toka Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago Male 40s
Taipei, Taiwan
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Traditional) Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
toka English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 62-3
As Gates pointed out back in the late 1990s, shortly before he appointed long time colleague and friend Steve Ballmer to the CEO spot: 'The only real disagreement Steve Ballmer [Gates' right-hand man at the time] and I ever had was when he joined the company. We had 25 people. He said, "We have to hire about 50 more people to deal with all this opportunity." I said, "No way, we can't afford it." I thought about it for a day and said, "Okay, you just hire as fast as you can, and only good people, and I'll tell you when you get ahead of the sanity picture." Here we are at 24,000 people now and still the key constraint is bringing in great people.’


ページ 62-3
1990年代後半、長い間の同僚のスティーブ・ボールマー氏をCEOに任命した少し前にゲイツ氏が指摘したよう、”唯一スティーブ・ボールマー(その当時ゲイツ氏右腕だった)と本当に意見が食い違ったのは、彼が会社に加入した時だった。私たちは25人の従業員がいた。彼は”このチャンスに対応するには後50人ほど雇わないと”と言った。私は”不可能だ、そんな余裕はないよ。”と返した。その事について一日考えて、彼に”よし、可能な限り早く雇ってくれ、それも良い人材のみを、君が正気を通り越すときに君に言うよ。” 現在の従業員数は24,000人おり、重要な条件は素晴らしい人を連れてくることだ。”

toka English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 59-2
When required, Gates would even personally intervene in the recruitment process. Say, for example, a particularly talented programmer needed additional persuasion to join the company, then they were likely to receive a personal call from Gates.

Stars like to work wherever the best in their field congregate. Sometimes, too, the top programmers seek out former colleagues and persuade them to join Microsoft. Back in 1981, for example, Gates recruited Charles Simonyi from Xerox PARC. Simonyi, who has been described as the 'father of Microsoft Word', in turn helped persuade others to join. 'In terms of hiring great people, how do we hire all these people? It's by word of mouth', Gates noted.


ページ 59-2

主役たちは自分たちの分野で一番の人たちが集まった所で仕事をしたがる。時にはトップのプログラマーたちが以前の同僚をマイクロソフトに入るように説得する。例えば、ゲイツ氏は1981年にチャールズ・シモニーをXeroxからリクルートしている。マイクロソフト ワードの生みの親とされているシモニー氏は、同様に他の人を加入するように説得した。“いい人材を雇うにはどうすればいいのか?それは口からでる言葉だ”ゲイツ氏はそう言っている。

toka English → Japanese
Original Text

Could you please return it back to us?So that we can check it out and solve your problem.because we want to return it back to the manufacturer to ask them to mend it and improve our service.
We appreciate your great understanding.
We will resend a new machine to you or refund your partial payment as soon as we get the returned parcel.Is that OK?
We really want to serve you 100% satisfaction,at the same time,we want to improve our service.
In order to offer better service,sometimes we need to your kind and close cooperation,Your kind and good understanding will be highly appreciated and valued.
If you have any question,PLS feel free to contact us by email via eBay system.We normally reply email within 48 hours



toka English → Japanese
Original Text

Baidu reorganized its mobile internet businesses to set up a ‘Baidu Mobile|Cloud Computing Division’ with a sharper focus on mobile industry and probably mobile OS.

Though Baidu phone seems to be slightly cheaper when comparing to some smartphones such as iPhone 4 (RMB 3998 and iPhone 4S currently is not available in China yet) and Samsung Galaxy S2 Lite (RMB 3999), but in a market dominated by smartphones priced between RMB 1500 – 2500 (US$ 235 – 392), Baidu’s mobile has no price advantage over its counterparts made by HTC, Huawei or Lenovo. And we have no idea of the specification yet, is it worth the price tag? Let’s wait and see.

According to our previous report, Baidu phone might be OEMed by Dell.


百度はモバイル事業(おそらくモバイルOSも)に専念するために、モバイル インターネット ビジネスを再建し、”百度モバイル/クラウド コンピューティング部門”を設けた。

百度 PhoneはiPhone 4(RMB 3998, iPhone 4Sはまだ中国では販売されていない)やSamsung Galaxy S2 Lite(RMB 3999)より少しばかりやすいが、市場にはRMB 1500から2000(US$ 235 - 392)のスマートフォンが普及しており、百度 Phoneは決して価格では同じような機種のHTC, Huawei, Lenovoには優位には立てない。スペックはまだ明らかになっておらず、販売価格にみあう価値があるかって?様子をみようじゃないか。

私たちの以前のレポートよると、百度 PhoneはDellのOEMかもしれない。

toka English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 35-2
Former colleagues at Microsoft agree that Gates' technical knowledge gave him an edge. 'He has the ability to ask the right question. He'll know some intricate detail about a program and you wonder: "How does he know that?'" says Brad Silverberg, who was Part of the Windows development team.

Gates himself claimed to be able to recall 'huge slabs' of code many years after he had last tinkered with it. In the old days, he would personally review every line of code. As both Microsoft and the CEO's role grew, that was no longer possible. However, Gates retained a keen interest in all new Microsoft products, as was clear when he assumed the title of Chief Software Architect in 2000


