China Incubator Suhehui Founder Darren Luo Interview: Building A Startup College for Entrepreneurs
Since their launch in 2012, Shanghai-based incubator SuHeHui incubator has successfully incubated 150 companies and invested in a further 50. It selects about 10 startup teams as part of a competition batch and provides necessary services for startups during a 6-month-long incubation period along with a funding of 200,000RMB (in exchange for 8% share).
At the graduation ceremony and roadshow all teams are presenting ideas to attract further investments. TechNode interviewed Suhehui founder Darren Luo about how it operates and his opinions on China’s tech trends.
卒業式と販売説明会では全チームが更なる資金提供を得るべくアイデアを発表する。TechcodeはSuhehui創業者のDarren Luo氏にその経営手法や中国の技術動向についての考えをインタビューした。
Tell us about Suhehui incubator and how can startups apply for it.
Suhe(苏河)is like mother river and hui(汇) means integration. Since the oldest entrepreneur was born in riverside, we wanted to give the meaning that the entrepreneurs are born here again and we gather them here. We aim to pass the spirit of the previous entrepreneurs to current entrepreneurs. It’s like a real startup college plus angel investment. It’s difficult to enter since out of up to 800 monthly applications registered we only choose 10 companies. With a lot of incubators in Shanghai, Suhehui offers free office space for startups to stay as long as they want.
Suhe(苏河)は母川のようなもので、 hui(汇)は統合という意味です。最古のアントレプレナーは川沿いに誕生しましたから、アントレプレナーはここで再び誕生し、私たちはここに彼らを集わせるという意味を持たせたかったんです。私たちが目指しているのは、先のアントレプレナーの精神を現代のアントレプレナーに伝えることです。それは実際のスタートアップカレッジにエンジェル投資を加えたようなものです。毎月、最高で800もの応募がある中から、10社だけを選んで入学させるのは難しいことです。Suhehuiは、上海にいる多くのインキュベーターと一緒になって、スタートアップの人々が好きなだけ滞在できる彼らのための無料オフィススペースを提供しています。
There are six offices around Shanghai, including Zhejang, Beijing, Cheongdu, Hangzhou, and Suzhou.
How much investment do you put into these startups?
In seed round we invest RMB 50,000 ~ 200,000 to take less than 8 % stake with valuation RMB 2.5 ~ 5 million. After the seed round, the fundraising process is very quick. In the angel round, we invest in startups with an offline angel investor group. This syndicate model helps reduce the risk by investing into early stage startups together. The investment amount ranges from RMB 1 to 3 million and valuation ranges from RMB 8 to 20 Million.
With Suhehui taking the lead, together with our partners who are namely, government, schools, traditional incubators, angel investors, venture capitalists we make co-investment into these companies.
What’s the market trend in China and which of Suhehui’s startups reflect it?
The age of entrepreneurs is increasingly younger. O2O is surely the trend in the market. Consumer related business like clothes, eating, living, working and transportation.
起業家の年齢はどんどん若くなっています。オンライン・ツー・オフラインが市場のトレンドであることは間違いありません。(それを反映しているのは)衣服、食事、住まい、仕事に交通などの消費者に関連するビジネスですね。 is a grocery delivery service to the University campus. With 30,000 daily orders, there are 20 campuses in Shanghai using the service, and it also covers Hangzhou, Beijing and Guangzhou. Students can make online orders in advance, then the company sends groceries to school using its operation channel. The student can pick it up at several stations on campus. The company just received investment from Zihui Venture Capital with RMB$100 million valuation. is a laundry delivery service and the business model is same. The company sends a person to pick up the laundry and send it back after washing. The company raised US$20 million investment from Sequoia Capital.
24Tidy.comは衣服のクリーニング配送サービスで同様のビジネスモデルをとっています。同社から派遣された担当者が洗濯物を回収し、クリーニングして返送します。この会社は Sequoia Capitalから2000億米ドルの出資を受けました。
24Tidy.comは洗濯物配達サービスで、そのビジネスモデルは同じです。同社は人を行かせて洗濯物を受け取り、洗濯が終わったら、それを送り返します。同社は、Sequoia Capital社より2000万米ドルの投資を調達しました。
Tell us about successful startup portfolios in Suhehui. enables Chinese people traveling to other countries to find a Chinese speaking local guide. The founder previously worked for Alibaba, now leads the company with a 100 million RMB valuation. With 50 staff, each day the company generates more than 10 deals. develops an online sheet-making tool, which helps enterprises with their customer management and marketing. The SaaS company now has 100,000 subscribers from enterprise and currently Suhehui’s online application form using the API is using Mikecrm. The company has received 4 million USD investment from Sequoia Capital.
Mikecrm.comは企業の顧客管理とマーケティングに役立つオンライン表作成ツールを開発しています。SaaS(ソフトウェア・アズ・ア・サービス)を提供するこの会社は現在10万社と契約しており、APIを使用したSuhehuiのオンライン申請書もMikecrm.を利用しています。同社はSequioia Capitalから400万米ドルの出資を受けています。
Mikecrm.comは、企業が顧客管理とマーケティング活動をするのに役立つオンライン・シート作成ツールを開発しました。このSaaS社は、今や10万人の企業加入者がおり、現在、APIを利用したSuhefuiのオンラインアプリケーションフォームは、Mikecrmを使用しています。同社は、Sequoia Capital社から4万米ドルの投資を受けています。 is a business cloud storage and online Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tool. With 300,000 users, the service is like Dropbox and Google drive combined and integrate with Google. User can easily link to the email and calendar, upload file in the cloud to help the workflow.
What’s Suhehui’s own culture for startups?
On Wednesday, we have family night where we invite graduate and current batch startups to have dinner together. Graduate startups who moved out from Suhehui office come to our office as mentors and share their entrepreneur story. We already have done 200 family nights and most valuable thing is that founders can make lots of friends there and learn how to lead the business when they encounter different stages.
What’s your standard for investing in startups and what’s your message for entrepreneurs?
Investing in earlier startups is not about the product, business model nor the market size. It’s about the team and entrepreneur, who are willing to take the risk and do not give up their dreams and passion. To entrepreneurs; just do it and take it easy. There’s no secret of success, the only secret is the expectation of a brand new me.
備考欄のserial entrepreneurはシリアルアントレプレナーで構いません。
oldest entrepreneur was born in riversideについて、内容の確認が取れませんでしたので文の内容そのままに「最古の起業家が川のそばで生まれた」と訳しました。必要に応じて「最年長の」「最古参の」とも変更できますのでお申し付けください。よろしくお願いいたします。