eleanor (translation4u) Translations

5.0 4 reviews
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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
translation4u English → Japanese
Original Text

I email you late last night in detail how i am going to ship your amplifiers to you.
To anwser your question these amplifiers are large and heavy,
It can not be pack together in one box.
It comes with two heavy duty original factory box weight approximately 70 lbs each. The box dimension are 19"wide x 6.7" High X 19" Deep.
I copy and paste my email to you late evening, please read the following message. Thanks Please reply.
I plan to shipp these my self through UPS because through Ebay or Paypal they rejected the declared value of $2500 although these amplifiers worth more than this amount. you will be happy with these amps i took good care and its in MINT codition.



translation4u English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

To be hones their communication is terrible. We had holiday yesterday but it was only one day. This is actually very normal for them. The only tour heads I can get are the T serical number Taylor drivers and the dot heads.

I can do five sets this week and the other three sets next for $215 each shipped. Let me know and I will send invoice to you.

Sorry, but we don't have anymore RBZ Tour issue 3 woods right now.
Currently, we only have the RBZ, R11S Driver, Rescue and Burner Rescue Tour Heads in stock. If you would like those, we could offer them to you.
In the future, we could put you on a list of customers we send out emails to for the Tour Heads whenever we get them.




申し訳ありませんが、RBZ Tour issue 3 ウッドはただ今のところ在庫がありません。
現在、在庫としてはRBZ、R11S Driver、Rescue、とBurner Rescue ツアーヘッドだけです。


translation4u English → Japanese
Original Text

Trust me on this, a week from now the extra 300 won't be missed, but the chance to get this watch at such a price may be gone.
They are sold out at all my urrent vendors, and the only other one for sale is sitting at around 2500 with no apparent desire to lower the price anytime soon. In fact I think they will probably raise their price once they discover that it is sold out! Let me know if this is ok with you, and if possibe, I wouldlike to ubmit to you a iret invoice fomr my store, so that we can save a substantial ammountin fees, and pass the savings on to you in the form of this reduced price.


それらは私の現在の取引業者のもとで売り尽くされ、販売用のもう一点がすぐに価格を下げようという明確な意思もなく、およそ2500ドルぐらいで置かれています。 実際、それが売切れになったと分かった際には恐らく価格が引き上がると思います。これでよろしければお知らせください。もし可能なら、私のショップの請求書をお送りしたいです。その結果として私達は互いにかなりの手数料をセーブできるし、請求書上にある割引価格にてそのセーブした分をあなたに還元できます。

translation4u English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for the recent order with DNA Footwear. We will be glad to ship your purchase to you right away; however, the shipping address you provided did not match the registered credit card street address. At your earliest convenience, please call the phone number on the back of your credit card and ask them to add an alternate shipping address to the account. After you have done so, kindly e-mail us back with the 800 number on the back of the card that can direct us to the issuing bank so that we are able to verify the address and ship immediately. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this is necessary for fraud prevention and is in the best interest of the customer.



translation4u English → Japanese
Original Text

These items are not "new / unused", they are "Used Vintage / Antique Items" that have been around for many years. Most of these items are listed as "good vintage condition", please expect normal age related wear. Any issues not considered normal will be noted and pictures taken. If you have any concerns about an item that is not noted in the description, ASK QUESTIONS before you place a bid or buy ! We are not experts in any one field. All descriptions are strictly based on our knowledge of each item. Please read the Listing and view all pictures, (which are part of the Listing). All items are sold "AS IS / AS FOUND". Any "Returns" will be handled on an individual case following Ebay's Policies .


これらの出品アイテムは“新品 / 未使用”ではなく、多くの年数が経っている“中古ビンテージ / アンティークアイテム”です。これらアイテムの多くは“ビンテージで良い状態”なものとして出品されており、通常の経年変化があることをご考慮ください。通常とは異なる状態については説明または写真を加えます。出品の説明書きに記載されていないアイテムに関するご照会事項がある場合はご入札前に質問してください。我々はすべての点において専門家ではありません。すべての出品説明事項は個々のアイテムについての我々の知識に基づいております。出品説明欄と写真(出品記述の一部でもあります)をすべてご覧ください。すべての出品商品は現状販売となっております。いかなる返品もEbayのポリシーに従って個々に処理されます。

translation4u English → Japanese
Original Text

You are purchasing a completed doll as shown . This is not a kit but I do mention which kit it was made from. I list all dolls in auction form with a limited time bid on price. At the end of the auction if not sold it will be relisted at the higher buy it now price until it sells. Take advatage of the additional savings and bid early and save.This doll is of the same quality as those you will see at much higher prices at auction as well as in stores. I also try to take accurate pictures of the doll in many light conditions so that you can see exactly what you are bidding on.

