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[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] NO.133 Naked Fern 私はこの一週間、風邪をひいてしまいました。 強い喉の痛みがあり、鍼治療したり、プロポリスを飲んだりしましたが、全く効果...

NO.133 Naked Fern
そして、一番驚いたのが、長年の猫背が真っ直ぐに治っていた事です。 今でもそれはキープされています。とても不思議です。
Naked Fern に心から感謝いたします。

NO.134 Fork Fern
私はこの週をとても楽しみに待ち望んでいました。なぜならば、throat chakraの改善を一番望んでいたからです。
この週は特にteacher plantはリレーのバトンを手渡すように次のteacher plantへバトンタッチしていくように感じました。区切りがあるけど区切りのないヒーリングを感じました。

Six Moonsの残りの期間も大切に過ごしたいと思います。
cuavsfan さんによる翻訳
No. 133 Naked Fern
This past week I have had a cold.
My throat was very sore so I tried acupuncture and drinking propolis but it was to no avail, so all I could do was wait for time to take care of it.
Taking the essence on schedule was a bother and I ended up forgetting about it some.
The night my symptoms started to clear I could feel something leaving my body. I thought something large came out from inside my body. The next morning my throat was almost back to 100%.
The most surprising thing was that my curved back of many years was cured and stretched straight.
That has remained so up until now. How strange.
I am thankful to Naked Fern from the bottom of my heart.

No. 134 Fork Fern
I had really been looking forward to this week. The reason is that I had really wanted throat chakra to be improved.
This week felt like a relay race with the teacher plant passing the baton to the next teacher plant. There was a break, but it felt like healing without a break.
Continuing with the healing from the week before,
I felt like this week the grounding was strengthened.
I felt this most strongly when talking with other people. Conversations are one of my weakest points... I always worry too much about what the other person is thinking and I never end up saying what I think. I have tried for years to work on this, but I haven't been able to make much headway.
However, this time while thinking of the other person I was able to actually give my own thoughts as well. It felt really good.
I want to be sure to appreciate the remainder of the Six Moons time.

Conyac で翻訳した結果

日本語 → 英語
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cuavsfan cuavsfan
I passed Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N1 (the highest level) in 2...