I am willing to give you another chance by bidding on one of the identical Toyota Vitz items either in dark grey metallic or teal green which is expected to end on 12/7/13, please let me know that you have the item before I place a bid on this one and this is the item:Please give me a heads up if you decide to reduce the price of Henry as well...Also I heard Plarail was releasing new talking engines??? If so, I am very interested to acquire them!!! :)I buy them every time I can find them for a reasonable price.
Anybody who has a product element on their site is now grandfathered to unlimited products (previously, only people who had more than five products were grandfathered).For all new users, we're upping the product limits to 10 for Starter, and 25 for Pro (previously 5 for both).Maybe you were intending to start selling, and just hadn't gotten around to it yet. Or maybe you have a friend you told about it. For any reason whatsoever, if you'd like to be grandfathered into an unlimited number of products and aren't, email us within the next two weeks at support+ecom@weebly.com and we'll grandfather your account, no questions asked.
サイトに何らかの商品を出展していらっしゃるユーザーの皆様には、新しいルールの適用を除外し、商品数の制限をなくします。(今までは5点以上の出展者に限り除外していました)。新規のユーザー様には、商品上限をスターターには10点まで、プロの方には25点までに引き上げます(今まではいずれも5点まで)。売って見たいけど、まだちょっとそこまでは、という方も、お友達から聞いた方も、理由は何であれ、ルール除外で制限なしの商品数を出展したいけどまだ除外されていなかったら、2週間以内にsupport+ecom@weebly.com までメールをください。何も煩わしいことなしに貴方のアカウントをルールから除外して差し上げます。
The new mini-shopping cart is an incredibly cool new feature available to everyone, but we inadvertently turned it on for many of you when you didn't expect it. We fixed this bug. As always, you can disable shopping cart functionality by changing your store to a "Buy Now" type under Store > Settings > General.A small number of sites were affected by some changes to their product elements, even in legacy mode, which will keep everything looking the same. We've addressed the majority of these issues and are working on addressing the remaining ones within the next couple days. If you want to enable legacy mode, head to Store > Settings > Display.
新しいミニ・ショッピングカートは、誰にでもとっても素敵なフィーチャー。でも、ふとしたはずみに、欲しくもないのにONになっちゃったりしていました。このバグを直しました。今まで通り、Store > Settings > General であなたのお店を「今すぐ買う」に変えれば、ショッピングカート機能を停止することができます。ほんの少数ですが、レガシーモードにしていても、商品をちょっと変えると影響が出てしまって、何も変わっていないように見えるサイトもありました。こういう不具合はほとんど解決済みで、残りについてはここ1日2日で直す予定です。レガシーモードをお使いになりたい時はStore > Settings > Display と進んでください。
I was wondering if the delivery estimate of Jan-2 to Jan 23 for this item was correct?
At the same time we do believe in trying to make and keep our customers happy. When I first saw you email, I said absolutely not. Upon closer examination you paid $18.00 for the item, We have delayed in responding to your email, (poor customer service) and we would still reimburse or bare the cost of the return shipping from a USA address in a situation like this. Therefore, we are simply going to issue you a refund for the defective item with no need to return it.
と同時に、お客様に常にご満足いただくよう努めることは、私たちにとって大事なことです。メールを最初に拝見したときは、ありえない、という印象でしたが、よく見てみれば、あなたは商品に対して18ドルをお支払いになっていらっしゃる。私たちはあなたのメールになかなかお返事しなかった(ひどいお客様サービスです)、ですから、このような事情においては、アメリカからの返品の送料は弊社が返金するべきでしょう。したがって、不備のあった商品の代金はお返しいたします。そして、返品はしていただかなくて結構です。(訳注:上のもう一つの文章は us incurring to 以降が英語としておかしいので、もともと翻訳不能です)
ukThings you can do while awaiting our response: Confirm all the items you have dispatched and provide tracking information. Update your inventory. Monitor customer contacts and resolve any customer issues. Solicit feedback from your customers. Learn more about how to improve your selling performance. 2 Thank you for writing to us.Your email is associated with various selling accounts.Kindly,resend with the information on which selling account you are referring to.We appreciate your patience with our security measures.Regards,3
I have some questions more please. We have Disney Matel diecast cars only in Europe. Do you think does it work with them? Or with Tomica cars only?(I read some comments about it and not the best with another cars.)Thank you your answer.
まだお聞きしたいことがあるのですが、ディズニーのMatel カーはヨーロッパにしかないのですが、これが使えると思いますか?それとも、トミカにしか使えないですか?(他のとではうまくいかない、と書いてあるのを読んだことがあるのです)お返事お待ちしています。
You can assist us by providing the requested merchant invoices, if you have not already done so. If you have already provided all requested invoices, you also may contact the seller/merchant and ask that they provide the additional information we require for export. Customer Service can provide you with a summary of that additional information, if needed.If you choose to return this merchandise to the seller, please contact us to cancel the ship request. If we do not hear from you AND we do not receive the information required for export, we must cancel this ship request.Please reply to this email to provide any additional information or for further assistance.Thank you for your patience
hi, i need return item back to you. it's Received Wrong Item. only 1 pic makita 14.4 v. i need lable return and refun back.my order 1 of Makita LXT400 18-Volt LXT Lithium Ion 4-Piece Combo Kit .
品物を返送したいです。違う商品が届きました。マキタ14.4vが一つだけ来ました。返送用あて先ラベルをください。それから、マキタLXT400 18ボルトと LXT リチウムイオン電池4本のセットのものです。
Defective/Does not work properlyBuyer comments: ear phones turn off on there own intermittently and crackle when adjusting soundhi the sound goes off intermittently when sound is turned up or down and crackles as well I like the item very much can I just send head phones back for you to replace many thanks tonyThe customer stated that he was charged GBP 45.00 for customs fee and the seller was informed of this where they stated that the refund for the GBP 45.00 would be issued to the customer. The confirmation for the refund was sent to the customer over ten days now and the seller has not provide the refund.
不具合/動作不良購入者のコメント: イヤフォンが、時々勝手にオンになったりオフになったりするし、音を調節するとガリガリいう。音を大きくしたり小さくしたりすると、時々音が途切れ足りガリガリいったりするんです。この商品は気に入っているので、送り返して取り替えてもらえますか。よろしくお願いします。トニー客は45ポンドの関税を請求され、そのことを売り手に伝えた所、客に45ポンドの返金をすると言った。返金の確認が客に送られてから10日以上経つが、販売者はいまだに返金をしていない。
I´ve found out that the guitar which belongs to the classic series and you described as handbuild IS NOT HANDBUILT.Only the BFV-2010K is handbuilt and has diffetrent specs.The Price difference of the new guitars is about 300 USD.I suggest to lower the Price i have to pay to 1250 USD shipped.
あなたが手作りだと書いていらっしゃるクラシックシリーズのギターは、手作りではなかったことがわかりました。BFV-2010K だけが手作りで、使用も異なります。新品での価格差は約300ドルです。安くしていただけませんか。送料に1250ドルもかかるので。
A leather bags and accessories are handmade by master artisans committed to a tradition of superior craftsmanship, superb functionality and timeless American style. Everything that bears the Ghurka mark is designed and built to provide a lifetime of use and enjoyment.Our name comes from the A soldiers of the Himalayas who since the days of the British Raj have been known throughout the world for their bravery, loyalty, and cheerful indifference to all difficulty. Our story begins at an antiquities auction in the early 1970s where our company’s founder Marley Hodgson, fueled by his love of history and leather craft, bid on campaign gear made for a A regimental officer stationed in India during the early 1900s.
Aのレザーバッグもアクセサリーも、みな熟練の匠による手作りで、伝統の技と優れた機能性、そして、色あせないアメリカらしさを追求したものです。Ghurkaのブランドを冠した製品は、全て一生お使いいただけます。私たちの社名は、イギリスによるインド統治の昔から、その勇猛果敢さ、忠誠心、困難をものともしない強さが世界に名高い、ヒマラヤのA兵士にちなんだものです。私たちの会社は、歴史と革製品好きの創業者であるMarley Hodgsonが、1900年初頭にインドに駐留していたAの作戦用の備品を、1970年代初頭にアンティークのオークションで競り落としたところから始まりました。
Inspired by the rugged elegance and workmanship of the 75-year-old leather, Marley made his first Ghurka bag, a leather knapsack, for his young son. It is still used daily by his granddaughter.Today, through our flagship stores at 781 Fifth Avenue and 65 Prince Street in New York, as well as select retailers around the world, A continues to cater to what Marley called the "quiet confidence and adventurous spirit" of our clients. Our assortment of iconic designs and new classics are individually numbered and registered, making each Ghurka bag unique.
75年物の、その使い込まれた美しさと匠の技に魅せられたMarleyは、自身の幼い息子に、最初のGhurka バッグとなる革のナップサックを作りました。このナップサックは、今でもその息子の孫娘が使っています。今日、ニューヨークはフィフスアベニュー781とプリンスストリート65にある当社の旗艦店でも、世界中の選ばれた小売店でも、AはMarleyが言ったところの「静かなる自信と冒険心」をお客様にお届けし続けています。定番も、新しく定番になりつつあるデザインも、全てが一点一点番号をつけて登録してあり、Ghurkaの全てのバッグが、他のものとは違う唯一のもの、となっています。
Thank you for shopping with us. If you were interested in purchasing two of the Sterling Ind. Pair Black Greyhound Bookends Painted - 4-83032, we can accept an offer of $59.00 each, including shipping. If you do submit an offer for that amount, please put "Price per Doug" in the offer and we'll accept it and send you the invoice so that you can complete the payment. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
お世話になっております。スターリング社製 ペア・ブラック・グレイハウンド ブックエンド(彩色)-4-83032 を2組お買い求めいただけますなら、送料込み、一組当たり$59.00のお値段で結構です。この金額で入札していただく際には、入札に"Price per Doug"とご記入ください。そうしましたら、こちらでそれを受付け、お支払いに必要なインボイスをお送りいたします。何かございましたらお問い合わせください。
That is very odd, can you send me a picture of the entire front of the guitar also please.
I responded to your email and am happy to refund you entirely or I can refund you $40 and you can keep jacket. It's a new $600 jacket and had other requests to purchase so happy to take it back. I apologize for it having a red mark but it was a sample.
I just want to inform you, that I have great problems to get the M in time. I purchased M for € 6.500 three weeks ago, to have enough M on stock, also for you. Today B told me, a part will leave only tomorrow, but they can not say exactly how much and the rest in 2 weeks. Hopefully I will receive the first part this week to be able to ship to you immediately. I am very sorry, but it seems, B has actually big problems as they sell very much. For the future we need to have a bigger stock, to be able to ship faster. I will do my best and also invest more money, but please help also you and order as soon as possible. Myself I only have here about 20 boxes left for my customers - a disaster.
お知らせしたいことがあるのですが、Mの入手が間に合いそうにありません。在庫を潤沢にするのと同時に、あなたの分もと、3週間前にMを€ 6.500 で買ったのです。が、今日Bから、一部は明日出荷するといわれました。でも、それがいくつでなのか分からず、残りは2週間後だというのです。ま、いくつかは今週来るので、すぐにお送りすることができるのですが。申し訳ありません、でも、Bも実際、売れすぎて困っているみたいです。今後はもっと在庫を増やさないといけないです。そうしないと、早く出荷できません。私もがんばってもっと資金投下しますので、あなたの方でもご注文をなるべく早くくださるようお願いします。私自身、ここのお客さまように20箱残っているだけです。悲惨・・・・
ukThe parcel has now arrived in the UK, however, the fees for receiving it are very high. I am being asked to pay UK import tax (20%) on the value of the item which you listed at JPY 7,700 (GBP48) and the value of the postage which you listed (according to HMRC/UK Customs) as JPY 16,200 (GBP100). This seems very high, is this correct? I have checked with both parcel force (who cannot find the postage value) and HMRC (who say the postage is JPY 16,200.If it is correct, then because of this high postage value, the import tax is not only 20% of the parcel value, plus a handling fee, but also 20% of the postage. As a result, I am being asked to pay £43.88, and I paid £46.00 for the jars.
As I am sure you can understand, this is simply too expensive a price for the items. So unfortunately the items will be returned to you. I would appreciate a full refund. Can you confirm that you will refund me upon receipt of the parcel?On my end I am sorry for not realising that the fee to me for this parcel would be so huge. It was also not clear on your amazon page that I might incur such high import costs in the UK. Are you aware of these costs to your customers?
For the refund to be corrected we need you to return the incorrect item to us, we will refund the first amount of shipping you paid to have to the item delivered to compensate for the shipping you will pay to send the item back to usFor returns please just make us aware of your order number and your contact details inside the package