Thank you for your reply.Unfortunately I only have one A and four Bs.I did some research and these products are hard to find so I will not be able to get many.I think I can get two As and 3 Bs for $15 to $20 for each.What wold you like to do?
Thank you for your reply.Inded the buyer's offer is disappointing, on the other hand I do understand what you pointed out for the current property value.Therefore, as you poposed, I would like to counteroffer $10K.Thank you for your continued support for negotiation.
I understand you are a fan of Japanese chisels from your email.Nontheless I am deeply sorry that I could not deliver your order to you.If there is any product you are interested in, I will happily give you a discount so please email me.I hope you can find something you like.How much dicount I can give you varies so please let me know which product you like.I cannot give you $〇 discount.The old book has color fading, scratches, and some dirts on the cover.The volume two has a pen mark inside.Currently the watch is working fine.The material of the chisel is unknonw.The board used for advertizing 〇
As decribed in the instruction manual, you shake this watch 30 to 40 times or turn the knob crown clockwise without pulling it.Do not pull the knob crown.Simply turn it in a clockwise direction.The following decription is not intended for operating the watch.We are planning to prepare the watch's start-up instruction in English based on Japanese instruction manual.Could you give us a couple of days?After a return, if it turns out to be an early failure, we will reimburse the shipping cost.But we would like to double-check the simple operation of the watch before a return.
Thank you for your reply. You're right, it does cost too much to ship 100kg.If you can provide 6" incenses, can I place an initial order for 30kg? And of course, I would like to continue business with you.If you have a minimum order policy, please let me know.Also, I would like samples, I will pay for shipping. I'm interested in what types of incenses. Do you sell them on your website?I'll be looking forward to your reply.Thank you.
Thank youfor considering lowering the price.I would really appreciate if you can give me even a slight discount.For now, I can purchase up to 100 pcs.If I purchase 100 pcs, could you give me a discount?If so, I will consider buying 100 pcs.However, if the price stays the same even when purchasing 100 pcs, I will buy 40 pcs, just to avoid a risk of over stocking.
Thank you for your order.Here is some information on shipping the prepaid card.Please select from the following shipping options.1. E-mailYou will receive a prepaid card number and picture.2. By mailIt will be delivered to you in 1-2 weeks.We recommend E-mail delivery so that you do not have to wait.Please let us know which shipping method you like.Thank you.
We are sorry for the confusion. What we meant was it would take 30 days for the product to arrive.We are expecting the product will be delivered to us on the fifteenth of December or so, and we can deliver it to you around the twentieth of December. If you cannot wait for the delivery of the product, you can request a cancellation anytime you want. If you decide to wait, the Amazon system requires us to notify you a shipment confirmation.We could not understand what your question was, could you let me know what your questions are once again?
The product you ordered is out of stock. We inquired the company and they responded it will take a few months for the product to arrive.Therefore, we are very sorry but we are not be able to deliver it to you on time.Please take our amazon gift certificate (attached pdf file) as our sincere apology.One small favor to ask you, could you request a cancellation of the order?Thank you very much.
We received your email requesting a refund.We did not have any issues during inspection prior to shipping the product.Could you give us more details on which part of the guitar is not properly functioning?There is also a possibility that it was damaged during shipping, in which case we have to claim for insurance against Japan Postal Service as well as USPS. We will be waiting for your reply.Thank you.
Order# 103この注文商品は今日中に必ず発送して下さい。多くの顧客を待たせています。もうこれ以上待てません。どうしても、12月15日までに届けて欲しいです。最低でも、Aを1台だけ良いので15日までに届けることはできませんか?長期間待っていただいてる顧客がいて、その人にどうしても21日までに届けたいです。15日までにフロリダに届かないと間に合いません。どうにかなりませんか?Order# 104この注文も出来るだけ早く発送して下さい。遅くとも15日までに発送完了して下さい。
Order# 103Please make sure to ship this order product this month.We cannot wait any longer as we are keeping many customers waiting.We want it delivered by December 15th at any cost.Can you at least deliver one A by 15th?A customer has been waiting for a long time for it and we want to deliver it to this customer by 21th by any means.We cannot make this happen unless it is delivered to Florida by 15th.Can you manage to do this?Order# 104Please also ship this product as soon as possible.It has to be shipped by no later than 15th.
In consideration of the past business with you, I decided not to cancel the order but to continue the transaction and shipment. (I undersstand you are busy with your school.)You can pay for the balance of shipping cost when you can.I have received ◇ you were inquiring (two pieces for 3 types, total 6 pieces).I can hold on to it for 5 days, so if you still need it, please let me know.As I already received payment for 〇, I can consider it as payment for ◇ and ship it along with ☆ this month. Does this work for you?You can make payment for 〇 in February.
1We would like to deliver the products to as many customers as possible before the year ends.If you have already received any backordered products, could you ship them to New Jersey by December 16th?If shipped later this date, it is more likely we can deliver them to our customers in Japan after the year changes.Thank you.2.We would like to change the color and number of the product we ordered.Please make a change to the following two products.Please note that we reduced the quantity too.3Could you ship the following products we ordered by the end of the next week?
This product has a crack at the base of the cable.
先日はサポートありがとうございます。以下の要望があります。1. プレイリストの名前もbadwordを適用できるようにして欲しい(ユーザー名だけでなく)2. ユーザーのプロフィール情報にFacebookとTwitter、HPのURLを追加できるようにして欲しい利用してくれるユーザーは多いんですが聴いている曲をTwitterやFacebookでシェアしてくれるユーザーがとても少ないです。みなさんはどうですか?原因は何ですかね?ずっと考えてるんですが原因がわかりません。
Thank you for your support the other day.I have the following requets:1. I want badwod to be applied to the name of the play list (not only user name).2. I want to add Facebook, Twitter, and HP URL in user profile information.I have a lot of users but I have only a very few users who shares the songs they listen with Twitter and Facebook.How about you guys? Why do you think this happens? I have been thinking why but I still do not why.
I received an answer from Japan postal service.According to them, the package is still held at the following post office in the United States.They said USPS has been calling you on the phone several times but they could not connect to you.We apologize for the inconveniences but we need you to call the post office directly so to arrange the date you can receive the package. Also, it has been sitting in the post office for quite some time so we will request USPS not to sending it back.Thank you.
In addition to the repair request I made the other day, I would like to request additional two repairs.- Tear on left shoulder and left cuff of the jacket. Scratch on left elbow as well.- 3 cm hole in tarp.With the previous two repairs, total 4 repairs.Our staff will bring them to you in a few days.
私が日本からギターを発送した時にインレイには一つも傷はありませんでした。サウンドチェックも問題ありませんでした。しかし、あなたがこのギターをスイスポストから受け取った時にはインレイすべてに傷がありサウンドもおかしくなっていたのですよね? 私はこのような輸送時の事故がおこった時のために保険をかけているのです。彼らがダメージレポートの受付すらしないのは理解できません。月曜日にはスイスポストのボスへダメージレポートを宜しくお願いします。
When I shipped the guitar from japan, there was no scratch or damage to the inlay.I found no problem at checking the sound.However, you claim there were damages throughout the inlay and there was something wrong with the sound as well, correct?I bought shipping insurance for the damages during transportation like this.I cannot understand why they do not even accept e a damage report.I request you submit a damage report to the boss in Swiss post office on Monday.
Thank you for your message.I just changed the price and relisted it.Please check it.With this price, I can provide prompt shipping and delivery.Thank you.I will put down a lower amount on the inovice to avoid customs duty.
We inspect all the guitars to ensure that the eletric system works without any problems and there is no damage to the inlay as shown in the picture prior to shipping.We do have shipping insurance on the guitars.The first step we ask you to do is to contact the local post office responsible for the delivery and let them know the guitar is damaged during shipping and it does not function.Based on your damage report, we will claim an insurance for Japanese postal service.When you finish submitting the damage report, please let me know.If the claim is approved, I can accept your proposal.