Masaki.Y (white_elephant) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Business Science Energy Machinery
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

In iOS 8, add a label to your domain name

To resolve a .local top-level domain over multicast in iOS 8, you can use any two-label name, such as "example.local". This is
compliant with the IANA assignment of the local domain to Bonjour.

You can also configure names with three or more labels ("host.example.local") to use unicast DNS:
.Make sure the Domain Name Server has a SOA (Start of Authority) record ".local".
.Or use a subdomain of ".local", such as "example.local". In this case, you can add a two-label search domain like example.local and
either have an SOA record for example.local or one for ".local".


iOS 8においてはあなたのドメイン名にラベルを追加してください。

iOS 8におけるマルチキャストに関するローカルトップレベルドメインを解決するには、あなたは「example.local」などの何らかの2つのラベルの名称を利用することができます。これはBonjourに対するローカルドメインのIANA割り当てに準拠しています。

あなたはまた、ユニキャストのDNSを利用するために、3つ以上のラベルの名称(例えばhost.example.local) を設定することもできます。:
あるいは、「example.local」などの「.local」のサブドメインを利用します。この場合には、あなたはexample.local などの2ラベルドメイン検索を追加することができ、example.localに対するSOAレコード又は「.local」に対するSOAレコードのどちらかをかを持っています。

white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

I would like to buy a tamahagane kamisori, sharped as per used to shave again, but I'm not sure wich ones would be better and durable. I have been checking this nagamasa and some teramasa, and I would like to spend no more uf USD 500 (honing included). Could you recommend me two or three of your kamisori that would fit to my needs?Another question. Do you have historical references about teramasa and nagamasa blacksmitting?

Every Inoue Tousuke razor I like. There is big difference between older razor and new one like this one. I feel my older one has more carbon content than this newer one. Doesn't matter very much unless collector, but for me just shaving. Very good razor.




white_elephant English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Every year miliions of bags get lost in transit or left in taxis,hotels,restaurants,and other public places Although many of these bags are found,many are never reunited with their owners because the lD tag has fallen off or there was never one to begin with. Losing your bag can be costly
and devastating,but rnore importantly rnany of the items you carry in your bag are non- replaceable
To help insure that your lost bag is returned,Hartmann has developed the GRS.The heart of the program is the 12-character individual lD and barcode tag permanently attached inside your Hartmann bag. Once you purchase and register your bag,this unique ID is entered into our database along with your name and address.



white_elephant English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Here's how it works:when the person who finds yourlost bag either calls the toll- free* number on the GRS tag or goes online at to report the found bag,Hartmann will match the 12-character individual lD form the GRS tag with your name and address,provided that you have registered your bag in the system. We will notify you,arrange pickup,and then arrange for delivery of your bag.

Hartmann,the oldest name in luggage and business cases(sinCe 1877),now offers the GRS service,along with our other fine programs,exclusively to our customers at no additional cost.VVe hope you enioy your Hartmann product and continue to choose Hartmann for yourluggage,business case and accessory needs.


どのように機能するか:あなたの紛失したバッグを発見した人はGRSタグにある料金無料の電話番号に電話するかオンラインで へ行き発見したバッグを報告します。ハートマンはGRSタグの12文字の専用IDフォームからシステムにあなたのバッグの登録のために提供されたあなたのお名前と住所を探し出します。当社はあなたに通知し、あなたのバッグを回収する手配をし、配達の手配をします。


white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

Applicable restrictions to the GRS program may be obtained from Hartmann at l-888‐4‐Hartmann or at

*1-888-4-Hartmann is toll-free only it called from wlthin the continental u.s.If you are Outslde the u.s. pleasee dial 1-XXX.

You MUST register your Hartmann product to activate and use the GRS program.

Call 1-888-4-XXX or register online at wlth your 12-charader lD.

You will need a secret password for added security.Hartmann holds all consumer information in confidence and will not share your information,

To keep a recordrd of your Hartmann GRS ID,fill in the 12-character lD and security password on the perforated card to the rlght and keep it in your purse or wallet.





電話番号1-888-4-XXX またはオンラインでにてお客様の12文字のIDを登録ください。


お客様のハートマン製品のGRD IDの記録を保存するために右側にあるミシン目のあるカードの12文字のIDとセキュリティパスワードをお客様の財布などに保管ください。

white_elephant English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Uses new technology to eliminate poor intonation common with ukuleles.

By compensating the distance between the first fret and the nut we are able to make open chords sound as smooth as silk.

The Movable Saddle: Traditional straight saddles on a ukulele or any other fretted instrument are detrimental to good intonation. With nylon strings even “compensated saddles” are a complete fallacy. The issue is that nylon strings are by their nature, inconstant. After much testing we found the only way to improve on this is to create movable saddle technology to allow the player to adjust the amount of compensation for each string. No tools are required and adjusting the intonation is as easy as pouring milk on cereal.





white_elephant English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Hope you understand. I can ask the factory to be super careful and I will insist that they ship the cage back to you ASAP. We are now using 〇〇 OEM factory
in Taiwan to manufacture the cages. Taiwan is close to Japan and they can ship to you directly. I am sure you know this factory since you and Tanaka-San are friends :-)

My guarantee to you is if anything happens and needs restoration, 〇〇 will cover all costs incurred. Please don’t feel obligated also. I'd understand if you are not
comfortable with this. Let me know either way.

Just a quick question. I think our E4X arms will work great with your cage. Currently do you have any issues with stock arms. Does it hit the side fenders?


理解してほしいです。私は工場に非常に注意深くあるように依頼しており、私は彼らにケージをあなたへできるだけ早く返送するように支持してあります。私たちは現在台湾の〇〇 OEM 工場にケージを製造委託しています。台湾は日本に近く彼らは直接日本に出荷できます。あなたと田中さんは友人なのであなたはこの工場をご存じだと思います。

私があなたに対して保証するのは何か生じて回復が必要な場合に、発生するすべての費用を 〇〇が負担することです。強制するわけではありません。私はあなたがこれに不満はないと理解しています。いずれにして私にお知らせください。


white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

Today, the police led by Pol Maj Ge Pisit Pao-in, commander of the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) announced the plan to check on Thai citizens’ Line conversations. Latest news from mthai confirms that the police agency had asked Line Corporation in Japan to cooperate. If it agrees, all 15 million Line user names in Thailand, along with our conversations will be sent to the police.

The Nation reported that the Police had requested the same with other social network websites, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc, but had failed with other operators as they were mostly from the US and did not allow such investigation.


今日、 テクノロジー犯罪撲滅部隊(TCSD)の司令官Pol Maj Ge Pisit Pao-inに率いられた警察はタイ市民のLine上での会話をチェックする計画を発表しました。mthai からの最新ニュースによると警察庁が日本のLine Cororationに協力を要請したことを確認しています。もし同意が得られれば、タイの1500万人のLineユーザの名前とともに我々の会話は警察へもたらされることになるでしょう。

政府は警察が他のソーシャルネットワークサイトWhatsapp、 Facebook、 Twitterなどにも同様の要請を行ったが、それらはほとんどアメリカからのものでそのような調査は認められないので他の運用者とは失敗に終わっています。

white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

The police claims this is just a pre-caution act as more Thai people are on the social networks. After all, it’s the police authorities job to see if anyone violates the law or threatens national security.

Of course, this announcement caused such outrage on the online community as Thais feel it violates their rights. I have seen complaints all over my Facebook feed and Twitter Timeline. Some even commented that they’d consider other social chats such as Whatsapp and WeChat as their alternative if their Line accounts are being watched. Thai’s social media influencers, Kafaak and YokeKung are among the first who show their concerns on this matter.



もちろん、この声明はタイ人は彼らの権利の侵害であると感じたのでオンラインのコミュニティーにおいて不満を生じさせた。FacebookのフィードやTwitterのTimelineには不平不満ばかりが寄せられています。Whatsapp や WeChat などの他のソーシャルチャットはLineのアカウントが監視された場合の代替手段だと思うというコメントまで出ました。この件に関して最初に疑念を示した中にはソーシャルメディアでの影響力を持つ Kafaak と YokeKung が入っています。

white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

For about $200, Kickstarter backers could get an Emotiv Insight, but that option has run out already; the next cheapest option is to get the device at $229. Most of the devices will ship by March 2014, so it’s still a while to wait. But for folks wanting to pay the extra $700 or more, they can get it shipped by January 2014. At the rate that the Kickstarter program has been going, it’s foreseeable that Emotiv will hit $1 million at the end of its crowdfunding campaign.

UPDATE: If the Emotiv Insight does hit the $1 million milestone, the company is going to add an extra gyroscope and an extra accelerometer to the device, thus giving each one even more capability and versatility in terms of application.


ベンチャー起業家の支援者は約$200でEmotiv Insightを購入しますが、その選択肢は今では尽きてしまいました。次の安上がりな選択肢は$229でそのデバイスを購入することです。デバイスの多くは2014年3月までに出荷される予定です。ですからしばらく待つことになります。しかし$700以上を別に支払うことを望む市民に対しては2014年の1月までに出荷されます。 Kickstarter プログラムの通りのレートでEmotiv はクラウドファンディングキャンペーンの終わりには$100万に到達することが予想されます。

最新情報:もしEmotiv Insight が$100万の節目に到達したら会社は追加のジャイロスコープと追加の加速度計をデバイスに追加装備するつもりで、それ故に応用の観点では各々に更なる性能と多才さを与えることになります。

white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

Brainwave or braindead?

Despite the Insight’s awesome iterations and sleek new design, it’s unclear to me yet what is the key killer application for the Insight. The EPOC was especially helpful for disabled people who could use it to interact with computer interfaces, or to command something as simple as moving a wheelchair forwards and backwards. But for the the average consumer, it’s hard for me to see the real world applications. Of course, for a device that allows you to control computer environments with your thoughts, this might be great for gaming. The question is, is it fast enough to beat out a simple controller or keyboard? Time will tell.



Insightのかっこいい反復とスマートな新デザインにもかかわらず、Insightのアプリケーションの最強のキーとなるものが何かが私にはまだはっきりとしません。EPOC は障害を持つ人にとってはコンピュータインタフェースを操作したり、車いすを前や後ろに動かすのと同じくらいに単純にコマンドを送って使用するのに役に立ちました。しかし平均的な消費者にとっては実世界のアプリケーションを探すのは私には難しいです。もちろんあなたの考えでコンピュータの環境をコントロールすることができるデバイスにとってはゲームに最適かもしれません。問題は単純なコントローラやキーボードを打ち負かすに十分なくらい速いかということです。時間が経てばわかるでしょう。

white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

When an item returns to our warehouse as customer damaged or defective, it is put into unfulfillable status. We do not credit the sellers in this case. Also, by using FBA, the seller gives Amazon full control over handling fulfillment and customer service, and that we (Amazon) “…reserve the right to make case-by-case exceptions and accept returns for units fulfilled through FBA that may be outside these guidelines.”
This policy is located in Section 7.5.1 of the FBA Manual:
In order to appraise the unit yourself, please create a removal order. You can request to have your inventory returned to you from Seller Central on the Inventory Amazon Fulfills page.



white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Check the boxes next to the items you want removed from Amazon's fulfillment centers, select "Create Removal Order" from the Apply to Selected pull-down menu and click "Go."
2. On the next page, enter the shipping address and quantity for each item and click "Continue."
3. Review the Order Summary, which includes the shipping speed, the estimated cost and weight, and the shipping address.
4. Click "Place Order."

Returns can take 10 to 14 days to pick, pack and ship. Until they are picked from inventory, Fulfillable items will remain listed on and can be purchased by customers. If this occurs, the remaining quantity will be shipped minus any sold quantity.


1. Amazonの補充センターから撤回を希望する商品の横のボックスにチェックを入れ、プルダウンメニューから「注文撤回を作成」を選択しGoをクリックしてください。
2. 次のページで出荷先アドレスと各商品の数量を入力し"Continue." をクリックしてください。
3. 出荷スピード、見積もられる費用と重量、出荷先アドレスを含む注文内容を確認してください。
4. "Place Order." をクリックしてください。

返品は集荷、荷造り、配送で10から14日かかります。倉庫からそれらが集荷されるまでに充当可能な商品は にリストに載せられたままですし、顧客刃購入できます。この場合には残存数は販売された数量を差し引いたものが配送されます。

white_elephant English → Japanese
Original Text

We do consider this and would certainly work to improve our surveillance over violating buyers. Having said that, we at Amazon genuinely consider seller experience as the prime factor in our day to day operations.

We genuinely believe that doing the right thing for the customer builds a larger, happier community of customers and therefore increases sales of all merchandise on We do understand your view for the return policy, that the buyer might be misusing the system, please note that we have taken necessary measures to identify buyers misusing our system by checking automatically as well as manually and will certainly take necessary action if identified.


