はじめまして。ABの田中さんの紹介で連絡しましたGP Inc.の佐藤です。
I have seen the XY website and at first glance i liked your company's products.
I have received a report on the progress of your company's negotiations with Tanaka and understand the main points.
I would like to purchase a sample package at immediately.
Please let me know your PayPal account.
The delivery destination is our company's address stated below.
Our company is an import trading company on our 8th year since our founding.
Since our founding we have been selling photo/film equipment at our own company's webshop and other sites.
By the way, the second most searched in this website is H.
As I saw XY website, I fell in love with your products at first sight.
I am aware of the overview from the report of the progress status of negotiation between Tanka-san and you.
I would like to order a sample package ASAP.
Please advise your PayPal account.
For ship-to address, please use our below address.
We are an import trading company established eight years ago.
Since establishment, we have been selling photography equipment at our web shop.
By the way, the second place of the search volume of this web shop is H.
I saw the website of XY and was interested in a product of your company when I saw it.
I was informed about the progress of the negotiations between Tanaka and your company so I have an overall idea.
To begin with, I would like to purchase the sample package.
Please let me know your PayPal account.
The delivery address will be my company's address as indicated below.
Our company is an import trading company which is in its 8th year of operation.
Since we started, we have been selling photographic equipment through channels such as our company's Internet shop.
Just to let you know, the second most-searched item on our webstore is H.
At first, I will procure funds using cloud funding.
Most of the collected money will be used for a purchase fund.
XY is expected to be sold the most on Amazon.jp in a Japanese market.
I will inform you a predicted sales later from the market research our company conducted.
We will also show you our sales plan.
Please ship a sample package as we would like to use an actual product of XY.
First of all, I would like to gather funds through cloud funding.
I would like to use most of the gathered funds as the purchase capital.
I expect that XY will chalk up the most sales in Japan through Amazon.jp.
Later, I will let you know the sales forecast obtained from our company's market research survey.
I will also submit our company's selling plan to you.
First of all, I think we would like to try using XY. Please send the sample package to us.