yoppo (yoppo1026) Translations

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Over 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

If you are in a small business and doing many, many different things, such as sweeping the floors and doing errands, etc., chances are you aren't too thrilled about some of these things. And it is easy to get demoralized over this, since these types of jobs always seem to take more time than the stuff you had in mind when you opened the business.

I urge you to find some method of stepping back from the "grunt" work and reminding yourself of your ultimate goal in all of this. See yourself doing what your ultimate objective is. Once you do that, you will be able to go back to the things you have to do, secure in the knowledge that you are on your way to doing what you want to do.




yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

Give yourself a preview of success, and then you will be willing to pay the price of admission. Your motivation to pay the price for success will go up if you give yourself a picture of what it will be like once you attain your goal. Find a way to see the benefits of attaining your goal, before you start on your journey to the top. See how people that are already successful in the field you are striving to succeed in live their lives. See what kind of conditions they work under, see how they work, and see how they play, see who they associate with, etc. That will give you the extra boost of motivation you need to get started and stay on course.



yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

also I sent the invoice for the 37.00 instead of changeing the other this way if you decided which way you want it shipped you do not have to wait for me to resend the invoice, pay the one you want with a note if you want the 12 japanese and 8 english or all english

HELLO, I checked the difference in the shipping for priority it is $37.00 and it is not signature guaranteed, so if you want I can change it but with the express it is signature confirmation, whichever you prefer, also I was not aware the shipping dept was almost out of the international packageing, they only have 12 of them, I can send 12 of them and 8 of the english or all in English, please let me know if you want me to change




yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

President Obama urges Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to give sanctions more time to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Super Tuesday: Voters in ten states head to the polls to choose the Republican candidate who will face President Obama in November.
Thousands of students converge on California state's capital to protest rising college costs.
An avalanche outraces a skier in Utah but rescuers manage to save him.
Fans young and old enjoy a day at the pig races in a Texas rodeo.
In the US, at their meeting in Washington, President Obama urges more diplomacy in dealing with Iran...
...while Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu warns time is running out.



yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear, we are a seller in our country, we ship all the items to you as your required, we sincerely hope you can get the machine you have paid, so we tested the machine after everything in good conditon, then we packed it well and ship it out.Now all the machine has delivered to your country successfully, we think if you are willing to ask a clearance agent as we told you, you will get them successfully.
Dear, we are professional export company, we have sold many machines to worldwide, some of our clients have come across the condition as you .according to our experience. all the clients do as our suggestions have signed for the machine we sent out.



yoppo1026 English → Japanese
Original Text

Ask yourself if you were starting out fresh today, would you choose the same job, company, business, school, etc., that you have right now. If the answer is "no," then why are you spending time trying to hold something together that you know is not right for you now? Your time is a fixed commodity, and if you are using it up, trying to hold off the inevitable, take your finger out of the dyke and run for it. Take the steps needed in order to get yourself into a new place. No one will come to your rescue; you must pre¬pare yourself and take action, and all of this takes time. Give up on your losing situation and focus on what will work in the future, so you can start today to work on your new life.

