Hello again was wondering was wanting to buy the 3 INOX razors you have on sell. Will you take discover card, my step dad said I could use his and pay him back. We help each other out now and then. I'll pay him back 100$ a week. Aim the one that just bought a straight from you 2 weeks ago. Told you have soft spot for henckle INOX, thanks Martin can you email back?--Can you take discover card Franklin --Hello just was wondering if you got my email about buying your 3 razors with credit card--Great, thank you very much. Hopefully it is just being held at customs or was delayed somewhere else.--
Bonjour,j'ai commandé chez vous une peluche Totoro (smile) en mode de livraison Éclair afin de la recevoir dans le plus bref délais soit samedi au plus tard.Je viens de recevoir le mail confirmant l'envoi du colis aujourd'hui et m'indiquant que la date de livraison est estimée pour le Mercredi 29 janvier 2014 ce qui est beaucoup plus que le délais indiqué pour le mode de livraison Éclair. Ce mode d'envoie étant plus cher que celui standard et non respecté pour cette commande, est-il possible de demander un remboursement ?Cordialement,
こんにちは。貴店でトトロ(スマイル)のぬいぐるみを注文し、遅くとも土曜日の夕方までには届くよう、配送方法を、最も短い期間で受け取れるlivraison Éclair(速達)にいたしました。たった今、本日荷物が発送されたという確認メールを受け取り、配達予定日は2014年1月29日水曜日となっておりました。これはÉclairの配送方法に記載してある配送期間を遥かに超えています。この配送方法はスタンダードの配送に比べて高く、この注文が尊重されていません。返金をお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。
ph35309▼あらすじ江高校剣道部顧問の石田虎侍(コジロー)はやる気も無く、明日の食費にも困る貧乏教師だが、ある日、先輩の石橋から女子剣道部員の団体戦の練習試合を持ちかけられたことをきっかけに部長の千葉 紀梨乃と新入部員の男子生徒(中田 勇次、栄花 段十朗)と共に女子部員の勧誘に乗り出す。 そして様々な事件を経て、剣道道場の一人娘で凄腕の 川添 珠姫、栄花の彼女で初心者の 宮崎 都、幽霊部員から復帰した 桑原 鞘子 の3名が加わり、試合に向け練習に活気づく剣道部。
ph35309▼The plot of the storyKojiro Ishida, the adviser of Kento club is little motivated and poor teacher who even does not have money to buy the meal of the following day. One day, he was invited to play a practice game of team tournament by his senior Ishibashi and decided to inviste girls members together with the captain Kirino Chiba and new members(Yuji Nakata, Danjiro Eika). After happening various events, three people (Tamaki Kawazoe who is the only daughter of the chief of Dojo of Kento and good at Kendo, Miyako Miyazaki who is Kendo beginner and the girlfriend of Eika,Sayako Kuwagara who came back to the club after a long interval) joined the club. The club was pumpled with Kendo training for the tournament.
ph35302▼あらすじ姉が日本一のモデルになることが夢である小学6年生の綾瀬千早は、転校生・綿谷新に「自分 のことでないと夢にしてはいけない」と諭される。そんな新の夢は、競技かるたで名人に なること。普段は大人しい新が真剣に札を払うその姿に衝撃を受けた千早は、幼なじみの真島太一も巻き込んでかるたの魅力に引きこまれていく。聴力に優れた千早の才能に、そしてかる たを一緒にできる友達ができたことに新は喜ぶが、卒業後はみな別の道を歩むのだった。
ph35302▼PlotA sixth-grade student Chiharu Hayase who dreams of the day when her sister becomes the greatest model in Japan, was admonished by a new classmate Arata Wataya. Arata dreams to become a great karuta player in competitive karuta. Chihara was shocked to see that alway quiet Arata was seriously touching the cards of karuta. So she begins to be attracted to the charm of karuta together with her childhood friendTaichi Mashima. Arata is glad to know that Chiharu has an exceptional hearing ability and that he gets a new friend with whom he can play karuta. However they go their separate ways after graduation.
Genius Galileo Galileim from Toscana in Italy who was viewd as heretical and persecuted by Holy Office at the moment. This is a story about one of three Ferrari sisters whose ancester is the great man above mentioned. She was wanted by police as being falsely charged with a crime by a megacorporation Adoni Moon Company that try to dominate the world energy by monopolizing methane hydrate. However, she travels around the world with a huge mechanical flight "GALILEO" to look for the heritage of Galileo which is called "Galileo Tesoro".
The third daughter Hazuki is a girl of 13 years who loves messing around with the mechanics and she is a wild card for the story. She designed the Galileo and built it clandestinely in the basement of her house. It is amazing that she creats such a huge machine as if it were a plastic model and in addition it loads weapons like missiles although she is just a private citizen(if not, it would not become a good story...) It is oddly cute that the main system of the Galileo is based on goldfish-shaped holography and it changes into a rifle-raising shape at the scene of a fight.
In the story, a gold fish appears frequently and this is one of the key words.Yasuomi Umetsu made a original draft and also direct the film. Mr. Umezu reminds people of strong-looking characters such as OVA "Mega zone/PartII" and "KATE", but I felt that the characters of this story were more friendly and cute-looking.
Currently "Wizard Barristers Benmashi Cecil"directed by Mr.Umezu is broadcast. I feel that there is something common between Cecil, the main character in this story and Hazuki. (For exemple, the motorized-bycycles they ride are similar.). It seems that they were produced at the same time. It is interesting to compare two movies when Blu-ray Discs of the movies will be released and I strongly recommend to do so.
This is a story of Spirit World Warriors (異界士 Ikaishi) who hunt human life-threatening supernatural creatures called a youmu. The main character Akihito Kanbara looks an ordinary high school student, but in fact he is the offspring of Yomu and an immortal "half-youmu"(半妖 Hanyo) . Mirai Kuriyama, the heroine of the story is a first-year high school student who wears glass well. But she is also a World Worrior who has the ability to change her blood into a blade. She attacks Akihito as the practice to defeat a Yomu called the Hollow Shadow.
However, she always makes a blunder and falls light on the eardrums. On the contraty, Akihito who likes a girl with glasses waits hand and foot on her. Normally, she may be above the reach of sympathy of others, but being trapped in deep poverty and can not even wears and eats sufficiently, Akihito often buys her lunch. There are varous serious aspects such as "fate" and "trials"that both of them have, but in a good sense the plot develops in a non-serious way. This is a piece that one can watch with relatively easy mind.
ly77504京野菜の定義1. 京都に都が置かれていた明治維新以前からの生産されていた歴史を有する野菜の品目。 2. 京都市域のみならず、京都府内全域で生産されている野菜の品目。 3. 筍を含む。 4. キノコ類、シダ類(ぜんまい、わらび等)を除く。 5. 種の保存の為にのみ栽培されている野菜の品目。又は、栽培されていないものの種が保存されてい る野菜の品目。及び絶滅した野菜の品目を含む。
ly77504Definition of Kyo-Yasai(Kyoto vegetables)1. Vegetable produces produced since before the Meiji Restoration, when Kyoto was the capital of Japan. 2. Vegetable produces produced not only in Kyoto city, but also all the area of Kyoto prefecture. 3. They include bamboo shoots.4. They do not include mushrooms, ferns(wild fiddleheads)5. Vegetable produces cultivated just for the preservation of the species or vegetable produces whose species are not cultivated but are preserved. They also include the vegetable produces extinct.
ly77503八つ橋キティ本来三角形の八つ橋に、手足を付けてあげたのは作った人の優しさでしょうか?このキティは緑色のため、抹茶味の八つ橋がモチーフになっている模様。皮から透けた餡子の部分を、キティの顔の輪郭として利用しています。■京都名物3. 京野菜京都の伝統ある野菜達京都は昔から海が遠かったことや、寺院が多くで精進料理(仏教の宗教的理由で肉や魚を食べないため、野菜・豆・穀物で作った料理のこと)が盛んだったため、独自の野菜の品種が発達しました。それらの野菜を、京野菜と呼びます
ly77503 Yatsuhashi( cinnamon cookie) KittyIs it tender-heartedness of the creater that puts arms and legs to the originally triangle-shaped Yatsuhashi? It seems that this green Kitty is inspired from green tea flavor Yatsuhashi. Red bean paste seen through an outside rice powder sheet is used as a coutour of the face of Kitty. ■Kyoto's Specility 3 Kyo-Yasai (Kyoto vegetables)Traditional Kyoto vegetablesIn ancient times, Kyoto was located far from the sea. In addition, there are many temples in Kyoto and Shojin-meals(dishes prepared by vegetables, beans and grains. In temples, meat and fish are prohibited for the buddhist' religious reasons) was popular. For these reasons, Kyoto's own vegetable breeds were developed. These vegetables are called Kyo-Yasai (Kyoto vegetables).
ly63604ハロウィンディズニーランド用!爪の先までディズニーワールドにどっぷり浸かります。ハロウィンシーズンディズニー用!ハロウィン仕様のディズにーに合わせて、こちらもハロウィン。パリ旅行用 イギリス旅行用日本人観光客であることも、さりげなくアピール。キャラクターキャラクター好きな日本人。更に細かい作業が得意で、手先が器用な日本人。キャラクター柄のネイルもお手の物です。ポケモンかわいい!M&M'S®これでM&M'S®のチョコをつまみたい!キティとマイメロディ
ly63604HalloweenFor Disneyland!You will be immersed in Disney World from head to toe. For Halloween season Disney!In tune with Halloween spec Disney, this is also Halloween's design .For a trip to ParisFor a trip to UK It also appeals that you are Japanese tourist. CharactersJapanese like characters. Japanese are good at detailes works and are clever with their hands. We are well-versed in character design manicuresPokemonCute!M &M, S®Let's pick up M &M S® Chocolate with this manicure! Hello Kitty and My melodies
D9559My packet is stuck at customs office and they won't give it to me until they see the bill. Please send me a scan of the bill, or the package will have to be returned.
7905votre acheteur nous informe qu"il a commandé cette scie via le site B.fr où les prix sont indiqués TTC (+livraison incluse).Le produit lui a été livré ce matin et Chronopost lui a demandé de s'acquitter de 33€ de frais de douane (12€ douane + 21€ de dossier).La page du choix des vendeurs n'indiquait pas que des frais de douane étaient à prévoir avec le vendeur Naminori24 (sinon elle choisi de payer 5€ de plus chez un autre vendeur...).IL souhaiterait obtenir un avoir correspondant à ces 33 euros.Merci de contacter votre client le plus rapidement possible pour trouver une solution.Cordialement9120Je n'ai toujours rien reçu alors que la date prévue était au 10 janvier 2014Merci de me tenir informéBien à vous
You are grossly over pricing a single set of Luxilon Alu??? $49+try $13-19.
価格設定が高すぎます。 Luxilon Aluが1セット49ドル以上もするのですか。13ドル~19ドルでお願いします。
Hello, I want to buy this air cleaner, but I have an electric network 220v, whether there is at you on sale (or you can add for an additional payment) a voltage converter 220v to 100v, on 100w approximately, and how much it will cost?
just to comfort you you will be in safe professional hands , the tour schedule is already arranged and tomorrow morning i will make the police permission and we are arranging a Cairo , luxor , Aswan classic tour and there will be a representative to meet and assist inside the airport , the party will be guided by a professional egyptologist Japanese speaking tour guide and also a Japanese speaking assistance and the cell phones you can contact ismohamed sheta : (002)01001234869-(002)01141934609mohamed mousa :(002)o1000504880-(002)01141197979and they will be with the group from day 1 till the final departure and the charge per person in double will be 1600$ and the single supplement will be 375$
念のため申し上げますが、あなた方は安全なプロの手にゆだねられます。ツアーのスケジュールはすでに整っており、明日の朝、私が警察に許可を頂きます。カイロ、ルクソール、アスワンへのクラシックツアーを手配しております。また空港内であなた方にお会いしてお手伝いする弊社の代表が1名おります。ご一行を日本語を話すエジプト学専門のツアーガイド1名と日本語を話す助手1名がご案内させて頂きます。ご連絡は携帯電話モハメド・シェタ :(002) 01001234869- (002)01141934609モハメド・モウサ・:(002) o 1000504880- (002)01141197979までお願いいたします。上記の者は1日目よりご出発の時までご一緒いたします。料金は1名につきダブルで1600ドル、1名追加料金は375ドルとなっております。
and that will include ;1- accommodation for 6 nights in high standard 5 stars hotel on b/b basis ,3 nights in Cairo and 3 nights in luxor and Aswan (upper Egypt) hotel over land or a Nile cruise and in both cases we will visit horus & subic temple in komombo city and mortal temple of the falcon in edfu city2-sightseeing fees is included for basic visits3-domestic air fair {Cairo-luxor Aswan-cairo}4-lunch meals will be arranged while sightseeing5-japanese speaking egyptologist tour guide6-all transfers from airport first arrival till the last departure to airport7-tour coordinator for arranging and escorting the party as wellthe excluding will be 1-airport arrival visa 2-tips
bonjour et merci pour votre reponse rapide en ouvrant le colis j ai constaterque un morceau du socle et rester dans le pied de la figurines je suis un peudecu plus la douanes ca ma couter 141euro cdlt