Conyac で依頼された翻訳結果を公開

[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] それから彼らはCaesarの仇を討つために武器を取って闘うよう彼に熱心に勧め、彼と共に出陣し、他の者たちも説得すると約束した。Octaviusは彼らを称賛...

Then they exhorted him to take up arms and they promised that they would take the field with him and persuade others also, in order to avenge Caesar's death. He commended them, but said that he had no need of them at present; when, however, he would call them to take vengeance, he asked that they be ready; and they agreed to this.Octavius put out to sea on ships which were at hand, though it was still quite perilously wintry, and crossing the Ionian Sea, arrived at the nearest promontory of Calabria, where the news regarding the revolution at Rome had not yet been clearly announced to the inhabitants. He came ashore here and started on foot for Lupiae. When he arrived there he met people who had been in Rome when Caesar was buried; and they told him, among other things, that he had been named in the will as Caesar's son, inheriting three fourths of his property, the remaining share having been set aside to pay the sum of seventy-five drachmae to each man in the city. He had enjoined Atia, the youth's mother, to take charge of his burial, but a great crowd had forced its way into the Forum and had there cremated the body and interred the remains. They told Octavius that Brutus and Cassius and the other murderers had taken possession of the Capitol, and were obtaining, through the promise of freedom, the slaves as allies.
On the first two days while Caesar's friends were still panic stricken many men came and joined the murderers; but when colonists from the neighboring cities (whom Caesar had furnished with grants and had established in those cities) began to come in large numbers and attach themselves to the followers of Lepidus, the Master of the Horse, and to those of Antonius, Caesar's colleague in the consulship, who were promising to avenge Caesar's death, most of the conspirators' group dispersed. The conspirators being thus deserted gathered some gladiators and others who were implacably hostile to Caesar, or who had had a share in the plot.

3_yumie7 さんによる翻訳
そこに着いた時、OctaviusはCaesarが葬られた時にローマにいた人々に会った。彼らは数ある中でも特に遺言書によってOctaviusがCaesarの息子となり、Caesarの財産の4分の3を相続すること、残りの部分はローマの市民に1人75ドラクマを与えるよう取り分けてあることをOctaviusに告げた。Caesarは若きOctavius 母親のAtiaに自分の埋葬の世話をするよう命じたが、大勢の群衆がフォーラムに押し入ってCaesarの遺体を火葬し、骨を埋葬した。彼らはOctaviusにBrutusとCassius、それに他の殺人者らがカピトリウム神殿を手中に収め、自由達成という約束を通して奴隷たちを協力者として手に入れつつあると語った。

Conyac で翻訳した結果

英語 → 日本語
金額 (スタンダード依頼の場合)
3_yumie7 3_yumie7