit, all tax-free.
The insurance is a form of variable life insurance whose cash value depends upon the performance of investments held in the policy. It is particularly lucrative because hedge funds, which trade frequently, otherwise often carry the 35 percent short-term capital gains tax.



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If structured through an offshore entity, like a foreign trust, the gains can remain out of reach of creditors or those who might sue you.
But investors appeared to be shying away from the foreign variant, Mr. Waxman said, in part because “you have very sophisticated estate planning lawyers in the United States, but they don’t necessarily have offshore practices.”
Investors may also be able to borrow up to 90 percent of the gains from the policy without paying taxes on the loan. One exception is when the policy is structured as a modified endowment contract, or M.E.C.; then, the amount borrowed is taxed at ordinary rates, typically 35 percent, and may carry a 10 percent penalty tax.


また、投資者はローンに課される税金を払わずに保険証券から利得の90%までを借りることができる。しかし例外が1つある。それは、証券が修正寄付契約、別の言い方で*M.E.C.(*訳注:「寄付契約」=modified endowment contractの略)として構成されている場合は、借りた金額に対して通常のレート、一般的には35%の税が課され、さらには10%の追徴税も課される場合があることだ。

gloria 英語 → 日本語

LEICA M2 I'm retiring after 43 years as a pro and will be listing a number of Leica and other cameras and lenses. To me, the M2 was the ultimate Leica, and more of the world's great photos were taken with the M2 than any other camera. It was the photojournalists camera of choice for a generation. The camera is in nice shape, with the usual few bright marks on the top. Mechanically it works fine, the viewfinder bright and clear. The M2 is a camera every photographer should own once in their lifetime. In the routine of digital shooting, it refreshes the creative eye to grab a Leica and go back to the roots of photography. Check my other listings for Summilux and Summicron lenses.


ライカM2  私は43年間のプロ生活に終止符を打って多くのライカやその他のカメラ及びレンズのリストを作っていこうと思っています。私にとって、M2は最新のライカです。世界の素晴らしい写真は他のカメラで撮られたものよりM2で撮られたものが多いのです。M2は何世代にもわたりフォトジャーナリストたちが選んできたカメラです。このカメラは形がよく、上部には通常の明るさ目盛りがついています。動作は良好で、ビューファインダーは明るくきれいです。M2はフォトグラファーが生涯に一度は持つべきカメラです。普段はデジタルカメラで写真を撮っていても、たまにはライカを手にとって写真撮影のルーツに戻るのも、クリエイティブな目をリフレッシュするのに良いのではないでしょうか。ズミルックスとズミクロンのレンズについては私の別のリストをご覧ください。