Can you ship via FedEx or DHL?I will pay the difference. Also can you tell me if I ship it to Kuwait via DHL or FedEx How Much or the Mentioned Address in USA.
hello I'm interested in that beer dispenser. However, I was worried that there would be customs has to be paid by me. Can you verify if there would be a customs charged or not?
Ok finally they processed will do refund Friday morning.They actually lost the paperwork that was he delay, imade them look and it was found.
3. Water4ThaiWater4Thai is an app that aims to keep people in Thailand informed and ready in the event of flood disasters. It provides important information such as weather and rainfall data from the national Department of Meteorology, and includes stats on water levels in rivers and dams from the Royal Irrigation Department. Information is presented in graphical charts, graphs, and lists in both Thai and English.
3. Water4ThaiWater4Thai はタイにいる人々が洪水災害の情報を常に把握し、備えておくようにするのを目的にしたアプリケーションである。それは、国立のDepartment of Meteorologyによる天気や降水のデータのような重要な情報を提供し、またRoyal Irrigation Departmentによる川やダムにおける水量の統計値も提供する。情報はタイ語と英語の両方で、絵図表、グラフ、表の形で示される。
Another unique feature is that it doesn’t only cover natural disasters, but also other calamities such as terrorist attacks and pandemic virus outbreaks. As soon as it receives an event from one of its users, the information will be validated from a reliable source or organization. As soon as it is recognized as a potential threat, all users that may be affected within the impact area will be alerted so to reduce casualties and/or deaths.
Waze was created by an Israel-based startup. It recently won at the Mobile World Congress 2013 as the best overall mobile app. And following this, it was acquired by Google for around $1 billion.TrafficDitoTrafficDito is similar to Waze as it’s also a crowdsourcing mobile app available for iOS. But it’s created by a team of Filipino developers. The app is focused on providing traffic information in the Philippines. We earlier reported how it answers traffic problems in the country when it launched its iOS app in 2011.
Wazeはイスラエルを基盤としたスタートアップにより作られた。近年、最良の携帯アプリケーションとしてMobile World Congress 2013において勝利をおさめた。その後、10億米ドルでGoogleに買収された。TrafficDitoTrafficDitoは、iOSで使えるクラウドソーシングの携帯アプリケーションであるため、Wazeと似ている。しかし、それはフィリピン人の開発者のチームによって作られた。このアプリケーションはフィリピンの交通情報を提供することに焦点をあてている。2011年にそのiOSアプリケーションがローンチされたときに、国内でそのアプリケーションがどのように交通問題に対処するかを我々は以前報告した。
The trains in Manila are usually really crowded. Comparatively, it is even more crowded than the trains in Singapore and Hong Kong. So the app also provides an estimate of the crowdedness of the stations. In 2012, the app won the Globe Choice Award in the Google Global Android DevCamp Manila.Of course, no app is guaranteed accurate all the time, so these apps can even complement each other and give a big picture of the scene on the roads. So let’s be more prepared before hitting the road!
Manila の電車はたいていとても混雑している。比較してみると、SingaporeやHong Kongの電車よりも、もっと混雑してさえいる。それゆえ、そのアプリケーションは駅での混雑状況の予測も提供する。2012年、そのアプリケーションはGoogle Global Android DevCamp Manilaにおいて、Globe Choice Award を獲得した。もちろん、どのアプリケーションも常に正確であるとは保障できない。だからこれら複数のアプリケーションはお互いを補足しあい、道についての統括された状況を提供することさえできる。なので、これらのアプリケーションを使って、出発するまえにもっと準備、心構えをしていきましょう!
The package has been shipped to you. It should arrive in about 10 days. Shipping cost me $47.25 US, but you can wait to refund me that until the package arrives.
Please read the instruction in detail and keep it well for further reading and consulting.Please follow the instruction to fit and operate the machine correctly. Please do not remove and change any accessories of the machine.It forbids others to open and remove the mainframe except the authorized people in the company .It forbids others to change and maintain the machine except the professional people.Please contact us if there is any trouble during operation.
4.Pregnant women 5.Medical Plastic parts , or parts with artificial in filling inside.6.People with metal inside the body (include metallic tooth)7.Patient with skin inflammation or with edema.8.People with an abnormal immune system.9.Numb or intensitive to heatTechnical SpecificationFAQ3.How does it feel?Most clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable.There may be, however, a slight discomfort due to the specific noise experienced, but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the applicator. You may also experience a little warmth during the treatment.It is very normal if you experience with this aboved problems in which is doing the treatment of Real 40Khz cavitation
4. 妊婦5. 医療用プラスチック成形品や詰め物が入った人工物が体にある人6.金属が体内にある人(金属歯を含む)7.皮膚炎や浮腫の患者8.免疫システムが正常でない人9. 熱に対する感覚がない人技術仕様よくある質問とその回答3.どのように感じますか?処置に対して、痛みもなく、心地よいと考える患者の方がほとんどです。しかしながら、処置中に発生するある特定の音のために、若干不快だと感じることもあるかもしれません。その音は有害でもなく、塗布器との接触をやめるとすぐに消えます。また処置中に少し温かく感じることもあるかもしれません。Real 40Khz cavitation (キャビテーション)を使った処置の最中に、上記のような問題が発生するのはごく通常のことです。
INFOHello,I can't find the ASIN because it's not on or .com but it's this one:http://www. Product number is SE170S, the one without ultra silent / low noise (SE1700) would begreat, too.Thank you!
詳細こんにちは。欲しい商品は、 やamazon.comにはないので、そのASIN(アマゾン商品識別番号)は分かりません。でもこの商品が欲しいのです。http://www.商品番号はSE170Sです。静音仕様ではないSE1700でもいいです。ありがとうございます!
I am trying to re-direct the packages but it is possible that it may not possible, are you able to receive these packages? i will pay for your shipping.
イギリスZOJIRUSHI Pressure IH rice cooker [Arrangements 5.5gou Cook] Metallic Brown NP-ND10AZ-TC1) Does this cooker comply with European regulations for kitchen appliances? Is it suitable for use with the UK 240v 13amp power supply? 2) What is the material seen in the underside of the lid? It looks like raw (un-coated) metal?
イギリス象印 圧力IH炊飯ジャー【極め5.5合炊き】 メタリックブラウン NP-ND10AZ-TC1)この炊飯器はヨーロッパの台所器具の基準を満たしていますか?イギリスの240v 13ampの電源でも使えますか?2)蓋の下側にあるものはどんなものでできていますか?コーティングされていない金属にみえますが。。。
Something in your listing title conflicts with the item specifics you’ve specified. For example, your title may indicate that your item is new, but your description may say that it's used or refurbished. If your item is cracked or damaged, please use the “For parts or not working” item condition. If it has been used for any purpose, please select the “Used” item condition.Please review and edit your listing, making sure that the information in the title and the description are accurate and consistent.Find out more about the Item Descriptionportion of our selling practices policy.
my name is Andrew and I see that you have got some questions about changing negative feedback left by your buyer. AS I have understood from your request you have managed to resolve the issue with your buyer, and you both willing to change the feedback.System shows that already contacted your buyer asking him to change the feedback he left, as the issue has been resolved. You can change the feedback if it meets some requirements: You have 30 days after the original Feedback has been left to file a Feedback Revision request. The buyer then has 10 days to respond to that request.So unfortunately you can’t change the feedback right now because the time frames has expired.
There won't be any double e-mail registration by default on the new script, furthermore it will eclipse this guy script ;-) Kindly please follow me on Facebook or any other social media as I will mostly sure forgot to inform you when I release it, but what's certain is that next week
Now with SiIkie - The Natural Bonding Aid!Each Bear arrives with a Silkie, which can be used to help reinforce parents‘ bond with their baby. “A baby’s sense of smell is more defined than that of an adult. Research shows that a baby can recognize his own mother by her smell," writes Elizabeth Pantley in THE NO-CRY SLEEP SOLUTION.Silkie can become a powerful bonding tool between you and your baby. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the Silkie, place Silkie next to your skin for a few hours to absorb your scent. Alternatively, you can also place Silkie between you and your baby when breast or bottlefeeding.Washing Instructions: Use mild detergent.
シルキーがきましたよ。自然に強い絆を作るのを助けます!クマは、親と赤ちゃんとの絆を強くするのに有効なシルキーでできています。「赤ちゃんが泣かずに寝る方法」でElizabeth Pantleyは「赤ちゃんの匂いの感覚は大人よりもはっきりしています。研究によると、赤ちゃんは母親を匂いで識別できます。」と書いている。シルキーはあなたとあなたの赤ちゃんの絆を作る力強いツールとなります。シルキーの有効性を最大限に生かすために、シルキーをあなたの皮膚に数時間くっつけてあなたの匂いをシルキーにしみ込ませてください。または、母乳や人口ミルクを与えているときにシルキーをあなたと赤ちゃんの間においても構いません。
Dear yamahaya88102012,I asked a few collectors on and they said they usually sell for $75-$100. I'll be happy with a $50-$75 dollar refund. Whatever you think is fair.- jsmi1660Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
yamahaya88102012様、sailormoonforum.comの収集家数人に聞いたのですが、たいてい$75から$100くらいで売っているそうです。なので、$50から$75くらいの返金で大丈夫ですよ。あなたがまともだと思う金額で。- jsmi1660メッセージに返事するには、 "respond(返答)"というのをクリックするか、自分のメールを使ってください。
I still don't understand the price of GaoBear + GaoPolar. You say $120 with no shipping, but you have them listed as item number 261231552346 for $70.
GaoBearとGaoPolorの値段が未だによく理解できません。あなたは、送料無しで120ドルと言ったけれど、おなじものを商品番号 261231552346で70ドルで出品してますよね。
Flexibility is key to work-life balanceJohn Henderson is the Asia Pacific Regional Director at Regus, a multinational corporation that provides serviced office accommodation in business centres worldwide.Flexibility is more important to work-life balance than working hours, and can contribute to productivity among founders and employees.There’s no dispute about the desirability of work-life balance. Without it, health and relationships suffer, stress levels soar, and work productivity falters. There’s plenty of research to illustrate these ill-effects.
融通はワークライフバランスの鍵である。John Henderson氏は、RegusのAsia Pacific Regional Directorである。この多国籍企業は、世界中のビジネスセンターの事務所用設備を提供する。融通は労働時間よりも、ワークライフバランスにとってより重要であり、創業者や従業員たちの生産性に貢献し得る。ワークライフバランスを求めることに対しての論争は成り立たない。ワークライフバランスなしには、健康や人間関係は悪化し、ストレスは激増し、労働者の生産性は衰える。これらの害を例証する多くの研究がある。