zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
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Our latest partner, Fasai, who is now working with us as the Community Director for Singapore, also works as an Account Strategist at Google Singapore. Her addition will help bridge the gap for Thai startups who are looking to go regional by going to Singapore as well as connect our Singaporean partners such as e27, venture capitals, and co-working spaces to the Thai and ASEAN startup community.

How many startups/companies/projects are currently in HUBBA? Which is your favourite team?

We have over 100 registered members and currently around 50 active members.





zhizi English → Japanese
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One of our favorite teams is Vachara (nickname Kuk) from Computerlogy who is a winner of Facebook World Hack 2012 in Jakarta by making Do Something in seven hours. He also has an awesome product, SocialEnable, which is a kick ass social media monitoring tool.

Another favorite is Ace Thanaboon Somboon who does Portfolios.net, Thailand’s largest online portfolio sharing website and community of over 30,000 registered creatives, designers and artists. He also does Creativemove.com, a online blog that promotes social innovation and action within the creatives, artists and designer community.


私達が気に入ってるチームの1人はComputerlogy社出身のVachara(ニックネームはKuk)です。Computerlogyは7時間で「Do Something」をつくって、ジャカルタで開催された「Facebook World Hack 2012」で優勝しています。Vacharaも「SocialEnable」という素晴らしいプロダクトを持っています。「SocialEnable」はクールなソーシャルメディアモニタリングツールです。

もう1人は、Portfolios.netを運営しているAce Thanaboon Somboonです。Portfolios.netは、ポートフォリオ共有サービスではタイ最大のウェブサイトおよびコミュ二ティーで、3万人を超えるクリエーター、デザイナー、アーティストが登録をしています。彼はCreativemove.comも運営しています。これは、クリエーター、アーティスト、デザイナーコミュニティーのなかでソーシャルイノベーションやアクションを助長するオンラインブログです。

zhizi English → Japanese
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Chat Apps are Everywhere. What’s Next?

In Asia, chat apps are popping up everywhere. In China, we have WeChat. In Korea, we have Kakaotalk. In Japan/Korea, we have Line. Throw in Whatsapp, and there is no shortage of choices for the average mobile user. In China, the chat app war is long over as WeChat (aka Weixin) has already won out, and most entrepreneurs don’t see the point in taking on Tencent.

But in the rest of Asia, chat apps are still popping up. There are chat apps for lovers (like Pair/Between/LoveBytes), and also for females (see Cubie) 1. I’m a little puzzled why people are launching chat apps as if there is some huge demand. Am I missing something? Or is there really much more room for growth?





zhizi English → Japanese
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There’s also Momo, the flirtatious Chinese mobile/social chat app. It helps users to hook up with other people in a much easier way. To date, Momo has more than 16 million users, raised $40 million in funding, and will soon launch its international version.

So it looks like there’s really a big space for vertical chat apps. The trends make sense, just like there are general e-commerce sites and vertical e-commerce sites – there are success stories to be found in both categories. In a similar manner, I think chat apps could follow suit. Perhaps a chat app for corporate folks?

Any number of flavors could hold potential.

1. Cubie raised $1.1 million in funding recently and was accepted into the 500 Startups program





1.Cubieは最近、資金調達で110万ドルを獲得し、500 Startupsのプログラム参加企業としても選ばれた。

zhizi English → Japanese
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Our driving box will be installed in the vehicle and integrated with the locking syste. [It will be able to] receive a lock/unlock signal from our central server to the driving box via SMS or GPRS. So when a user clicks the unlock button on his smartphone, our central server will send the unlock signal to the driving box, and the door will be opened. Then the driver can get into the car and find the ignition key in the compartment and start driving.

So how does iCarsclub monetize? In essence, it takes a fifteen percent cut from each transaction via its in-platform payment support. It also provides insurance coverage for all transactions.




zhizi English → Japanese
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Interestingly, whilst everyone else is looking to China for better opportunities, the team is comprised of four mainland Chinese, with qualifications and backgrounds hailing from China’s top Tsinghua University and Baidu. They have chosen to launch their product in Singapore first. Jamie elaborates:

Singapore is the best place to test our our idea because of the high demand on private cars, [coupled with] better trust between people and overall safeness, such as low theft and low accident rates. Once our idea is validated in Singapore and [we have figured the ideal execution method], we can easily replicate our business in other cities similar to Singapore.




zhizi English → Japanese
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Speaking of 500 Startups, Cubie was also among one of the many new startups included in the latest batch for Silicon-Valley accelerator program. Over on the Cubie blog, the startup explains why joining the program is an important step in its growth into new markets:

500 Startups has, from its inception, shown kickass leadership from women and a focus on for-women services, strengths which we hope to take advantage of over the coming months. We want to learn how to better serve our users and reach out to new ones in North America and elsewhere. 500’s team of partners, mentors and coaches will, we think, be one of our best resources to achieve that.


500 Startupsと言えば、Cubieはシリコンバレーで行われる500 Startupsアクセラレータープログラムに新たに参加する企業の1つでもある。Cubieのブログで、同社は、そのプログラムに参加することが同社の新市場参入にとっていかに重要なステップであるかを説明している。

「500 Startupsは設立当初から、女性のパワフルなリーダーシップと女性向けのサービスへの特化、私達が次の数か月で駆使したい強みを見せてきました。私達は、どうすればユーザーによりよいサービスを提供でき、北米やその他の国々で新しいユーザーを獲得できるかを学びたいと思います。500 Startupsチームのパートナー、メンターおよびコーチは、その目標を達成するには最高の手段の1つになると思います。」

zhizi English → Japanese
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Of course, whether or not the teachers are any good is another story entirely — teaching is not as easy as most people think — but in all honesty, if I lived in the right location I’d be tempted to sign up for a few of these classes. As you might guess from the diversity of topics, Skillcity also seems to have a good number of users for a new startup, so the class offerings should only grow as time goes on. If you want to learn a new skill, this looks like a great place to do it. And if you want to teach something, Skillcity looks like the kind of site that will be attracting a lot of students once it becomes more widely known. This is definitely one to keep an eye on.

