Chris Ishii  (bluejeans71) 翻訳実績

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10 Best Jobs For Adults with ADHD
ADHD in Adults
The challenges of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) in a classroom setting are familiar — students with ADHD often struggle with following instruction, completing homework tasks, and sitting still. While many kids outgrow the hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and inattentiveness associated with ADHD, about 60 percent of children with ADHD become adults with ADHD, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
Adult ADHD is characterized by restlessness, disorganization, and the inability to focus. But ADHD also comes with a unique set of strengths. Choosing a career that capitalizes on these strengths is key to professional success.


成人のADHD患者の特徴は落ち着きのなさ、混乱、そして集中力の欠損が挙げられます。しかし、ADHDにも強みとなる点がいくつかあります。 こうした強みを活かせる仕事に就くことで、仕事でも成功を収めることができます。

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Captivated by Change: Police Officers and Firefighters
Police officers and firefighters are busy. No two days are the same, which is a good thing for people with ADHD because a monotonous routine can become tedious. ADHD adults find pleasure in constant change. They thrive in an environment that is stimulating, and one in which they have to adapt and analyze.
Working with a mentor can help people with ADHD maintain their focus during testing and training. Once they’re in a police station or firehouse, ADHD adults will find themselves busy with work they find both fulfilling and rewarding.
Thrive in High-Intensity Environments: Doctors and Nurses


変化に対応する: 警官および消防士
警官や消防士は忙しいです。2日として同じ日はありませんが、それはADHDの患者にとって良い環境です。その理由は 業務が単調であると退屈してしまうからです。 ADHDの患者は常に変化する環境に喜びを見出します。 彼らは刺激的で、しかも自分が慣れて分析する必要がある環境のもとで成長します。ADHDの患者は研修や訓練期間中も、上司と共に勤務することで、仕事に集中できるようになります。警察署もしくは消防署に配属されたら、彼らは皆忙しい環境の下で勤務しますが、それを喜び、そして励みにするのです。

負担が大きな環境で成長: 医師および看護師

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“People with ADHD tend to work well in a fast-paced, high-intensity environment, like that of an emergency room or ambulance,” says Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, a clinical psychotherapist and assistant professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. Like police officers, doctors and nurses never have the same workday twice. This requires them to use all of their training, maintain focus, and work with others to succeed.
However, working in a hospital may involve long hours, stacks of paperwork, and having to answer to authority figures — all possible weaknesses for ADHD adults. Having a strong support staff and colleagues willing to help is important when working in the medical field.


しかし、病院勤務は長時間で、事務作業も多く、 権威に従わなければいけない環境でもあります。これらはすべてADHDの成人患者にとっては弱点です。 サポート役の従業員や同僚がいることが、医療の現場で働く当人にとって重要なのです。

bluejeans71 英語 → 日本語

It’s also a job that changes frequently while still providing clear instructions and objectives. There’s little time for boredom — as soon as one portion of a job is done, there are usually other tasks to complete.
Clear Deadlines: Delivery Truck Driver
Delivery truck drivers are people on a mission; they have somewhere to be, and they have to be there by a certain time. It’s the perfect structure for a person with ADHD. “Employees with ADHD thrive in environments where they have clear instructions and directives,” Dr. Sarkis says.
With a truck full of boxes and a day in which to get them delivered, a person with ADHD will work hard to accomplish the task before them.


建築産業は分かりやすい指示や目標を出していても、業務内容が頻繁に変化します。退屈している時間はありません。 業務の一部分が完了すれば、大概他の業務も完了しています。

分かりやすい期限: 運搬用トラックの運転手