zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Tencent listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June 2004 priced at HK$3.70 per share. It’s trading right now at HK$228. It’s a significant moment for Tencent, which runs a number of social services in the country that are the biggest in their field: the biggest in social gaming; the biggest in group messaging apps with WeChat; the biggest in instant messaging with QQ, the biggest in online profiles with QZone; and the biggest in microblogging with Tencent Weibo [1].

If we look at the country’s top social services – in this excerpt from an infographic on China’s rising social media – you’ll see that three of them are Tencent’s:


Tencentは2004年6月に香港市場に上場し、当時の株価は1株3.7香港ドルだった。だが、今では1株228香港ドルで取引されている。Tencentにとっては重要な時だ。同社は中国の各分野で最大級のソーシャルサービスを数多く運営している。Tencentのソーシャルゲームサービス、グループメッセージアプリ「WeChat」、インスタントメッセージサービス「QQ」、オンラインプロファイル「QZone」、そしてマイクロブログ「Tencent Weibo[1]」などが中国の最大級サービスとなっている。

「China’s rising social media(中国の台頭するソーシャルメディア)」で紹介されているインフォグラフィックの抜粋で、中国トップのソーシャルサービスを見てみると、実に3つのサービスでTencentがトップになっている。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

And it did that pretty organically, without forcing its QQ users into it. Facebook, as Zuckerberg surely knows in private, is a bit of a one-trick pony, and is very vulnerable to, say, social gaming companies pulling out, or to the rise of Google+. But there’s no-one that could take Tencent down in one fell swoop.

[Hat-tip to Asia-based startup luminary Benjamin Joffe - and judge at our Startup Arena contests! - for communicating about this in a tweet. He’s @benjaminjoffe on Twitter]

1. Though its rival Twitter clone, Sina Weibo, is the one with all the buzz and the greater active user-ship.


しかも、TencentはQQ ユーザーを無理矢理そのサービスに取り込むことなく、かなりしっくりとやってのけた。Facebookは—Zuckerberg氏も個人的には分かっているとおり—特徴が1つしかないサービスで、例えば、ゲーム企業の撤退やGoogle+の出現などには非常もろい。だが、Tencentを一撃で倒してしまうような企業は1つもない。

[アジアに拠点をおく著名なスタートアップで、Tech in AsiaのStarup Arenaコンテストの審査員でもあるBenjamin Joffe氏がツイートでこの話題を伝えてくれた。感謝します。@benjaminjoffeで同氏をTwitterでフォローできます。]

1.「Tencent Weibo」が中国最大のマイクロブログではあるものの、すべての熱狂や幅広いアクティブユーザーを抱えているのは、むしろライバル企業のTwitterクローン「Sina Weibo」の方だ。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Tell My Friends: A Social Music Service That Aims to Kill Music Piracy

Now for all those who’ve been downloading music illegally, here’s an alternative way to get the music you want. Singapore-based startup, Tell My Friends (TMF), is a service that allows you to purchase music for less than S$2 (US$1.60) per song, and earn some cash from them as well.

So how does it work? All you need to do is to purchase the song you want, share a unique purchase referral link on your favourite social networks, and earn when friends and extended networks share your link. At the end of the day, you could possibly earn a profit from that song you bought.


Tell My Friends:音楽著作権侵害の撲滅を目指すソーシャル音楽サービス

これまで音楽を違法にダウンロードしてきたすべての人に、欲しい曲を手に入れる新たな方法が生まれた。シンガポールのスタートアップTell My Friends(TMF)では、1曲2シンガポールドル(1.6米ドル)で音楽の購入ができ、購入した曲から報酬を得ることもできる。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

We have created a system that gives consumers a value proposition over free. “Why pay for something when you can get it for free?” Well, the answer to that is because you will be rewarded. Consumers can earn back even more than what they paid for a song, simply by doing what they have always been doing – sharing songs with friends.

We aim to counter piracy NOT by technology or enforcement, but by positive reinforcement of the right behaviour. So, if you were to click on the “Commissions Earned” figures that are underlined on your page, you will be able to see the breakdown of who bought from your link, and subsequent referrals.



私達は、テクノロジーを駆使したりや強制することではなく、正しい行動を積極的に強化することで著作権侵害問題と闘うことを目指しています。それで、ユーザー自身のページに記されている『Commissions Earned』の数字をクリックすると、そのユーザーがシェアしたリンクから誰が購入したかやその後のリファーラルなどの詳細を見ることができます。」

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

After 5 Million Travel App Downloads, Chinese Startup Seeks $1 Million in Funding

Building a startup that’s focused on free apps is always a tricky business, and so the Chinese company 8684 is heralding its milestone of five million users of just one of its series of travel and transportation apps by stating that it’s now ready for a million dollar round of series A funding. It’s not the first time that the 8684 team has said this, having previously hinted that it’s in talks with CDH Ventures, IDG, and a few others about its first major financing that would value the startup at an effective 100 million RMB ($15.86 million). Brave talk or bluster? The VCs are the ones who’ll decide.



無料アプリに特化したスタートアップを作るのは微妙なビジネスだ。中国企業の8684は、 同社の旅行・交通網アプリシリーズのたった1つのアプリで500万のダウンロード数を記録したことを発表し、「シリーズAで100万ドルの資金調達をする準備ができた」と述べた。同社がそう言ったのは今回が初めてではない。以前にも、同社の評価額が1億元(1586万ドル)となりうる最初の資金調達に向け、CDH VenturesやIDG、その他の投資者らと協議中だとほのめかしたことがある。勇ましいのか、それとも張ったりなのか?だが、決めるのはベンチャーキャピタル企業だ。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

For some reason, it appears our friends at SocialBakers left out Japan (even though they clearly know it’s in Asia)! Wondering if perhaps they knew something I didn’t, I double-checked with our correspondent in Japan, who confirmed the island nation was both still in existence and still located in Asia. That being the case, I took the liberty of adding Japan and its ten million Facebook users to the top of the infographic. Later on, however, Japan’s numbers aren’t represented in their charts. It’s also worth noting that the infographic sometimes uses the word “Asia” when what they actually mean is “Asia-Pacific.” Anyway, here’s the graphic!

