I established my company in your company on decenber 14 last year. One year has passed since then and I want to know how to renew the contract. In Hong Kong, the first settlement takes place at the 18th month, and my company's first settlement may this October, so Is it Ok for me to prepare all the necessary documents until October?And I checked the registry document and there are several points I would like to let me know. And please let me know the price for the settlement of account, if you can do it instead of me.Best regards
What is the Paypal's account? I am sorry that I 'm not yet used to the Paypal so I don't know it. And you use this mail for charging me the cost. I am using an address that MYus provided me, so you don't find the address, please send it to MYus's headquarters' address. I am using Google translation to communicate with you, because I cann't understand English, and If My mail content would offend you, It is due to my poor English ability,please understand it, and I really want to deal with you.
The other day the manager of the company that help us with our development for pot cultivation and saying that it is difficult to succeed in the business if keeping status quo and gave us some advise. From this year we follow his advice and try to challenge a new sapling, even if I don't know we can make it in the year. However we will do our best.Ater he left, I found a large strawbery grew in the pot, and the size was large enough to go over the minimum standard where we can say our trial is sucessful. Though he said itis difficult but I believe we can make it.
1975年12月15日の狂喜に満ちた伝説の武道館ライブ収録! 秘蔵映像として「Highway Star」演奏時に警備員の制止を振り切りステージ上に乱入した少年が連れ出され、グレンがベースを放り投げるオフィシャル未収録シーンもバッチリ収められています。ボーナス映像は70年のパリライブ、74年のロンドン、更にはリッチーブラックモアの決定版映像となる76年と77年、共にコペンハーゲンでのライブを収録!年代的に厳しい映像も含まれますが、今後と二度とお目にかかれない貴重映像決定版!
The video recorded the legendary live on December 15 1975 at Budoukan. including a unreleased scene, when performing Highway Star, a boy broke the guards and reached athe stage, the Glen throwed him his guiter out of anger. Plus a live performance at Paris in 1970, at London in 1975, and at Copenhagen in 1976 and 1977, at which Richi blackmore show his signiture performance. The video is best describe thie glorious years, though some part og images are bit timeworn.
Thank you for your purchasing, but the box of the item is too big to package with other item in a one shippment.We are very sorry that we have to send them with different shipping.
The product contains laquar, so those who are allegic to it avoid using the product.The sword canbe used to practice Iaido, however it is not made to hit swords each other.The edge is pinned down by a nail, please ensure the nail at the handle befor using it.Those products are planed to be out of the market.The edge is made from multi-layered steel that were hammmered.The handle is made from the skin of shark, as well as traditional swords.
Thank you for picking me up with your car last noon. I would like you to pick me at noon and night. Is that possible? I will willingly pay extra fee for your additional services.
Still now, the products containing antiseptic are sold, according to the web site of XXco.,ltd, the agent in Japan.We and other companies are also legally allow to handle them. however, some companies no longer import those products because of regulation. I don't know what will happen about Import and export of them.The information over the matter is now conflicting, and I decided to see the situation for a while,Sorry to bother you and I will inform you if I know the something about it.Now I am considering the volume of the order, and I will contact you again later this week. Best regards
As for the order number XThank you for yorur usual cooperation.The address for the goods i ordered the 4th january is as follows.XXThe shipper is me and the payment for the shipping falls on me so send your bill to the address under.XXThe shipping should be by Yamato transportation co.If there is any question, please contact to me. Best regards.
こんにちは。その後、色々と大変だったのですね。首と肩の状態が一日も早く良くなることを祈っています。それと、貴方の長女さんはマッサージ師になる為の勉強をしているのですね。それはきっと貴方にとっても、とても心強いと思います。LAはとても良い環境なので、きっと長女さんも素晴らしい施術者になれるでしょう! 私も応援しています。どうぞ宜しくお伝えください。またいつかLAに行く時は連絡させていただきますね。2018年が素晴らしい年になりますように!
Hello, You had a lot of trouble later on. I wish your neck and shoulder will cure as early as possible.And your oldest daughter is now learning to be a massuer, it might be good for you also.LA gives you a good environment soit would help your daughter to be a great massuer. I also wish that it will come true. please let her know my wish.When I am going to go to LA, I will imform it beforehand, I hope we will have a good year in 2018.
I am happy that Stephan becomes vibrant again.How about the Xmas concert?I want to watch Stephan's concert in Germany. I expect her Xmas song with her unique tone.The church is fantastic, and the smiles of Stephan's niece and nephew are gorgeous.They are so cute and heal my heart, that makes me feel like I send a Xmas present to them.Last year, I traveled a lot.A lot of songs remain unfinished so I decided to make a lot songs this year.This is my recent favorite movie. I often travel to Mt. Hiei to meet that monks.
I will cover the cost for repackage, so I want you to cancel the order.Can you accept that the repackaging fee for $30?I am sorry to bother you and let me know your address in order to return the goods.The address in Florida is the address of a forwarder that ship goods to Japan.
The dryer you have purchased is now on my side. I am sorry I don't know about the shipping situation in your country.Is it OK to deal with this matter by refunding? Sorry to bother you such a long time. I want to hear from you.
There is a possibility that you would eat out, then can I go without lunch? and in that case, will the price change?Or can you arrange lunch for dinner?
As I said before, our company is looking for a XX with containing no glycerin for using a material for X.Please let me know a minimum bulk for purchasing and its price.And Does X your company are dealing does not include eglycerin ? If so, please let me know the minimum order number for purchasing and its wholesale price. If our budget meet, we will purchase it. With Japanese law changing, we can no longer import products containing glycerin.Please let me know the products your handling with no glycerin included. And let me no whether its materials are the same or not.
Thank you for your usual help. Concerning the product you purchased, the shipping is delayed due to new yeas holidays, shipping companies are not available now.But we can ship it within our handling time, so please wait for a while.I have already contacted to the Japan post office, however it said that it cann't trace a shipping to the US.
Is the shuttle bus only for hotel guests or for everybody?How large is the bus? Is it a large one? Or are there any normal-size cars to acommodate people?Are the drivers staff of your hotel ? how about them, they are safe drivers and reliable?
Since I have been dealing with high price items so I wish you push up my price limit more than points.I have a lot of items for sales so I want you to push up my limit more.I maintain my account intact so I will keep this situation without any problem if you push up my limit.30 days has passed since you raised my limit. Through it is not yet 30 days since you raised my limit last time but I wish you consider my sales performance and raise my limit.I mainly handle XX/Please consider my request.
私の調査によれば、当製品の消費者からの主なクレームは以下の通りです。今回開発する製品は下記クレームが一切無いことが、トップシェア獲得のための最低条件のため、御社の具体的な対策方法を聞かせてください。【不具合】 最初から故障。 短期間(1日~数か月)で使用不能になる。 短期間でPTTボタンが破損 通話遅延(PTTボタンを押して直ぐに通話できない)電池消費が早すぎる 電池が異常に熱くなる 発火した 米国で禁止されている危険物質が含まれている。
According to the survey I conducted, the claims to your product are mainly as follows.In order to maintain the top share, to eliminate any claim under is a key factor, so please let me know your policy to deal with this new product.(defect)1.The product was broken in the first place.2.The product went out of order after using it in a short period from day one to few months3.PTT buttons were malfanctioning in a short period4.After repairing the PPT buttons, the product was incommunicatable for a while5. The battery's running time is too short6. The battery became too hot.7. The product sparked fire8, The product contain hazardous materials that are banned to use in the US.
Q1.緑のパーツと青のパーツの結合方法は? ex)オス、メスでのはめ込み or ネジ止め or 接着材 などQ2.完成品の品質検査方法は? 手順、内容を教えてください。Q3.御社が過去に開発した製品で生じたトラブルと、それについて実施した対策一覧を提示して頂けますか? 御社の品質基準の参考資料として拝見したいです。
1 Please let me know how to connect a green part and a blue part? an Insertion or a screw clamp or an adhasive ?2 How to check the quality of fineshed products and its procedures and methods.3 Let me know the troubles you had experienced over the products you produced in the past ? And I want you to show me the list of countermeasures you have carried out against the problems, as a reference to me about your quality control policy.