zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Jeff Bezos is No Steve Jobs — But Amazon Could Be the Next Apple

Watching Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos extol the virtues of the Amazon Kindle Fire on Wednesday, during what was probably one of the most important product presentations of his life, it occurred to me that Bezos could be the tech industry’s next Steve Jobs. This is not a new thought, or a unique one. It is, however, the wrong thought to be thinking.

Whether or not Bezos comes to be as regarded, feared and admired as the former Apple CEO is immaterial. What matters is whether or not Amazon is poised to become the next Apple.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

I know, it’s disappointing to think that Bezos is not Jobs’s heir apparent. The Amazon Kindle Fire presentation with Bezos on a large darkened stage, framed by big images of new Kindle Touches and a color screen Fire tablet behind him was thoroughly Apple-esque. Bezos paced the stage and showed commercials—just like Steve Jobs. There was also a heavy reliance on quotes from pundits. Jobs has done that too, and to good effect. Bezos, however, over-used the quotes, and read some lengthy ones in a halting manner that gummed up the whole presentation.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

For some, the Amazon-Apple comparison may seem like a stretch. Amazon’s Kindle Fire is no Apple iPad, after all. It’s smaller, less powerful and more tightly focused on pure content consumption. Unlike Apple, Amazon does not seem particularly concerned with beautiful devices. Apple builds MOMA-worthy products. Amazon builds clean, simple gadgets that give you straightforward access to their library of content and their vast array of consumer products.

Apple vs. Amazon, Not Google

I think the best way to understand why Amazon will be Apple’s true competitor is to look at the ways in which Google, often thought of as Apple’s biggest threat, is not.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Android is a highly successful Mobile platform, but no one is buying Android itself. They’re buying phones that run the OS from carriers, and they’re buying into the handset manufacturers’ brands. People look for Verizon phones, Droids (but not “Androids”), AT&T handsets, and so on. They’ll fixate on certain Android models, like the Bionic and HTC’s Incredible, but many of these devices hide their Android roots under a custom-built interface. Consumers are aware of Android tablets — but Samsung and Motorola make Tabs and Xooms, respectively, not “Androids”. No one buys an Android tablet directly from Google.



zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Everything Google is doing — even the Chrome browser it advertises on TV every day — is a background product. Even Google Search is little more than an information broker. You use it to get somewhere else, not to find and buy Google products.

More Alike Than Not

While Google is busy giving most of its products away for free and letting partners do whatever they want with them, Amazon and Apple are focused on selling products direct to consumers. They both keep a vice-like grip on their ecosystems (one app store, one home-made browser, one e-mail client, one unique interface) and ensure that customers see as little as possible of the technical underpinnings that make it all work.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

I always knew Amazon could be a formidable opponent for Apple, but it wasn’t until Bezos unveiled the Kindle Fire that I realized Amazon has positioned itself as a comprehensive provider of hardware, software and services. It has an ecosystem in place, and products that are easy to understand and use. This is Apple’s strategy, too. The biggest difference is that Amazon’s retail reach extends far beyond multimedia products and games. As of now, Apple is pretty much out of the loop when you use Safari on an iPad to shop for home furnishings. (At the same time, Apple has one huge retail advantage over Amazon: real-world stores.)

