zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Inspired by the concept of SXSW (South by Southwest) that happens annually in Austin, Texas, Masanori Hashimoto, the co-founder and CEO of Fukuoka-based tech company Nulab, wanted to hold such an event in Japan. His many friends and angel investor Taizo Son have joined forces to help, and the event finished with great success. There were more than 1,200 attendees, which is quite a remarkable number for the first-time event.

Panel discussion on Asian startup scene:

On day two of the event, I had an opportunity to moderate a 45-minute panel discussion with Taizo Son, Willis Wee (of our own Penn Olson), Serkan Toto (of TechCrunch), and Gang Lu (of Technode) who joined from Shanghai via Skype.



イベントの2日目、筆者は45分間のパネルディスカッションの司会を務めた。パネリストとして、孫泰蔵氏、Willis Wee氏(Penn Olson)、Serkan Toto氏(TechCrunch)が会場に出席し、Gang Lu氏(Technode)は上海からSkypeを通じて参加した。

zhizi English → Japanese
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However, he would like to make it possible even for elderly people to communicate with their grandchildren who might live far away. The app requires no software installation but just works with a flash-enabled web browser. Organizers of the event – some in Tokyo and others in Fukuoka – had been using the app for discussing and preparation.

Oooi (Fukuoka) – pitched by Kenji Matsuoka

Oooi is a smartphone app that allows users to share real-time location with their friends. The app was co-developed by Kyushu University’s assistant professor Yutaka Arakawa, and won the first prize at Startup Weekend Fukuoka that took place last August.



Oooi おーい(福岡)— 発表者:マツオカケンジ

zhizi English → Japanese
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IT and software companies raised $130 million in 15 deals which is twice the number of deals and thrice the capital raised during the same period last year. The IT industry also saw four IPOs in the third quarter which include popular video share website Tudou. Other Chinese tech companies prepping for IPO are Vancl, 360Buy, Lashou (reportedly filed today), 55Tuan, and YY.com.

The market is hot now and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon (or at least that’s how I feel). It looks to be a good time to be an entrepreneur with big ideas in China. If you stick with the basics and build a product that serves a need and want, then you should be on the right track.


IT/ソフトウェア企業は15回の資金調達で1億3000万ドルを集め、調達回数は昨年より倍増し、金額は3倍にものぼる。IT業界では第3四半期に4社がIPOを果たし、人気の動画共有サイトのTudou(土豆)もそのうちの1社である。その他にも、Vancl(凡客誠品)、360Buy(京東商城)、 本日IPO申請をしたと言われるLashou(拉手)、55Tuan(55団)、YY.comなどのテック企業がIPOに向け準備をしている。


zhizi English → Japanese
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$130 Million Invested in 15 Tech Ventures in China in Q3 2011

Things MUST be looking real good when capital is flowing into a country. And in China, Dow Jones says that a whopping $1.3 billion was invested in 89 venture-backed companies in Q3 2011. That is a 84 percent increase in investment and a 19 percent increase in deal flow over the same period last year.

IPOs dropped a little though, perhaps partially attributable to the VIE that scares so many companies in China, causing them to stay put with their IPO plans. A total of 29 IPOs raised $4.6 billion in Q3 2011 compared with 33 IPOs that raised $3.9 billion in the same period in 2010.



国に資本が流入していれば、状況はかなり良いに違いない。Dow Jonesによれば、中国では2011年の第3四半期にベンチャー企業が支援する89社の企業に、なんと13億ドルが投資されたようだ。去年の同時期と比べて、投資額は84%、投資件数は19%伸びている。


zhizi English → Japanese
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Alipay Express to Go Global This Month, Time for Paypal to Tremble

We’ve heard from sources in the industry that Alibaba is indeed ready to roll out its online payment platform internationally – in fact, it’ll come as soon as within two or three weeks, and it’ll almost certainly be called Alipay Express. It looks set to be hugely disruptive – especially to Paypal – as it brings the world’s largest such service to a global user-ship for the first time.

According to the same source that’s familiar with the matter, one major, recognisable brand of bank is onboard with Alipay Express already, and will be the one to launch it later this month.



業界筋によると、Alibaba(阿里巴巴)はオンライン決済プラットフォームのグローバル展開の準備がすっかり整っており、そのサービスは2〜3週間のうちに導入され、おそらく「 AliPay Express(アリペイ・エクスプレス)」と呼ばれるとのことだ。これによって、大きな障害が生まれるかもしれない。特にペイパル(PayPal)にとっては脅威となりそうだ。といのも、「アリペイ・エクスプレス」が世界最大級のサービスを提供することになるからだ。


zhizi English → Japanese
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Alipay Express looks to be based very closely on the Chinese Alipay ‘Quickpay’ service, which is a fairly recent branch of Alibaba’s payment platform that launched at the end of last year. That ties a credit card to a user’s conventional Alipay account, and has so far garnered 30 million credit card-carrying users and has been rolled out by 100 Chinese banks. Alipay’s Quickpay is used not only on the company’s own B2C or C2C sites – Tmall and Taobao, respectively – but across the vast majority of sites that take online payments in China.

It all seems familiar from the model of Ebay’s (NASQAQ:EBAY) Paypal, which has the most to lose from Alipay Express going global.




zhizi English → Japanese
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・Cloud Computing – Amazon is playing a very important role in the startup ecosystem in silicon valley as its AWS service leaves thousands of startups with no worry about the server’s capability. But for a very long time there is no Amazon in China, and Aliyun wants become the one. Developers and startups can now use it at different price.

・Cloud OS – which is going to dominate the mobile OS market, iOS, Android or WM 7? Aliyun’s answer is the Cloud OS, a highly customized Android system which can help you easily access the (HTML5-based) cloud service as well as the normal Android-based apps. Aliyun even prepares rmb 1million to run a Cloud OS application development competition.



・クラウド OS:iOS、Android、WM7、モバイルOS市場を独占するのはどれだろう?Aliyunの答えは「クラウド OS」だ。巧妙にカスタマイズされたAndroidシステムで、通常のAndroidアプリだけでなく、(HTML5)クラウドサービスにも簡単にアクセスすることができる。さらにAliyunは100万元を用意して、クラウドOSアプリ開発の競争を仕掛ける予定だ。