zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Instead of allowing all the mentioned to grow out of control, Weixin team adjusted policies to restrict the growth. For instance, it reduced the number of messages that official accounts could send to audience from three to one a day, to be less bother to users.

On the other hand, third parties came to realized that it wasn’t an almighty platform. A journalist from a local print newspaper announced they were about to drop Weixin as a prime distribution channel, saying its system isn’t good for reaching more readers and good interactions — at least not so good as Weibo (article in Chinese).



その一方で、第3者企業がWeixinは全能なプラットフォームではないことに気がついた。地元の紙版の新聞社の記者が、主要な配信チャンネルとしてWeixinを利用することをやめる予定であると発表し、同サービスのシステムはより多くの読者にアプローチして良い交流を図るには相応しくない ー 少なくともWeiboほどはよくないと述べた(中国語の記事はこちら)。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

With today’s relaunch, the focus has been on improving the user interface and design, and adding more collaboration features and integration options. The new version offers a more consistent look, better navigation, and more. It now offers an “activity stream” view which shows details of how an event has changed over time, and who on a team is resolving the bug, for example.

The new “teams” feature introduces a dashboard-like interface which serves as the hub for managing projects, and an inline event browser let developers move between similar events quickly. On the integrations side, Sentry now works with GitHub, Campfire, HipChat, Grove.io, Bitbucket, JIRA, IRC, Pivotal Tracker, Sprint.ly and Trello.



この新しい「チーム」という機能では、ダッシュボードのようなインターフェースを導入し、プロジェクト管理のハブとして利用できる。また、インラインのイベントブラウザを使えば、デベロッパーは同様のイベント間を素早く移動することができる。統合に関しては、Sentryが現在対応しているのは、GitHub、Campfire、HipChat、Grove.io、Bitbucket、JIRA、IRC、Pivotal Tracker、Sprint.ly、そしてTrelloだ。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Going forward, the founders are thinking about how they can expand Sentry beyond bug tracking.

“Historically, we’ve been a developer tool, but a big shift we’re making with our thinking and our progress with maintaining and building Sentry is that we have a bit of information – more than say, someone like Intercom or Mixpanel – we have the data about the users who are hitting the errors in your application,” Jennings explains. “We’ve recently started playing with servicing this information. Soon, we’re going to start tracking and presenting actual users, and giving you tools to recover these bad users experiences,” he adds.




zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Fab Hits 11M Members; Sales Up 300 Percent In January

On the heels of winning best ecommerce application at the Crunchies last week, design-focused retail site Fab is revealing impressive sales data for January. The site added 1 million members in the month, bringing Fab’s total membership to 11 million users (up from 1.5 million in January 2012).

While Fab doesn’t normally release monthly revenue data, the company says that January, which is traditionally a slower month for retailers after the holiday rush, saw major growth. Sales were up by nearly 300% in January 2013 over January 2012 and the month was Fab’s 3rd highest sales month ever. Revenue was 40% higher than any previous non-holiday month.



