yakuok (yakuok) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

The moves
But how does a cheerleader go about performing this all-'important task? It is probably more instructive to look at how cheerleaders don't do it. Cheerleaders are as aware of mistakes as anyone in the game. They don't ignore them. They don't single out a player who has made a mistake and lead jeers deriding the incompetence of the player.
They are involved, watching and encouraging the team to success. They don't hide in the locker room. They cheer for everyone to do their personal best. When a player makes an outstanding play, they cheer wildly. They all work to instill confidence in the players on the field.



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

An NBA idea
Pat Riley, former coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, during the 1980s had arguably one of the best basketball teams ever assembled. After they won a world championship, Riley knew that they wouldn't be as 'hungry for success the next year. The loss of drive was a main reason that no team had repeated as an NBA champion since the early 1970s.
So to motivate his players, he quantified as many aspects of each player's game as he could. Points per game, number of assists, free throw percentage, turnovers per game, and blocked shots-all were categories that he measured. Each player knew what level he played the year before. He was given the challenge to better himself in each of these areas.


ロサンゼルス・レイカーズの前監督パット・ライリー は、1980年代、おそらく最も素晴らしいバスケットボールチームを作り上げた人物であろう。チームが世界選手権を勝ち取った後、プレイヤー達がこれまでのように栄光を望むことはないということをライリーは悟っていた。1970年代前半からこれまでに同じチームが何度もNBA覇者になることがなかった主な理由は意欲の喪失であった。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Hello Tatsuya,

Thank you for your reply. I have attached a quote for you for the items you have listed. We currently are offering an additional 6% discount on orders placed before February 10. The 6% is included in the quote. I have attached a 2012 Dealer Price list for you so you can see the prices of the products you would receive by becoming a dealer.

To open your account typically we are able to do so with a minimum of a $1000 order. So you would need approximately $400 more at dealer cost.

Does this work for you? Please let me know.






yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

If you are paying with a credit card that has a Billing Address outside the U.S., U.S. Territories, Puerto Rico, Canada, or APO/FPO - put your street address and City in the regular boxes, select "International" for your Billing State and enter the correct country, billing phone number, and any other necessary information in the "International Billing" box in the Other Information section of the Checkout Process.

Please note - on the Review page and if you go back to edit your billing information, your Billing State will appear as "AE - Armed Forces Europe" under the Billing Address section. At this time, we ship to the U.S., U.S. Territories, Puerto Rico, Canada, and APO/FPO only.


米国、米国領域、プエルトリコ、カナダ、もしくは米国空軍・海軍郵便局以外の請求先住所が登録されているクレジットカードをご利用の上お支払い頂く場合は、お客様のご住所の道路名と市町村を記入欄にご記入頂き、Billing State(請求先州)部分は「International(海外)」を選択し、正しい国名、請求先電話番号、そしてその他必要となる情報を、チェックアウト手続き上の、「International Billing(海外への請求)」ボックス内にOther Information(その他の情報)箇所にご記入ください。


yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

OptiMate 4, the acclaimed battery saving charger and maintainer, has become the new reference in motorcycle battery care due to its advanced micro processor system. The latest version is set to enhance that reputation even further!

OptiMate 4 DUAL PROGRAM includes further advancements in battery recovery and testing AND a 2nd program that automatically charges and tests through the 12V port on motorcycles fi tted with CAN-bus. KEYLESS activation and unsupervised long term battery care. THAT is NEW.
Multi-stage desulfation saves neglected batteries
Optimises battery power and life
Safe long term battery care
Charge battery DIRECT or via CAN-bus
TEST at start and
TEST every hour


節電充電器と維持装置として評価の高いOptiMate 4は、その最新鋭のマイクロプロセッサシステムをもってオートバイの新たなバッテリーケアへと進化しました。最新版のリリースによりこの製品の評価はより高いものとなるでしょう!

OptiMate 4 デュアルプログラムでは、更に進化したバッテリー・リカバリーとテスティング、また第2のプログラムではCAN-bus付属のオートバイの12Vポートを通じて自動充電とテストを行うことができます。キー無しの起動を行うことができ、ケア無しの長期バッテリーケアです。確かにそれって斬新ですよね。

yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, thank you for your payment. I'm planning to ship your jacket out Monday afternoon, so it should be picked up with the Tuesday morning mail. You'll get an email with tracking info. I can ship with First Class mail for the shipping amount I charged you. It can take 10 business days or more to arrive. If you would like the jacket sooner, I can ship Priority Mail, which costs $48, so i would need an additional $18. I just thought I'd give you the option. the Priority Mail service comes with free insurance. Let me know what you prefer, and your jacket will go out in the mail Monday. Thanks!



yakuok English → Japanese
Original Text

Study: Only 1% of Facebook 'Fans' Engage With Brands
Not Many Fans Are Creating Content, But That Might Not Be a Bad Thing
For a few years now, brands have been touting frothy Facebook "like" numbers as evidence of their social-media acumen. But how many of those fans are actually bothering to take part in conversation with brands?

Not too many, as it turns out.

Slightly more than 1% of fans of the biggest brands on Facebook are actually engaging with the brands, according to a study from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, an Australia-based marketing think tank that counts Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola and other major advertisers as its supporters.





Procter & GambleやCoca-Cola社、そしてその他の大手広告主を支援者として抱えるオーストラリアを拠点とするマーケティング分野のシンクタンクであるEhrenberg-Bass Instituteの調査によると、Facebook上の大手ブランドのファン全体に対してわずか1%強のファンのみが実際にブランドとのつながりを持っている、と示されている。