[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] NO.133 Naked Fern 私はこの一週間、風邪をひいてしまいました。 強い喉の痛みがあり、鍼治療したり、プロポリスを飲んだりしましたが、全く効果...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "コミュニケーション" のトピックと関連があります。 cuavsfan さん mura さん yoshi777 さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 702文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 3時間 2分 です。

soulbossa7による依頼 2013/04/02 11:47:43 閲覧 1942回
残り時間: 終了

NO.133 Naked Fern

評価 67
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/04/02 11:52:11に投稿されました
No. 133 Naked Fern
This past week I have had a cold.
My throat was very sore so I tried acupuncture and drinking propolis but it was to no avail, so all I could do was wait for time to take care of it.
Taking the essence on schedule was a bother and I ended up forgetting about it some.
The night my symptoms started to clear I could feel something leaving my body. I thought something large came out from inside my body. The next morning my throat was almost back to 100%.
The most surprising thing was that my curved back of many years was cured and stretched straight.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/04/02 12:11:13に投稿されました
NO. 133 Naked Fern
I have been sick for this one week.
I had such a severe sore throat that I took acupuncture and propolis, but nothing changed.
I just waited until this disease would pass away.
Then, that made me feel bored and sometimes forget to take the essence on time.
One night at which my symptom almost subsided, I felt something coming out of my body. I felt something occupying a big part of me has gone. Next morning, my throat got almost completely recovered.
And what surprised me the most was that my long lasting stoop just got healed to be straight.

Naked Fern に心から感謝いたします。

NO.134 Fork Fern
私はこの週をとても楽しみに待ち望んでいました。なぜならば、throat chakraの改善を一番望んでいたからです。
この週は特にteacher plantはリレーのバトンを手渡すように次のteacher plantへバトンタッチしていくように感じました。区切りがあるけど区切りのないヒーリングを感じました。

評価 67
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/04/02 11:54:48に投稿されました
That has remained so up until now. How strange.
I am thankful to Naked Fern from the bottom of my heart.

No. 134 Fork Fern
I had really been looking forward to this week. The reason is that I had really wanted throat chakra to be improved.
This week felt like a relay race with the teacher plant passing the baton to the next teacher plant. There was a break, but it felt like healing without a break.
Continuing with the healing from the week before,
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/04/02 12:28:21に投稿されました

It is still kept. It is very mysterious.
I am very grateful to Naked Fern from the bottom of my heart.

No. 134 Fork Fern
I was looking forward to this week very much because I longed for the improvement of throat chakra the best.

This week, in particular, I felt that teacher plant was like passing the baton to the next teacher plant.
It clearly has an end, but it was like a healing continuing seamlessly.
Following to a healing last week,

Six Moonsの残りの期間も大切に過ごしたいと思います。

評価 67
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/04/02 11:57:22に投稿されました
I felt like this week the grounding was strengthened.
I felt this most strongly when talking with other people. Conversations are one of my weakest points... I always worry too much about what the other person is thinking and I never end up saying what I think. I have tried for years to work on this, but I haven't been able to make much headway.
However, this time while thinking of the other person I was able to actually give my own thoughts as well. It felt really good.
I want to be sure to appreciate the remainder of the Six Moons time.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2013/04/02 14:50:12に投稿されました
I felt that grounding was enhanced this week.
It was when I had conversations with other people that I had that feeling most strongly. Conversation is the worst thing for me; I cannot express myself by word freely, because I am too sensitive to other people as to what they are thinking about me. I have tried to overcome this for several years. But the progress was very slow.
This time, however, I found that I expressed my opinion freely while caring for the conversation partners’ feelings. What a delightful thing that was!
I will spend and treasure the remaining period at Six Moons.



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