石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Male 70s
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP) is a computer algorithm for use in Internet communication, whose goal is to make abuse of server resources infeasible. It is an implementation of a proof-of-work system (POW).
The idea of the CPP is to require all clients connecting to a server to correctly solve a mathematical puzzle before establishing a connection, if the server is under attack. After solving the puzzle, the client would return the solution to the server, which the server would quickly verify, or reject and drop the connection. The puzzle is made simple and easily solvable but requires at least a minimal amount of computation on the client side.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Yes we lost the transmission due to a hot converter. It boiled out the fluid 3 times do to getting very hot. We changed the transmission at the fuel pit at race mile 512 and we were only an hour down on time, but electrical issues would cause the light to go out on the truck after that. Driver Gary was not willing to get stuck in the dark so we pulled out of the race at mile 567. We were running with the leaders all day and Mark did a great job for 500 miles!!

Send me your address and I’ll ship you a Large shirt, and Hat.

We are racing this weekend in Las Vegas for the Best in the Desert race final.

Happy holidays




チームは、今週の週末は、ラスべガスで、 Best in the Desert レースの決勝に出る。


tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Mmmmm. Enlightenment.

Long ears signify past wealth, a big head represents the disconnection between mind and body, a tuft of hair symbolizes great inner wisdom, and a giant fried dough topped with pink frosting and rainbow jimmies equals deliciousness.

With a pretzel in one hand, and beads in another, Homer passes down the oral tradition of donut eating. From THE SIMPSONS and Kidrobot comes Homer Buddha in 7-inch vinyl, inspired by THE SIMPSONS episode “Goo Gai Pan,” in which Homer poses as Buddha to gain entry into an orphanage in China. Available beginning September 6 for $50 US (£40.10 UK, €46.50 EU) at Kidrobot stores, kidrobot.com, and select retailers worldwide





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Concise clips and accurate explanations take the aspiring SUP river paddler from the ins and outs of mellow river paddling to the advanced techniques of paddling class II & III rapids. Viewers will learn how to read rapids, peel in and out of the current, make dynamic eddy turns, perform river specific paddle techniques, and surf endless river waves. RiverSUP also includes five bonus movies including a segment on the world’s first river stand up paddling championship and a scenic and exciting photo video adventure.
Tips from Charlie MacArthur
Surfing action from the Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park
The world's first Whitewater SUP Championship




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

“We know that plastic is ingested by a broad range of organisms. What concerns me most is that these plastics are loaded with pollutants, such as fertilisers, because the plastic acts as a sponge for other things.

“This can be transferred via small fish to bigger fish and then us. It impacts the whole food chain. There has been research that shows toxins from plastics are causing tumours on the livers of some fish.”

Reisser said the true number of plastic particles is likely to be far higher than 4,000 pieces per square kilometre, due to the difficulty in counting extremely small pieces. Most of the particles found by Reisser measured less than 5mm across.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The waters around Australia are riddled with more than 4,000 tiny pieces of plastic per square kilometre, posing a threat to marine life and humans, new research has found.

The study, conducted by the University of Western Australia and CSIRO, found the vast majority of plastic particles were polyethylene and polypropylene, used to create disposable packaging, such as water bottles, and fishing equipment.

Researchers took seven voyages along Australia’s coastline, finding plastic concentrations were heaviest near Sydney and Brisbane, although the remote region of south-west Tasmania was also inundated with plastic, potentially swept in by the Antarctic current.





tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

The state of the No. 4 reactor has been a particular concern because all the fuel at the unit, which was shut down for checks when the crisis hit, lies inside a spent-fuel pool that is perched on the damaged reactor’s upper floors. Experts had warned that leaving the fuel assemblies atop a structurally compromised building was extremely dangerous.

Over the past months, Tepco has focused on devising a plan to place the fuel assemblies in a steel cask, which will be lifted out of the water and transported by trailer to a more secure fuel pool on the ground. To prevent the nuclear fuel assemblies from overheating, engineers must keep them covered with water.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Could you please put a record on super loud or something when you are FUCKING?? I'd really appreciate NOT having to hear every single trust [sic] and moan right through the fucking wall. And I'm SURE you'd rather not share THAT info with complete strangers. Luckily for me, it never lasts very long.

My, my! How lovely to meet you in this incredibly tactful, kind + civilized manner. Did you really need to post your hissyfit on my door like a whiney scarlet letter? ... Your obvious frustration from my pleasure saddens + confuses me. I'm not yelling, or anything terribly disrespectful. Apparently, we have the thinnest walls on Earth because -- I assure you -- the moans you're so upset by are masturbation induced.


ファックしてる時は大音量のレコードでもかけてくれないかな??? 突きの一回一回もうめき声も、いまいましい壁越しに聞かないで済めばまことにありがたいよ。それに、きっと、そういった情報をまったくの他人と分け合いたくはないだろうに。幸いなことに、あんまり長い時間続いてはいないものの。

おや、おや!こんな信じられないほど気の利いた、親切な、プラス礼儀正しいやり方でお知り合いになれるなんてすばらしい。本当にあなたのかんしゃくを、不機嫌な緋文字のようにこちらのドアに張り付けなきゃならないものですかね? … 私の喜びからあなたが露骨に欲求不満を起こしているのが、悲しく、プラス戸惑わされています。私は大声を上げているのではありませんし、ことさら失礼も言うつもりもありません。どうやら、私たちは地上で最も薄い壁のようですね、というのも -- 確かなことは -- お腹立ちのうめき声というのは、マスターベーションによるものなので。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

As an example we suggest sellers to accept returned items whenever possible in the interest of customer service. That said, it is up to the individual seller to determine what action provides the most appropriate customer service for each situation.

In cases where you think the buyers have got the product and still claiming to have not got the product, you may advise them to file a guarantee claim. Once any guarantee claim is filed we hear comments from both the sellers and buyers, we ask you to respond with specific details regarding the item and shipment and then make a decision to either grant or deny any guarantee claim.




tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I do understand your view that buyer might be misusing the system, please note that we have taken measures to identify buyers misusing our system and will certainly take necessary action if required. There are systemic as well as manual checks in place to avoid any buyer violations. Also rest assured that we have a system in place to monitor the buying activities as well. Our system identifies buyers with any suspicious activity and block them from purchasing items from Amazon.com. We also have systems in place to identify and penalize any buyer who would like to take advantage of our buyer policies.



tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

I also need for you to leave me a positive feed back as soon as you have received Victoria and have found everything to your satisfaction.You must do this before I give you a feed back because the importance of this high value Reborn Doll and the feed back is important for all the buyers and Sellers.The reason I tell you this is because, I have bought items from Buyers and after I leave them a feedback,I have a hard time getting them to leave me a feed back and that is bad for business.Understand?So,please write back to me with a reply to this message,and the other message I have send you.I need to always be in touch with you until you have received Victoria and have examined her.


お客様ががビクトリアを受け取られて、なにもかもご満足いただき次第に、良好なフィードバックをいただく必要があります。この高価値のリボーンドール(Reborn Doll )重要性から、またそのフィードバックが全買い手および売り手にとって重要であることから、これは、私からフィードバックを差し上げる前に行っていただかなければなりません。こう申し上げますわけは、私は何度も買い手から商品を買いましたが、彼らにフィードバックを残した後では、私にフィードバックを残してもらうのは難しい仕事になり、商売に悪影響があるからです。お分かりでしょうか?ですので、どうか、このメッセージへと、お送りしました他のメッセージへのご返事をください。お客様がビクトリアをお受け取りになり、彼女を検査しおえられるまで、私は常にあなたとご連絡を取らせていただきます。

tatsuoishimura English → Japanese
Original Text

Built on three key industry pillars – ‘a diversity of destinations’, ‘unrivalled business opportunities’, and ‘the high quality of Thailand’s MICE professionals’ – the new, and indeed very high quality branding is expected to give a boost to Thailand’s 5-Year Master Plan (2012-2016) to boost the MICE sector and help attract almost one million MICE travellers from overseas in 2014.

“The MICE industry has always played a key role in driving the broader economy, earning revenues of approximately 80 billion baht or about 2.66 billion US dollars per year,” said Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, President of TCEB. “I believe that the ‘Thailand CONNECT’ campaign will help drive further MICE sector growth.”


3本の主要な産業の柱 – 『目的地の多様性』、『他の追随を許さない商機』、および『タイのMICE専門家たちの高い品質』 – の上に築き上げられた、新しい、またまさしく非常に高い品質のブランディングが、タイのMICEセクターを押し上げ、2014年に海外からほぼ100万人に達するMICE旅行客を引きつけるための助けとなる5ヶ年マスタープラン(2012-2016)に弾みをつけることが期待されています。

「MICE産業は常に、より広範な経済を活発にし、1年でおよそ800億バーツ、すなわち約26億6,000万米ドルの収益を上げる上での、中心となる役割を演じました」と、Nopparat Maythaveekulchai TCEB理事長は述べました。「『タイCONNECT』キャンペーンが、更なるMICEセクターの成長を推進する助けになるものと、私は思っています」と。