Tencent, PPTV, and more in trouble with authorities for “hyping vulgar content”
Eight internet technology companies, including Tencent, Sina News, Phoenix News, Ku6, PPTV, and 17173, have been found guilty of promoting vulgar and lowbrow content, reports China’s state-run television network CCTV. The report specifically cites low-on-meaning, high-on-titillation examples like Tencent’s ‘Hot and Sexy Photos’ column, and other similarly sex-focused attempts at grabbing eyeballs.
Tencent、Sina News、Phoenix News、 Ku6、 PPTV、17173を含む 8つのインターネット・テクノロジー関連企業はわいせつで低俗な内容を宣伝した罪で有罪、と中国国営テレビCCTVが報じた。このニュースではTencentの「Hot and Sexy Photos」コラムや、ほかの同じようなウェブ訪問者数を増やすための性的要素の強い試みを、意義は低く刺激が強い例として具体的にあげている。
Tencent、Sina News、Phoenix News、Ku6、PPTV、そして17173を含むインターネットテクノロジー企業8社は、俗悪かつ低級なコンテンツを宣伝したとして有罪の判決を受けた、と中国の国営テレビ局CCTVが伝えている。この報道は、Tencentの「Hot and Sexy Photos」コラムや他の類似の注目を集めるために主に性を扱ったコンテンツなどといった、あまり意味はないが高い刺激感を得ることができる例をはっきりと引き合いに出している。
According to the CCTV report, the State Information Office has instructed local branches in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong, to “seriously investigate” the companies. Authorities have already spoken to the offending companies about their failure to follow the law, and some – perhaps all – of the offending content has been removed.
For example, China’s biggest gaming site 17173 made the list of offenders for operating a subsite at 818.17173.com that had nothing to do with video games, and instead was simply a frequently-updated collection of sexy photos. Visit that URL today, though, and you’ll find yourself redirected to 17173’s main site.
The CCTV report and the investigations of the eight internet companies are part of a 2014 “anti-pornography” campaign. China’s government undertakes these campaigns with some regularity in an attempt to keep its corner of the internet free from actual pornography, overly sexually suggestive imagery, and politically sensitive material. Beyond the closing of the offending columns and services, it’s unlikely that any of the companies named will be more severely published.