zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

With this, the startup app – made by the Innovation Works-backed IkaMobile – has more places to crash than are offered by either eLong (NASDAQ:LONG) or Ctrip (NASDAQ:CTRP). The new additions are mostly budget hotel chains and hostels, such as the one in the above screenshot which has dorm beds for as little as 30 RMB (US$4.70) per night. Indeed, nearly all new hotels – 800 of which are in pricey Hong Kong – listed within Hotel Finder have rates of less than 300 RMB ($47) per night. It brings a welcome plurality of choice for Chinese travelers, and also caters for the needs of growing numbers of local backpackers.


これにより、Hotel Finder(Innovation Worksが支援するIkaMobileが開発)は、eLong(ナスダック:LONG)やCtrip(ナスダック:CTRP)よりもさらに多くのホテルを紹介することになる。新しく加わったホテルはほとんどが格安ホテルチェーンやホステルで、例えば、上のスクリーンショットに紹介されているホテルの大部屋の宿泊料金は1泊わずか30元(4.7ドル)だ。Hotel Finderで紹介されている新しいホテルのほぼ全て(そのうち800軒は物価の高い香港のホテル)の宿泊料が実に1泊300元(47ドル)以下となっている。中国人の旅行者にとっては複数の選択技ができて歓迎されるだろうし、中国人のバックパッカーも増えているのでそのニーズを満たすことになるだろう。

zhizi English → Japanese
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Cindy, could you share more about competitive collaboration, and how startups and the media industry can leverage on it moving forward?

Right now, we see so many industries engaging in ‘collaborative competition’ – where everyone in the sector competes with everyone else in the sector, by doing exactly the same thing everyone else in the sector is doing. I believe the future of business is about ‘competitive collaboration’. The new business reality is transparency, where everything a company does is potentially in the public domain, courtesy of the internet. This new transparency demands that companies be more open about their business dealings, to the world and each other.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

It’s very simple. Identify what your brand/startup stands for: what do you believe in? What do you value? Communicate those values clearly to your users/consumers. Ask yourself, ‘What do we want to do, and what do we want people to do with us?’ Act on those values and invite your users/consumers in to act with you, to do something that will benefit consumers, benefit society and benefit your brand and business. Your action program should flow out of your values and the nature of your business – so that the more money you make, the more everyone benefits, and the more everyone benefits, the more money you make. Shared values + shared action = profit.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

How has IfWeRanTheWorld grown over the last few years since its launch 2 years ago?

It’s growing slowly – firstly, because we launched 2 years ago in beta as what the tech world calls ‘minimum viable product’, and we have been real-world testing and continuing to build simultaneously, essentially as an experiment, bootstrapping with a lean core team. Secondly, because I designed IfWeRanTheWorld as the marketing platform of the future, with a business model driven by the brand and business user proposition. For all the reasons I talked about in my keynote, when you are pitching a new world order platform to old world order-structured companies, it is a slow process.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

IfWeRanTheWorld is what I call ‘Emotional Software’ – the synthesis of technology and psychology. It’s the result of combining technical functionality with many layers of human psychological insight and emotional dynamics. We are setting out to make taking action sexy as hell, and to make ‘Action Branding’ – where you self-identify and self-express as ‘I am what I do/I am the sum of my actions’ – the new social and sexual attractiveness value. Both personal Action Branding for individuals, and corporate Action Branding for brands and businesses, shows your audience and the world that you have values and you act on them. You walk your talk.
Intervention Cindy Gallop MasterClass 15-11-11 by iabfrancetv


私は、IfWeRanTheWorldを「エモーショナル・ソフトウェア」と呼んでいます。これはテクノロジーと心理学を合わせたものです。テクノロジーの機能性を人の心理的見識と感情的な変化など多くの要素を合わせたものです。私達は行動を起こすことをものすごく魅力的なものにし、「Action Branding」を作ろうと思っています。「Action Branding」は、「自分は自分のやったことに基づいて価値をはかる」というような自己認識をしたり自己表現をするところです。ソーシャルでセクシャルな魅力のあるものだと思います。個人向けの「Action Branding」も、ブランドや企業のための法人向け「Action Branding」も、あなたが価値観をもってそれに基づいて行動していることをユーザーや世界に示すことができます。すなわち、自分の発言に責任を持つということです。

iabrancetvでCindy Gallopの講演 Intervention Cindy Gallop MasterClass 15-11-11が見れます。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Government forces in Syria continue the bombing of Homs, the center of the uprising against the Assad government.
In Russia, thousands of anti-Putin protesters jam central Moscow.
With elections coming July 1st, demonstrators fill Mexico City's main square in protest against the long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party.
In Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez announces his bid for reelection to throngs of cheering supporters.
Technicians at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China prepare a spacecraft and its carrier rocket for launch in mid-June.
In France, Rafael Nadal clinches a record seventh French Open title after a rain-delayed victory over world number one Novak Djokovic.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

As violence escalates in Syria between government and opposition forces, the UN peacekeeping chief says Syria is now in an all-out civil war.
In Iraq, a wave of bombings targets Shiite Muslims in Baghdad and other parts of the country, killing and wounding many.
In Russia, a day after massive anti-Putin protests in Moscow,...
...at least five journalists are arrested for protesting the detention of a reporter from Novaya Gazeta, a newspaper critical of the Putin government.
The Polish interior minister warns that the government will deal severely with football thugs,...
...after violence between Russian and Polish fans at a Euro 2012 match in Warsaw.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese Collaborative Diagram Service Cacoo Hits 500,000 Users

Japanese startup, Cacoo, the online diagram and wire-frame creator, has surpassed 500,000 users recently. We have been tracking and using Cacoo for more than a year ourselves, so we’re happy to see it reach this milestone. Readers may recall our team experimenting with its Google Hangouts feature a few months back.

The product was developed by Nulab Inc, a software company based in Fukuoka, Japan. You can catch the video below to find out more about the service. But in short, think of Cacoo as a collarborative wireframe creator. It brings all your team members together to build a diagram on a single page in real-time.



Web上で図やワイヤーフレームが作成できるサービスを提供する日本のスタートアップ Cacoo のユーザー数が最近、50万人を超えた。Cacoo の情報を追いかけると同時に私達自身も同サービスを1年以上利用しているので、Cacoo のユーザー数が50万人を超えたことを非常に嬉しく思う。
読者のなかには、我々が数か月前に同サービスのGoogle Hangouts 機能を試したことを思い出す人もいるだろう。

このサービスは、日本の福岡を拠点にしたソフト会社のヌーラボが開発したものだ。下のビデオを見れば、サービスの詳細を知ることができるが、端的に言えば、Cacco はコラボでワイヤーフレームが作成できるサービスだ。チームの全員と一緒にリアルタイムで1つのページに図を作成することができるものだ。