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al62806Baby, The Stars Shine Brightのセカンドラインらしいカワイイゴシックスタイル。アニメ黒執事とのコラボレーション。TVアニメーション「黒執事」公式サイトTVアニメーション「黒執事」公式サイト|TVアニメーション「黒執事」 2014年1月2日(木)24:00より TOKYO MXにて放送開始!!ゴシックブランドといっても各ブランドによってテイストはかなり違う。日本のゴシックブランドの世界進出も違いだろう。
The cute gothic style like the second line of Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.The collaboration with the anime “Kuroshitsuji”.The official website of TV anime cartoon “Kuroshitsuji”The official website of TV anime cartoon “Kuroshitsuji”| TV anime cartoon “Kuroshitsuji”Broadcasting will begin at 24:00 on January 2nd 2014 (Thu) on TOKYO MX!!Although it is called gothic brand, the taste differs relatively depending on each brand.The day will come soon when the Japanese gothic brand will expand overseas.
al62804人気バンドのラルク・アン・シエルなどの衣装協力でも知られる。退廃的なイメージを表現。モードのテイストも取り入れたゴシックブランド。アリスアウアア オフィシャルサイト危機裸裸商店 2002年にデザイナーのKiKiが立ち上げたゴシックブランド。コルセットと帽子をメイン商品としている。イラストレーター妖とのコラボレーションドレス。白い鳥の羽根をイメージさせるコルセットは今にも空を飛べそう。危機裸裸商店
al62804It is known for cooperation of the costumes for L'Arc-en-Ciel, the popular rock band. It reproduces the decadence image.The gothic brand featuring the taste of high-fashion.Alice-Auaa official websiteKiki-Rara ShotenIt is the gothic brand which a designer KiKi established in 2002. It provides mainly corsets and hats.The dress collaborated with Yo, the illustrator.The corset which reminds us of the feather of a white bird makes us feel like as if we could fly high in the sky now.Kiki-Rara Shoten
al62802通称「Mana様」。 ゴシック・アンド・ロリータを愛好している。このことが高じてファッション・ブランド「Moi-même-Moitié(モワ・メーム・モワティエ)」を立ち上げ、デザインおよびプロデュースを手がける。mana様の世界観を表現したブランド。メンズサイズもあるので、男性の顧客も多い。ATELIER BOZ よき時代のクラシックヨーロピアン、ゴシックファッションを追求ジャケットにハーフパンツで王道王子様スタイル。
al62802Also known as “Mana-Sama (You majesty Mana)”. She is very fond of Gothic And Lolita. This leads her to establish the fashion brand “Moi-même-Moitié” and to design and produce for the brand.The brand represents Mana-Sama’s world image.Since it has the men’s size, there are also a lot of male buyers. ATELIER BOZThe brand pursues the Classic European and Gothic fashion of the good old days.The style makes the typical prince look with a jacket and half-pants.
al62603渋谷や新宿でセット。Fam ファム | 新宿歌舞伎町のヘアセット&カット&メイク 美容室Hair Make Studio Dearsは池袋・渋谷にあるヘアーメイクスタジオです。特別な日じゃなくても可愛くしたい女の子が急増中。LIVEの日は思いっきり目立ちたいし可愛くしたい。オシャレな女の子は髪型にも手を抜かない。
Set in Shibuya and Shinjuku.Fam | the Beauty Salon in Kabuki-cho, Shijuku, specialized in hair set, cut and make. Hair Make Studio Dears is the studio for hair-making in Ikebukuro and Shibuya.The number of girls who want to make themselves cute even though it is ordinary day, is increasing sharply.On the day of a live concert, they want to be showy and cute as much as possible. The fashionable girls never be lazy in their hairstyles.
al62601If you like gal’s style, you should see! Japanese Lovely and gorgeous hairstyle made in a set salon!In Japan, the number of girls is sharply rising, who have their hair set in the set salon of hair make before going to a live concert or on a date. When you come to Japan, why not trying?If you wear Japanese Yukata, such a hair style is favorable. When in Yukata, put your hair on the side and put a flower on it.Wear Yukata tasting rock!If you want to stand out, you should make your hair look bountiful.When you hope to stand out, make your hair hugely bountiful. It is a set that you put red and black hair extensions when you go to a live concert.
al62505If you want to be a sweet unique gal with Lolita taste, why not choose Swankiss!It makes you be a Harajuku gal, recently popular. If you say the fashionable gal taking Harajuku taste, it should be dazzlin!Rumi Kon, the creative director.titty&co gives you a gal-taste which is sweet and casual taste.titty&co official websitefeatures the latest product, online order, and the shop introduction officially, etc. It is frequently put on the fashion and lady’s magazines such as ViVi and JELLY. also Shibuya 109 and Shinjuku LUMINE shops are popular. High-Fashioned gals are fresh.
al62005チェック×ヒョウ柄のパンクスタイル! 軽いスニーカータイプとかが好きで、かわいい厚底見つけるとすぐ買っちゃうんです。楽ちんスタイルの時には厚底スニーカーをチョイス!個性的なショッキングピンクのつなぎと黄色の靴下の個性的な色合いも見事に着こなす!きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅと言う存在自体がカワイイそのもの。楽ちんスタイルでもオシャレに手を抜かない彼女は、日本を代表するファッションアイコン。
Plaid and leopard designed punk style!I like light sneaker type shoes, and once I find cute and thick-soled shoes, I cannot help but buy ones.When you wear casually, you should choose thick-soled sneakers! You can match prettily the unique color combination of unique shocking pink jumpsuit with yellow socks!The existence of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu herself is the symbol of cuteness.She is never lazy about fashion when she wears casually, which makes her represent the Japanese fashion icon.
al61902ASAGIがヴォーカルを務めるDは日本のみならずヨーロッパでライブを行うなど海外でも精力的に活動を行っている。 ティム監督から「宇宙的なヴァンパイア」というキャッチフレーズを贈られたというティムバートン来日時。「ダークシャドウ」のジャパンプレミア試写会後のパーティーにて。ASAGIの隣にはDのライブで使う旗を手に持つティムバートン。ティムバートンからASAGIに贈られた写真集はサイン入りの大変貴重なもの。
al61902D, which ASAGI plays as the vocalist, has their activity so enthusiastically overseas, as they have the live event in Europe. They got the catch phrase, “galactic vampire” by the director Tim.When Tim Burton came to Japan. At the party after the Japan premium preview of “Dark Shadow”.Tim Burton was next to ASAGI, having the flag used in the live concert of D.The portfolio sent to ASAGI from Tim Burton is extremely precious, having Tim’s autograph.
al61604VAMPS is having their music activity so enthusiastically, such as performing overseas.You can see the wild aspect of Hyde unlike playing in L'Arc-en-Ciel. VAMPS is having their music activity so enthusiastically, such as performing overseas.You can see the wild aspect of Hyde unlike playing in L'Arc-en-Ciel.
al61602女性よりも美しいロングヘアー。当時のhydeのトレードマークflower以降の短いショートヘアー。美しさに男らしさが加わってワイルドに。moonchild撮影時代。 HYDEはMCでも徹底的に花魁言葉を使い、「ようこそおいでなし。お楽しみでありんすか?」と観客に呼びかけ、歓声が返ってくると「よござんした」と微笑む。ハロウィンの仮装姿は毎年見物。麗しいhydeだからこその特別な仮装。ハロウィンの妖艶な花魁姿。モンスター姿さえも麗しい。
His long hair is more beautiful than ladies.This is the trade mark of Hyde at that time.He has changed his hair short since the release of “Flower”.He has become wild combining his beauty with masculinity.The time of filming Moonchild.Hyde tenaciously used the courtesan expression even in the MC, and ask the audience “Welcome here, uh. Are you enjoying yourself sir?” in a famine tone, and when the shout of joy comes, he smiles and says “that’s good”.His Halloween costume is worth seeing every year.The costume is specially customized for voluptuous Hide.He becomes voluptuous courtesan in Halloween.Even clad like monster, he is sexy.
al32505マエパツヒメカ/Lolitina (動画タイトル)美沙子ちゃんの歌う、「マエパツヒメカ」もPVにもカワイイがいっぱい♪ナースでロリータな美沙子ちゃんの私服は、ピンクでお姫様気分なロリータファッションや、カジュアルでもどこかに可愛らしさを残したガーリーなファッション♪ まるでお菓子のようなカワイイ世界♪
al32505Maepatsu Himeka / Lolitina (the title of the movie)You can enjoy the cuteness in the “Maepatsu Himaka” PV sang by Misako-chan a lot. Misako’s plain-clothes, which look like a nurse and a Lolita, are Lolita fashion makes you feel like a princess with pink, and girly fashion which is casual but including cuteness somewhere♪ You can enjoy a cute world as if it were sweets.
al32503モデル活動のかたわらナースのお仕事もこなす美沙子ちゃんは、ロリータナースなんです♪ ナースな一週間はエミキュやMILKのコーデが多いかもMILKのフルーツ柄ワンピースに白いカーディガンでカジュアルロリータ♪ 秋冬もチャピンコーデにはまり中全身エミリーテンプルキュートでコーディネート。 ピンクのクッキー柄のワンピースに茶色のバッグで茶色×ピンクのスイーツ色コーデ♪大好きな茶色ストライプのマカロン柄のワンピースは薄いピンクのカーディガンとコーディネート♪
al32503Misako-chan, who works as a nurse while also acting as a model, is a Lolita nurse♪She spends her week as a nurse usually clad in Emily-temple-cute style or in MILK style. You can make casual Lolita with MILK’s one-piece dress with fruits pattern and a white cardigan♪She is crazy about the coordination with Chapin in autumn and winter.You can make good coordination with Emily-Temple-Cute for the whole body. Also you can make a brown and pink sweets-colored coordination with a one-piece dress with pink-cookie pattern and a brown bag.The favorite one-piece with brown stripe and macaroon pattern matches light pink cardigan♪
al32502青木美沙子の公式アメブロ、青木美沙子のプライベートやここでしか見られない写真や、最新情報などを本人の生の声で綴ります。美沙子ちゃんのカワイイ日常が見れるブログ♪カワイイ大使も務める青木美沙子ちゃんのロリータファッションが気になる♪ ロリータ・ファッションは、ずっと着続けていくことが自分にできること。看護師である私と、ロリータ・ファッションを着ている私、どちらでもいいので、自分を通して看護師やロリータに興味を持ってくれる人が増えればいいなと思います
We will state Misako Aoki’s official Ameblo, her private life and exclusive picture available only here, and latest information with her candid voice. The blog you can see Misako-chan’s cute everyday life♪The center of the interest is her Lolita fashion of Misako Aoki, who also acts as a Cute ambassador♪My duty for Lolita fashion is that I can wear them for good. Either as a nurse or as a Lolita fashioner is OK; I hope more people are interested in a nurse and Lolita through me.
al32501You can become a Lolita ambassador with them! Learning Lolita fashion from Misako AokiLet’s see the Lolita plain clothes of Misako Aoki, who plays as cute ambassador actively♪She made her debut as a reader model while learning in nurse’s high school. After graduating junior collage, through working for a university hospital, she engages in home nursing. She has the certificate of graduate nurse and 2nd-grade Home Helper. She also work as a Lolita-fashion charisma reader model of “KERA”.
pit crew challenge 1位と2位おめでとうございます!!!レースもトップと僅差だったんですね!!!記事を拝見して凄く嬉しい気持ちになりました:)今日は東京は大雪になってしまい大変なことになってますlolいつも応援してます!次のレースも頑張ってくださいね。コメントを有難うございます。少しずつだけど色んな写真をこれからも投稿しますので見てくださいね!
Congratulations on winning 1st and 2nd prize on Pit Crew Challenge!!!You also had a close race against the top!!! I felt really happy to read the article. :)Today, it is snowing a lot in Tokyo and the condition is terrible. lolI cheer you all the time! Please do your best on the next race.Thank you for your comment. Though little by little, I will post the many kinds of pictures, so please take a look at them!
According to the return policy of E-mall, the application for refund is available. However, in case of additional order, the best price for J60V is $A, including shipping cost. If you wish, we can divide the charge of $A for J60V, and you can pay twice, such as $B in February and $C in March.Please let us know what you wish.
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It has been 8 business days since I ordered the item above, but I have not gotten refund yet.Also, as for the following order, the coupon code became error and was not applied. You should pay me back the 20% of the price of the item.The email from your company says as following.I wrote a review, too.Please tell me the code of 20%-off coupon which is applied when I write a review.I understand the New Year’s holidays cause the delay of the delivery.I have no problem!I would like to know the estimated arrival date of the item.Please let me know when the right tracking number.
I am afraid that the bass of the original picture listed up has already been sold.I provide the picture of the actual bass which we can sell. I am confirming to the manufacturer and the retailer so please wait for a while. I will contact you when it is found out. Please make a review when you play the guitar!We would be happy if you reply about our shop customer service by email. Something like that: (example)We will look for the guitar which you want. When we find the guitar which is recommended, I will send you an email.
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