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Thus was Sextus Pompeius captured. He had been deprived of his father when very young and of his brother while still a stripling. After their death he practised robbery secretly in Spain until he had collected a large following, because he made himself known as Pompey's son. Then he practised more open robbery. After the death of Gaius Caesar he carried on war vigorously and collected a large army, together with ships, took islands, became master of the western sea, brought famine upon Italy, and compelled his enemies to make peace on such terms as he chose. Of most importance was the aid that he rendered in the proscriptions to Rome when exposed to utter destruction, rescuing many of the nobility who were,


こうしてSextus Pompeiusは捕えられた。彼は幼少の頃、父やまだ若かった兄を奪われた。父と兄の死後、彼はスペインで密かに強盗を働き、 Pompeyの息子として自己紹介したことから多くの支持者を得た。その後、彼はさらに堂々と強盗を働いた。Gaius Caesarの死後、彼は精力的に戦争を仕掛け、船とともに大軍を集め、島々を獲得した。それはこの西の海の統治者はイタリアに飢饉をもたらし、敵は彼が選んだ条件で和平条約を結ばざるを得なかったからだ。最も重要なことは追放者が破滅の危機に晒された時、彼はローマの追放者に救いの手を差し伸べ、後の時代になった現在、彼のおかげで無事国に居住している多くの貴族に対する支援だった。

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at this later time, safe at home by means of him. But stricken with some strange aberration, he never pursued an aggressive policy against his foes, although fortune offered him many opportunities; he only defended himself.After such a career Pompeius was taken prisoner. Titius brought Pompeius' soldiers into Antony's service and put Pompeius himself to death at Miletus in the fortieth year of his age. This he did either on his own account, angry at some former insult, and ungrateful for the subsequent kindness, or in pursuance of Antony's order. Some say that Plancus, not Antony, gave this order. They think that Plancus, while governing Syria, was authorized by letters to sign Antony's name in cases of urgency


だが奇妙な常軌を逸した奇行をする彼は、幸運が彼に多くのチャンスを与えていたにもかかわらず、決して攻撃的なやり方で敵を追跡しなかった。彼は自分の身を守るにとどめた。そのような経歴の後、Pompeiusは囚人となった。TitiusはPompeiusの兵士をAntonyに仕えさせ、Pomepeius自身が40歳の時、 Miletus で処刑した。以前の侮辱、続く親切に対する恩知らずな行為、彼が自分で行なったのかAntonyの命令の遂行に従ったのか、彼はどうした。命令を下したのはAntonyではなくPlancusだという者もいる。彼らはPlancusがSyriaを統治していた間、緊急な時にはAntonyの名前で署名し、彼の印を使うようAntonyから手紙で許可を得ていたからだと考えている。

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and to use his seal.Some think that it was written by Plancus with Antony's knowledge, but that the latter was ashamed to write it on account of the name Pompeius, and because Cleopatra was favorable to him on account of Pompey the Great.Others think that Plancus, being cognizant of these facts, took it upon himself to give the order as a matter of precaution, lest Pompeius, with the co-operation of Cleopatra, should disturb the auspicious respect between Antony and Octavian.After the death of Pompeius Antony made a new expedition to Armenia, and Octavian made one against the Illyrians, who were plundering Italy, some of whom had never been subject to the Romans, while others had revolted during the civil wars.


また、Antonyが承知した上でPlancusによって書かれたが、AntonyはPompeiusの名のせいで自分で書くことを恥じ、Pompey the Greatが理由でCleopatraが彼をひいきしていたからだと考える者もいる。あるいは Plancusがこれらの事実を認識して、PompeiusがCleopatraと共謀してAntonyとOctavianの間にある幸先のよい敬意をかき乱してはならないので、用心して彼自身が命令を下したと考える者もいる。 Pompeius の死後、AntonyはArmeniaに新たな遠征を行ない、Octavianはイタリアで略奪を行なっていたIllyrianに対する戦争を仕掛けた。Illyrianの中にはローマ人に決して降伏しない者は内戦中、反乱した者がいた。

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Furnius accordingly directed his forces against Pompeius' front attack, but he was driven out of his camp by the force in his rear. Pompeius pursued his men and killed many as they fled over the Scamandrian plain, which was saturated with recent rains. Those who were saved withdrew for the time to a place of safety, as they were not fit for battle. While those who, impoverished by continual exactions, enlisted gladly under Pompeius especially on account of the reputation he had gained by his victory at the harbour of the Achaeans, were awaiting help from Mysia, the Propontis, and elsewhere, Pompeius, deficient in cavalry, and thus crippled in procuring supplies, learned that a troop of Italian horse


その結果、Furniusは Pompeiusに正面攻撃を行なうため軍隊を向けたが、後方の軍隊によって宿営地から追い払われた。PompeiusはFurniusの兵士を追い、兵士らが最近の雨で飽和状態だったScamandrian平原に逃げたため、その多くを殺した。命が助かった者は戦える状態ではなかったため、当面安全な場所に撤退した。頻繁の取り立てで貧困に陥った者達は特に彼がAchaeans港の勝利で獲得した名声が理由で、Pompeiusの軍隊に喜んで入隊した。彼らはMysia、 Propontis他の所からの救援を待っていた。騎兵隊が不足しており、食糧調達が不能になったPompeiusはイタリアの騎馬隊が

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was coming to Antony, sent by Octavia, who was passing the winter in Athens. So he sent emissaries with gold to corrupt this troop.Antony's governor of Macedonia caught these men and distributed their gold to the cavalry: but Pompeius took Nicea and Nicomedia, from which he obtained large supplies of money, and his strength was augmented in all respects with a rapidity that exceeded his expectations. But Furnius, who was camping not far away from him, was reinforced, at the beginning of spring, first with seventy ships that had come from Sicily, which had been saved from those that Antony had lent to Octavian against Pompeius; for after the close of the war in Sicily Octavian had dismissed them.



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Then Titius arrived from Syria with additional ships and a large army; and all these had landed at Proconnesus.So Pompeius became alarmed and burned his own ships and armed his oarsmen, believing that he could fight to better advantage with all of his forces combined on land. Cassius of Parma, Nasidius, Saturninus, Thermus, Antistius, and the other distinguished men of his party who were still with him as friends, and Fannius, who held the highest rank of all, and Pompeius' father-in‑law, Libo, when they saw that he did not desist from war against superior forces even after Titius, to whom Antony had given entire charge, had arrived, despaired of him, and, having made terms for themselves, went over to Antony.


次にTitiusがSyriaから追加の船と大軍を率いて到着した。彼らは皆Proconnesusに上陸した。そこでPompeiusは恐れを抱き、自らの船を焼き、陸軍と合わせて全軍で当たれば自分たちの方が有利に戦えると信じて船の漕ぎ手に武器を持たせた。 ParmaのCassius、Nasidius、Saturninus、Thermus、 Antistius、その他いまだに友人として彼と一緒にいた彼の仲間や彼らの中で最も高い地位にあったFannius、Pompeiusの義父Liboらは、Antonyが全権を委ねたTitiusが到着した後でさえ、Pompeiusが自分たちを凌ぐ軍隊に対して戦いをやめようとしないのを見て、彼に匙を投げて自分たちの間で話をまとめてAntonyのところに出向いた。

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but because he prefers to enjoy peace with you."
When the messengers had thus spoken, Antony showed them the orders he had sent to Titius, and said that if Pompeius was truly in this frame of mind he would be coming in person under the escort of Titius. In the meantime, the messengers who had been sent by Pompeius to the Parthians were captured by Antony's generals and brought to Alexandria. After Antony had examined each of them he summoned the ambassadors of Pompeius and showed the captives to them. They made excuses for Pompeius even then as a young man in a desperate plight, fearful lest Antony should not treat him kindly, and driven by necessity to make trial even of the bitterest enemies of Rome. They said



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that he would show his true disposition as soon as he should learn Antony's,and would then need no other attempt or devices.Antony believed them,being in other respects and at all times of a frank,magnanimous,and unsuspecting nature.In the meantime Furnius,who was governing the province of Asia for Antony,had received Pompeius when he arrived,as he was behaving quietly; since Furnius had not sufficient force to prevent him and did not yet know Antony's mind. Seeing Pompeius drilling his troops, he mustered a force from the provincials and hastily summoned Ahenobarbus, who had command of an army in the vicinity,and also Amyntas from the other side. They responded promptly, and Pompeius complained against Furnius



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for regarding him in the light of an enemy when he had sent ambassadors to Antony and was waiting for an answer from him.While he was saying this he was meditating the project of seizing Ahenobarbus,with the connivance of Curius,one of Ahenobarbus' officers, intending to hold that general as a valuable hostage to exchange for himself in case of need.The treachery was discovered and Curius was convicted before the Romans present and put to death.Pompeius put to death his freedman Theodorus,the only person who was privy to the plan, believing that he had divulged it. As he no longer expected to conceal his projects from Furnius, he possessed himself of Lampsacus by treachery, a city which contained many Italians,


自分はAntonyに使者を送っており、まだ彼からの返事を待っているのに自分を敵として見なしていることに対し不平を漏らした。彼はこう述べながら、Ahenobarbusの士官の1人Curiusを共謀して、必要があれば自分と引き換えにする貴重な人質としてAhenobarbusを捕える計画を考えていた。この欺瞞は発見され、Curiusは有罪判決を受け、ローマ市民の前にさらされた上死刑になった。Pompeiusは自分の自由民Theodorusしかこの計画を知らなかったため、彼が計画をもらしたに違いないと思い彼を死刑にした。Furniusからは自分の計画を隠すことをもはや期待できなかったため、彼は背信行為により、多くのイタリア人が住む Lampsacus を我がものにした。

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placed there as colonists by Gaius Caesar. These Italians he induced to enter his military service by large bounties. He attacked Cyzicus by land and sea. He was repulsed on both sides, because Antony had a force, although not a large one, in Cyzicus, that was guarding some gladiators whom Antony supported there. So Pompey retired to the harbor of the Achaeans and collected provisions.Furnius did not begin hostilities, but he continually camped alongside of Pompeius with a large body of horse and prevented his foe from foraging or winning the cities to his side. As Pompeius had no cavalry, he assaulted the camp of Furnius in front and, at the same time, sent a force secretly around to his rear.


Gaius Caesarによって入植者として入った多くのイタリア人が住んでいたLampsacus を我がものにした。 彼は気前よく金を払い、そのようなイタリア人を自分の軍に入るよう勧誘した。彼は陸と海からCyzicusを攻撃した。Antonyが大軍ではないがCyzicusに軍隊を持ち、Antonyが面倒をみていた剣闘士がその軍隊を監視していたため、彼は両側から反撃を受けた。そこでPompeyは Achaeanの港に撤退して物資を補給した。Furniusは戦闘を始めなかったが、大軍の騎馬隊でPompeiusの側に引き続き野営して彼が自分の側の町から食糧を入手したり町を奪取したりするのを防いだ。Pomepiusは騎馬隊を持っていなかったため、Furniusの宿営地を正面から襲い、同時に1軍をひそかに彼の後方に送った。