zhizi Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
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31 Percent of Most Innovative Companies are From Asia [Report]

Thomson Reuters has released its list of Top 100 Global Innovators, and we here at Penn Olson were pretty curious to see where Asia stacks up on its list. So looking past big tech names like Apple, Intel, and IBM we see a number of prominent Asian companies like LG, Samsung, Konami, Sharp, and Sony.

As for which countries dominate the top 100, the USA is way ahead with 40 percent, although Japan is close behind with 27 percent of the top 100 companies. South Korea is the only other Asian country listed with 4 percent of the companies (including Samsung and LG).


Thomson Reuters(トムソンロイター)が「グローバルイノベーター・トップ100社」を発表した。Penn Olsonもアジア企業がそのリストのどの辺りにランクインしているのか非常に興味があった。リストを見てみると、Apple、インテル、IMBなど、大企業の名前がずらっと並んだ後に、LG、サンソン、コナミ、シャープそしてソニーなど、多くのアジア企業がランクインしていた。


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Reuters says that its report is based on “various facets of innovation that relate to patenting and science” and that the companies that made the cut here are ones that invent on a “significant scale.”

Wondering about China? So were we. Here’s what Reuters has to say about that:

" The lack of companies from China is noteworthy and underscores the fact that
although China is leading the world in patent volume, quantity does not equate to influence and quality."

You can check out Reuters full report over at top100innovators.com to learn more. You can also browse our chart below to get an idea of the countries and industries represented.





更なる詳細は、ロイターの完全リポート top100innovators.comを参照。また、下の図を見れば、どこの国やどんな産業がトップ100社を構成しているかが大まかに把握できるだろう。

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Sina Weibo Reaches 250M Users

Sina Weibo claimed over 250 million users in its conference call for financial results dated September 30, 2011.

However, the Chinese portal site losses US$ 336.3 million in Q3 largely due to lousy investments even though Q3 revenue reached US$ 130.3 million, increased 20% year over year.

Charles Chao, Sina CEO talked about Weibo saying:”Half of our weibo users have upgraded to the new Version 4.0 since its launch in this September and we witnessed a fast user growth. Now we’ve shifted and sharpened our focus on adding more social features to weibo to enhance user traction.” He also mentioned that Sina’s advertising revenue recorded $ 100 million for the third quarter.



新浪微博(Sina Weibo)は、2011年9月30日付けの財務報告書に関する電話会議でユーザー数が2億5000万人を超えたと発表した。



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How Coca-Cola is Gamifying Vending Machines in Japan

Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) wants its customers in Japan to get to know their favorite vending machines a little better. In the company’s latest move as part of its Happiness campaign, Coca-Cola is using gamification to get people to check-in and interact with its vending machines. It seems wacky in both concept and execution but the result could be meaningful.

Coco-Cola is affixing QR codes to its vending machines across Japan. For those unaware of vending machine ubiquity in Japan, the company will have over 400,000 machines with the a QR codes by the start of the campaign.





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By the end of March 2012 there will 820,000 machines with codes affixed and what Coca-Cola considers to be a unique identity.

As part of what Coca-Cola calls the “Happiness Quest” users are motivated to scan the QR code on their favorite vending machine and create its virtual identity. This entails naming the machine and choosing its avatar from a library of 20 designs. Users can scan multiple machines and create each machine’s unique identity as a sort of catalogue of check-ins and a rolodex of virtual friends. Each user is asked to designate a single machine to be “my machine” which will communicate with the user on a more personal level.



「ハピネスクエスト」と呼ばれるキャンペーンでは、ユーザーはお気に入りの自動販売機のQRコードをスキャンしてバーチャルIDを作る。これには、その自動販売機に名前を付けて、20種類のデザインの中からアバターを選ぶことも含まれる。ユーザーは複数の自動販売機のコードをスキャンし、チェックインのカタログのようなものやバーチャルフレンドのローロデックス(回転式卓上カードファイル)のようなものとして、それぞれの自動販売機に独自のIDを作ることができる。各ユーザーは1台の自動販売機を「マイ・マシーン」に指定し、その「 マイ・マシーン」がより個人的なレベルでユーザーとつながることになる。

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This communication includes campaign news, weather information, and other relevant news.

The real game begins once user starts checking-in to machines on a regular basis. Each check-in awards the user points that can be spent to customize their machine. These virtual items include shoes, character skins, and backgrounds.

Checking-in under certain conditions will also earn the user badges. For example, a check-in on Christmas gets the user the “Merry Christmas” badge and twenty check-ins during lunch time awards the lunch time badge. There is even a badge for checking-in to vending machines across the country, a common element to these “Stamp Rally” promotions.





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The aim to further strengthen Coca-Cola’s brand loyalty is obvious. However, the Happiness Quest’s approach is noteworthy. The check-in game strives to get users interacting with its physical machines multiple times a day. The in-game rewards keep users coming back and form the check-in habit. Eventually spotting a big, red Coca-Cola vending machine on the street could evoke an emotional response, a sort of visual Pavlovian reminder to check-in and further the never ending game’s progress. Many other companies are utilizing the check-in as part of their marketing strategy. However, with its 800,000 plus machines, Coca-Cola may have the physical presence and reach to take it to a different level.



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5 Location-Based Dating Apps Worthy of Your Love

Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing.

Location-based services like Foursquare are here to stay, that much is true. For some, however, local deals and specials only go so far. That’s where location-based dating comes in. Love: there’s an app for that.

In 2009, a study by online dating site Skout noted that 69% of people were comfortable meeting up with someone they met on their iPhone, and 40% were using a mobile dating service while out at bars, clubs and restaurants.



Layla Revis氏はOgilvy PR Worldwide社デジタルインフルエンスグループの統括責任者で、国際事情、ツーリズム、多文化マーケティングを専門としている。



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2. MeetMoi

More of a small startup compared to its Match.com and OkCupid competition, MeetMoi may not boast as large an audience, but its select participation may actually work in its favor. The company’s goal is to “strip down dating to what’s essential — the introduction.”

By showing you nearby singles who meet your dating criteria, MeetMoi hopes to lead you to a real-life connection. Once you’ve joined, the company’s technology updates your location in real time, helping to introduce you to great people nearby. If you like what you see on that person’s profile, choose to connect with them immediately.





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Wowsai, a Marketplace for Indie Designers

I still remembered reading articles recalling Chinese people all wearing the same clothes back in the 1940s and 1950s before the reform and opening up. Well, that’s not the case anymore since a long time ago as China gradually turned itself into the world factory.

And then with the staggering economy development Chinese people could hands-down have access to numerous choices of clothes, accessaries among other stuff, well, mostly mass-produced. Now they’re not content with mass production anymore with their eyes more attracted to handmade stuff carefully crafted for a small group of people by indie designers.





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Hotel Finder, Uses LBS To Help You Find and Book Hotels in China

Hotel Finder (aka Jiu Dian Da Ren) is a hotel booking mobile app for China with over 30,000 hotels in its database. The app, developed by Ikamobile, is targeted at mobile users only with no desktop application.

So what’s so special about it? Nothing much really, but the app is gaining a lot of steam in China. For example, a LBS and e-commerce panel I attended last week kept pointing to Hotel Finder as a successful example of an app which has integrated LBS with e-commerce. The app, as I learned from a Ikamobile rep, has attracted more than 1 million downloads so far.


中国でのホテル探しと予約に役立つHotel Finder(酒店達人)

Hotel Finder(酒店達人)は、中国でのホテル予約ができるモバイルアプリで、中国国内3万軒以上のホテルのデータベースを保有している。このアプリはIkamobile(移花互動)が開発したもので、モバイルユーザのみにターゲットを絞っており、デスクトップ用のアプリはない。

このアプリ、何がそんなに特別なのか?別に大したことはないのだが、中国ではかなりの人気を博している。例えば、私が先週出席したLBS(位置情報サービス)とeコマースの討論会では、eコマースにLBSを取り込んだアプリの成功例としてHotel Finderが頻繁に取り上げられた。Ikamobileから聞いたところによると、同アプリのダウンロード数はこれまでに100万を超えているそうだ。

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Like many people these days I use Dropbox to send big files, specifically using the public folder in combo with this handy Applescript. But even that is not a perfect solution for me, as I usually need to pay attention to my storage limit.

My all-time favorite file-sending service, however, is the now-defunct Podmailing, which was essentially a sort of bit-torrent-meets-email super-service. That was probably the closest that I’ve seen anyone come to truly nailing the file-sending process. As XKCD pointed out once (see below) it’s still kind of sad that we have so many awesome technical advances, but have yet to really find a fool-proof solution for this problem.



だが、これまでで私が一番気に入っていたファイル送信サービスは、今はもうないのだがPodmailingだ。これは、実質的にはBit Torrentを利用して巨大ファイルをメールで送るというスーパーサービスだっだ。おそらくPodmailingは、これまでのサービスの中で完璧に一番近いファイル送信サービスだっただろう。XKCDが以前に指摘したように(下記参照)、周りには素晴らしい高度な技術あるにもかかわらず、ファイル送信については、素人でも使えるようなソリューションが未だにないのは少し悲しいことだ。