Before the smart TV’s official launch, it was widely speculated that Xiaomi will release two models, one 55-inch 4K capable and another smaller-sized version with full HD. Although the actual products may fall short of these expectations, they are still a good for users considering the competitive price.The development of smart TV technologies has triggered swift development of this sector. According to a report by LeTV, China’s annual sales of smart TVs exceeded 30 million sets in 2014, with a market penetration rate of nearly 70% expected to reach 85% during 2015.LeTV, Xiaomi’s arch-rival in the smart TV sector, is planning to launch a new product on April 2nd to compete head-on with Xiaomi.
スマートテレビの公式販売前、Xiaomiは2種のモデルを発売すると多くの人が憶測していた。1つは55インチの4K capableで、もう一つは、フルHDでそれよりサイズの小さい型のモデルだ。実際の製品は、これらのような期待されていた内容には及ばないかもしれないが、それでも価格の低さを考えればユーザにとっては価値がある。スマートテレビの技術が進歩したことにより、このセクターは急速に発展した。LeTVのレポートによれば、中国のスマートテレビの年間売上は2014年に3000万台を超えその市場浸透度は70%近くにおよび、2015年中には85%に達する見込みだ。スマートテレビセクターにおいてXiaomiの1番のライバルであるLeTVは、Xiaomiと真っ向から勝負する新商品を4月2日に発売する予定だ。
Trickey product manager Keisuke Shiro beat 39 other teams to win a rapid prototyping contest at Tokyo University. He’s currently a junior in the school’s engineering department.Also currently fundraising on Kickstarter, backers have put up US$12,000 toward Trickey’s US$30,000 goal with 46 days to go.
TrickeyTrickey is a keyboard for hardcore gamers that features a fully-customizable building-block design. Each block has six key slots, and each removable key features the mechanical Cherry MX switches that are loved by gamers and typists alike. Blocks can stand alone, i.e. a single block with four switches for WASD, or be combined to form a full keyboard.The entire apparatus is made from high-quality transparent plastic that reveals all of the inner workings. For customization beyond key layout, users can remove the key covers and print out original key design inserts using included software.
TrickeyTrickeyはハードコアゲーマー向けのキーボードで完全カスタマイズ型のビルディングブロックデザインを特色とする。各ブロックには6つの端面キー溝があり、1つ1つ取り外し可能なキーは、ゲーマー、タイピスト両方に愛されているチェリーメカニカルスイッチMX(mechanical Cherry MX)が特徴だ。ブロックは、WASDで1つのブロックに4つのスイッチがついているように、単独での動作、または、ブロックを組み合わせてのフルキーボードの作成が可能だ。全装置は質の高い透明なプラスチックからできており、全ての内部構造がみえるようになっている。キーレイアウトの域を超えてカスタマイズしたい場合、ユーザはキーカバーをはずし、同梱のソフトウェアを使ってオリジナルのキーデザインインサートを印刷できる。
A parent on a business trip, for example, can record a voice message on their smartphone and send it to Bocco. If they opt to send a text, Bocco can also read it out loud. Their child can then speak into the Bocco to record and send a message back. There’s also a door sensor that will send notifications to the traveling parent to let them know when their kids get home from school or when their elderly parents leave the house to go shopping. The startup claims that it’s a more subtle, personal form of communication that’s easier for children and seniors to grasp.
BoccoYou may have heard of Tokyo-based Yukai Engineering back in 2011 when the startup unveiled mind-controlled cat ears. At this year’s SXSW, however, the team was showing off something decidedly less otaku friendly. Bocco is a cute “robot” (aesthetically more than technically) that helps family members keep in touch when separated by work or travel, without being constantly glued to their smartphone screens.
Boccomind-controlled cat ears(necomimi)が発表された2011年、東京に本社を置くYukai Engineeringというスタートアップの名を耳にしたことがある人もいるかもしれな。しかし、今年のSXSWでYukai Engineeringのチームが披露したのは、今までに比べ明らかにオタク向けでないものだった。Boccoは、家族のもの同士が仕事や旅行で離ればなれになっている時に、スマートフォンのスクリーンに常にかじりつく必要無くして、互いに連絡を取り合えるようにする可愛らしい(技術的より、美的に)”ロボット”だ。
“We founded Yukai Engineering six years ago, but [Bocco] is the first product we’re marketing internationally,” said COO Jun Harada. “[SXSW] is a great chance to spread the word to a huge, international audience.”Bocco debuted on Kickstarter during SXSW Interactive and has raised about US$7,500 of its US$20,000 goal with 19 days remaining.
「私たちは6年前にYukai Engineering を設立しましたが、(Boccoは)私たちが国際市場に投入する初めての製品です。」COO(Chief Operating Officer)の原田惇氏は言う。「(SXSWは)非常に多くの、そして海外の聴衆に評判を広める絶好のチャンスです。」BoccoはSXSW interactive(SXSWインタラクティブ)中のKickstarterでデビューを飾り、残すところ19日間の時点で、目標金額2万米ドル中、およそ7500米ドルを集めている。
The larger the company, the more likely they are to have dedicated competitive intelligence divisions, but data scientists don’t need to hold out for businesses to keep up with the trends. About half of all job postings are for permanent, full-time employees and half are for contractors. Just like any other job in the tech field, you can make “more” as a contractor but won’t have benefits like health care, paid vacation, employer-contributed retirement plans, and the like. However, no matter what your employment status, you may be able to score a virtual office or telecommuting position.
Both startups did a good job of explaining why their product could become an essential part of their respective industries. D Free is on the cusp of mass production, a key factor in assessing the viability of a hardware venture. Tamecco, was seen to possess an excellent balance of technical ability and business potential. The judges also saw it as a service that can succeed outside of Japan.Ultimately, they chose (drum roll, please)… Tamecco!Tech in Asia extends a big thank you to all of the judges, startups, and attendees. If you’d like to follow us in Japanese, you can do so on Twitter at @techinasia_jp.
両スタートアップは、なぜ自社製品が各産業の根幹となり得るのかをうまく説明した。D Freeはハードウェアベンチャーの実現可能性を査定する上で重要な要因である大量生産の先端にいる。Tameccoは、その技術的な能力とビジネスにおける潜在性のバランスが素晴らしいと判断され、審査員もまた、Tameccoを日本国外で成功し得るサービスだと考えた。最終的に、選ばれたのは・・・。(鳴り響くドラム音) Tameccoだ!Tech in Asiaは審査員、スタートアップ、そして参加者の皆さまに心より感謝申し上げます。弊社への日本語でのツイッターフォローはTwitter at @techinasia_jpからお願いいたします。
Companies that provide these types of solutions are either already operational today or in stealth preparing to launch. While many great innovators have emerged in the E.U. and U.S., we’re already seeing interesting players in Asia (Dreamaker Crowdfunding, FlyingV, MoolaSense), Latin America (Cubo, Cumplo, Broota), the Middle East (Aflamnah, Eureeca, Zoomaal), and Africa (Homestrings, M-Changa).
この種の解決策を提供する企業は今日すでに営業中であるか、または密かにローンチの準備をしているかのどちらかだ。欧州連合や米国で多くの偉大な革新者が出現している一方、我々はアジア(Dreamaker Crowdfunding, FlyingV, MoolaSense)、ラテンアメリカ(Cubo, Cumplo, Broota)、中東(Aflamnah, Eureeca, Zoomaal)、そしてアフリカ(Homestrings, M-Changa)で興味を引く人物を既に目の当たりにしている。
7. Online educational services to provide relevant information about private company/early stage investing to develop informed angel investors, such as Kauffman Fellows and VentureHive.8. White space — the new categories of products and services that we don’t know that we need/can’t live without yet. (I’m always looking to hear from more entrepreneurs working in this sector…)
7.Kauffman FellowsやVentureHiveのような、情報通のエンジェル投資家を育てるための民間企業/初期投資に関連した情報を提供するオンライン教育サービス。8.ホワイトスペース-我々が、それが必要であること(それ無しでは生きられないこと)にまだ気が付いていない新しい商品やサービス。(私は常に、このセクターで働いているより多くのアントレプレナーから話を聞くようにしている。)
Jason W. Best is a partner at Crowdfund Capital Advisors. The firm provides strategy and investment advisory services to professional investors, governments, innovators, and financial institutions. Jason and CCA principal Sherwood Neiss are credited as the creators of the regulatory framework used in Title III of the JOBS Act and have now worked in 30 countries to improve financial technology and access to capital. Jason also co-authored The World Bank’s Research on Crowdfunding and Crowdfund Investing for Dummies. You can follow him on Twitter @CrowdCapAdvisor.
Jason W. Best氏はCrowdfund Capital Advisorsの共同経営者だ。この会社はプロ投資家、政府、イノベーター、そして金融機関向けに戦略及び投資顧問業務を提供する。Jason氏とCCA(Crowdfund Capital Advisors)の社長であるSherwood Neiss氏は、Title III of the JOBS Actに用いられている規制の枠組みの考案者として認められており、現在では30ヶ国で財務テクノロジーと資本へのアクセス改善に組んでいる。Jason氏はまた、The World Bank’s Research on Crowdfunding及びCrowdfund Investing for Dummiesの共著者でもある。@CrowdCapAdvisorから彼のツイッターへのフォローが可能だ。
Incremental process advancement will not be enough. Every country/ecosystem needs not just platforms but also many other enabling technologies like money transfer, communication, delivery, and reputation management, just to name a few. The companies that succeed will need to create innovative solutions that deliver an order of magnitude of improvement to these processes or new business models in markets that have not changed in decades.How does this current wave of fintech innovation benefit the broader global markets?
There are full of amazing staff on the other side of the door!Just wait until you see it!
Similarly, if you are building a business and things are going great, but you don’t get along with your CTO cofounder, do you just jettison them and find a new person? Maybe not; building a successful business can be stressful, and you should invest the time to work on your relationship with your CTO. If you don’t, you’ll hire another one and have the same problem with them soon enough.
Can’t decide if your target market is group Fortune 500 CEOs or soccer moms? You could do a market analysis, talk to stakeholders, conduct focus groups before going to market. Or you could just try it out, and if it doesn’t work, fail fast, pivot, and focus on the right group.Agonizing over the unproductive inside sales person you hired? Give them one more chance? Give them more training or coaching? Wait until the product is more mature to remove customer objections? Maybe. Or you could realize that you made a bad hire and that you should fail fast, pivot, and move on.
ターゲット市場がフォーチュン500社のCEOなのかそれともサッカーママなのか決められないでいたら?そんなときは、市場へ進出する前に、市場分析や出資者への相談、フォーカスグループを実施するのも良いかもしれない。もしくは、一度試してみて、うまくいかなければ 早く失敗させ方向転換し、適切な層に焦点を合わせることも有り得る。自分が雇った非生産的な社内の販売員に頭を抱え悩んでいたら?彼らにもう一度チャンスを与える?さらなるトレーニングや指導をする?製品がより成熟し顧客からの異議を取り除けるまで待つ? それも可能だろう。ないしは、誤った人材採用をしたため、早く失敗させ、方向転換し、前に進む必要があることを認識することもあろう。
Last year I traveled to Venice and went by your shop. Excited to see all the nice accessories inside, I walked into the shop but left there as I did not have enough time at that time. The next day I could find your shop again while getting lost along the way. Then I bought a beautiful $120 necklace and a $50 bracelet matching the necklace.The accessories I bought at your shop are my all-time favorite. I have allergies but l feel comfortable to wear the necklace since the parts touching the skin are not metal.
Hello.With regard to the refund, I would like to make the payment for the repair charge directly from myself to Mamiya. The reason is because if, according to my tax accountant, the receipt is not under my name the sales figure will not add up. I am sorry to trouble you, but could you tell someone in charge of Mamiya to contact me?
Discovering new treatments for human diseases is an immensely complicated challenge. Prospective drugs must attack the source of an illness, but must do so while satisfying restrictive metabolic and toxicity constraints. Traditionally, drug discovery is an extended process that takes years to move from start to finish, with high rates of failure along the way.In short, testing millions of compounds can take a long time, so anything that can increase the chances of striking a successful combination can only be a good thing. This is where machine learning at scale may help.
The product I watched being built was SignupSumo – it’s a simple tool that sends you an alert if someone influential signs up for your service. To make my argument for this new era, I’ll walk through three scenarios:1998: If you wanted to build SignupSumo in 1998, you’d first need servers. Then you’d need to build a custom mailer to send notifications out. Then you’d need to build an algorithm that determines people’s influence.
Then you’d need to build an API for your customers to send their signups’ contact information to you. You’d need to incorporate the company and hire an accountant. Then, finally, you would spend a fortune getting your product in front of potential customers. And throughout all this, you’d need to pay hefty salaries for a multi-talented team of engineers and designers.2010: If you wanted to build SignupSumo in 2010, you’d first need computers. Then you’d integrate Heroku. And Sendgrid. You’d bring together a small team, write code, and get a product out the door. You would still need to incorporate and hire an accountant.